Cate's Diary

That does not sound good at all, I have had plenty of ultrasounds that have induced a small amount of pain (discomfort) when going over injured areas but nothing that has really hurt or made the problem worse.
It wasn’t good. Usually if anything hurts you would at least get a “ sorry, but I had to do that” or something similar, but it happened quite a few times & all he said was “Some people just have very sensitive legs”.
That always sounds so nice and cozy :)
It is, Liza but boy am I sick of being so inactive!
I agree with Tru, that doesn't sound normal to hurt and bruise the area you are having looked at. It's so weird they are being so casual and rough about something that hurts enough that you aren't walking.
I really felt that he was insensitive to my pain.
Sorry to hear you are in discomfort with the leg, Cate.

I have lots of friends who have been with their partners for years and all seem very happy, so maybe it is possible? 'Perfect' probably doesn't exist. R doesn't seem to have any trouble getting girlfriends anyway, at least you have that. :) And he's not that old really.
Thanks, Em.

I have felt really out of sorts this week & it’s the pain. It’s pretty constant. G was about to take Arch for a walk & I went too. We drove down to the letterbox & parked & then G took him for an extended walk & I drove back home. I have since given Arch a bath & some grooming.
I rang the medical centre & the results of the ultrasound are not there yet. I may as well wait until my Thursday ap’t now, which is a half hour one.
I’m going to be away on Monday for a couple of nights & will do some walking.
R rang this morning & was really positive. He & H transformed his house on Mon & Tues & he found his missing wallet with it’s cards etc. He had booked driving lessons & is back at work & it feels good. They are being very supportive.
Sorry to hear you are feeling out of sorts Cate.
but it happened quite a few times & all he said was “Some people just have very sensitive legs”.
That does sound really insensitive, for sure.

I hope you'll be able to get some relief from the pain soon and that you'll be able to resume more normal activity. I remember how depressed I felt when I had a bad back for about 6 weeks and was really unable to do much of anything. It can be so terrible.

R rang this morning & was really positive. He & H transformed his house on Mon & Tues & he found his missing wallet with it’s cards etc. He had booked driving lessons & is back at work & it feels good. They are being very supportive.
So good to hear!
Thanks, Liza. He was very insensitive, but I'll try to get over it. I'll go somewhere else next time I think.
I hope the pain will go away soon, too. It is starting to really get me down.
R sent me a message & the greater Hobart region is going into lockdown for 3 days. Some idiot came into Tasmania without a pass, got taken to a quarantine hotel & escaped, was found, tested positive to covid& is refusing to wear a mask apparently. R's workplace thinks they'll just do takeaways tonight. I'll hear more later. We were doing so well! It was inevitable, but it sucks.
Our spare fridge, which we have in the garage died yesterday or today, so now I'll have to buy a new one. Nothing got spoiled, luckily as I haven't trusted it for ages. I'll get one that will fit in the kitchen space so that it can be the good one when it dies.
Usually if anything hurts you would at least get a “ sorry, but I had to do that” or something similar, but it happened quite a few times & all he said was “Some people just have very sensitive legs”.
What an @$$#0£€! That's more than just bad bedside manner.
Some idiot came into Tasmania without a pass, got taken to a quarantine hotel & escaped, was found, tested positive to covid& is refusing to wear a mask apparently.
Seriously: what is wrong with people? I hope someone with deep pockets sues him for the economical damages caused by the lockdown. Doesn't matter if he has to pay up or not: I want him to understand he's messing things up for everyone.
What an @$$#0£€! That's more than just bad bedside manner.

Seriously: what is wrong with people? I hope someone with deep pockets sues him for the economical damages caused by the lockdown. Doesn't matter if he has to pay up or not: I want him to understand he's messing things up for everyone.
I agree, LaMa. I try to not go on when something happens like that, but he really was unprofessional & it hurt me in more ways than physical.
The idiot in Hobart is being really uncooperative & refused to say where he went when he escaped quarantine. Because of him about half of Tasmania is in lockdown.
Wow, Cate, so sorry about your bad experience with the ultrasound person. I hope you'll give him a bad review on a public review site. It helps me to do that. K went to a school that was badly run with teachers who should not have gone into teaching and I was so upset at the people there I left them bad reviews on several sites, and I go back and read them if I feel bad about the school again.

I can't believe someone who has Covid would not cooperate with authorities so it doesn't spread. I hope he's sued, too. It's so mice to hear that R is doing better and that he has such supportive people around him!

I remembered one of the youtube yoga instructors I like "Yoga with Adriene" and she has a chair yoga video
. She's good because she has lots of modifications for poses and tells you the dangers of doing poses incorrectly. I don't know if you can play videos yet, or if you got exercises from LaMa, but in case you could use some chair yoga, here's probably a good one.

Can you get your GP to give you some non-addictive pain killers for until they figure out what is wrong with your knee? Also if your GP recommended this ultrasound guy, I would let the GP know what a jerk he was. Do you think those rubs athletes use that smell like eucalyptus and that warm the knee would help? It seems strange the tests aren't ready yet. Wouldn't the ultrasound guy just look at the ultrasounds and see what is wrong? The only ultrasound I have ever gotten was to see our baby, so I am ignorant of these things. I wish you could just float around in a nice heated pool somewhere and get some nice weightless stretches in!

Anyway, hope you enjoy the new fridge. Smart to have it be the same size as your current fridge so it will be the replacement for it eventually. Interchangeable is good.

Anyway, I hope you find nice ways of getting a little stretching in and so sorry you are in pain. Hugs!!!
Thanks, Marsia. I will tell my doctor when I see her on Thursday. They never tell you anything when you have scans etc. Even the chair yoga hurts as I am now. I also have trouble with some language use I'm afraid & after the third "right" at the end of a sentence I pressed "escape". I think I'm particularly grumpy at the moment, I'm sorry but I really do appreciate that you thought of me. LaMa also pm'd me some exercises, which I really appreciate. (I just copied & pasted them & will print them up in a sec).
I think I'll hold off buying a fridge until I feel a bit better & can think straighter.
I have run out of data on my phone & am using G's to connect to my laptop. I need to ring the phone company & try to get a decent deal but really haven't the energy. I will probably end up just buying some data to get me through the next month. R has a much better plan with another company. I'll try to find some oomph later today. Meanwhile, I can't check the forum on my phone :(
Sorry to be such a grouch. The pain is really getting to me. I just can't get comfortable.
I'll come back later, hopefully feeling a bit more chipper xo
Oh, being in so much pain that it makes it so you can't think straight is horrible. Maybe you could get a phone interview with your GP before Thursday so she can prescribe something for pain? If not, maybe ring a pharmacist about over the counter solutions for knee pain?

Our internet has been spotty lately and our phones no longer can be used as hotspots because our phone company screwed up, so I know what you mean about being frustrated with devices connecting and data plans and all that.

I'm glad LaMa sent you nice exercises. I wondered if the yoga might be too much. I hope you are surrounded in fluffy pillows reading something nice and taking it easy. Big, huge hugs, and hope you feel better!!!
Running out of data when you can't move is the worst! So much of my entertainment comes from the internet. I think you're right about not making expensive decisions when you're feeling grouchy and your brain is foggy though.
:grouphug: Have a hug. In fact: have all the hugs: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: May the time until Thursday pass quickly.
Thanks, Marsia & LaMa. I paid for an extra month with my current phone company after ringing them to find their call centre is closed. I will talk to them the week after next when hopefully I'm feeling stronger. I am going to ask my doctor for a cortisone shot on Thursday & will take extra paracetamol until then. Thank you for the hugs. I needed all of those hugs!
I had a good day today. I had planned on getting back to golf today, but of course, that wasn't possible. I found out today that one of the other women who play golf has had exactly the same thing happen with her 2 years ago. Same, same. Meniscus tear, Baker's cyst, then it ruptured. 2 years later she is still in pain & is now playing golf in a cart. She says there's nothing they can do. I will see what the doctor says on Thursday, but I think I'll get back into playing again, even if it hurts because it hurts anyway.
I went to a huge school fair while G was playing & met lots of people, listened to live music, bought a beautiful hand-painted pot, with a pot plant in it & a small chopping board & generally had a lovely day. I walked a lot & may suffer badly later, but I feel it was worth it. I was going bonkers from inaction.
I walked a lot & may suffer badly later, but I feel it was worth it. I was going bonkers from inaction.
That´s important. Not just because inaction will be bad for you physically but also because it makes the pain worse and worse from a mental perspective. And in the end it´s the brain that decides what stimuli get noted as pain. Would´ve been glad to hear you had a nice day regardless but even more so now!
Thanks, LaMa & Tru. I’m really glad I decided to have an active day. So far I’m no worse physically but heaps better mentally. I’ll try not to think about M’s outcome. I’ll definitely take notice of what my doctor says & will also make sure I have my health plan include seeing a physio.
That's great that walking helped, and I really hope your knee can be healed completely. I agree about not comparing your friend's outcome to your symptoms. Even if it's the same thing, your outcome may be different. Glad you had a good day out!
Thanks, Marsia. It really lifted my spirits having such an active day. I don't hurt any more than any other morning so I am going to keep doing it. We're away for a couple of nights so I'll only be checking in briefly on my phone. Arch is going into a different kennel, which is along the way. I hope it's ok.
Enjoy your trip! Glad to hear you´re not in more pain. Out bodies need movement like we need water and oxygen.
Good to see you are able to do some walking!

Enjoy the trip.