Cate's Diary

Hey Cate, I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this!
osteoarthritis & can't take any anti-inflammatories
Not great! I also have some osteoarthritis, I suspect most people who live past about 50 do. However I can take anti-inflammatories, and take meloxicam regularly, if I couldn't it would be a lot worse. So I feel for you. Exercise can help mine too, but of late it seems to be helping a little less. So my best to you with it, and I sure hope you find a comfortable way to live with it, I think that's about the best we can do.

Do you have any surgical options? I am contemplating surgery on my hands to help with my thumb arthritis, it has gotten bad of late.
That's what I always tell myself. But the when someone else tells me I feel like Nemo here:
I'm the same. I felt like slapping that fish! I'm hoping that us coming will encourage him. You can only hope.

Hi, Rob. I feel much better today thanks. I can't worry about R constantly. It's not healthy for either of us. It's just G & I again ( & Arch of course) & R is with his new GF. She seems good for him & is kind & helpful. I hope it works out for them.

I weighed myself this morning expecting a slight drop, but no....
Sucks about the scale disappointment but family time almost always makes me a little less precise. Yay for R's friend officially being his girlfriend!
Sucks about the scale disappointment but family time almost always makes me a little less precise. Yay for R's friend officially being his girlfriend!
Thanks, LaMa. I have always been an eternal optimist when it comes to R settling with anyone, but must admit I try not to hold out too much hope anymore as I get disappointed. I just want him to be happy & maybe to not need me so much.
The German term Lebensabschnittspartner (horrible word) means someone you spend a specific period of your life with. Many people have relationships like that these days and there´s nothing wrong with it as long as you also have people (friends, family) to share the good old days with. It´s just not what Hollywood tells us we should strive for.
Hi Cate, I think given the amount of stress you have had lately, not gaining can be considered a success. It's really good R has a new girlfriend there for him so you don't have to worry so much. I wish I had my DVDs unpacked. There is this wonderful dancer who does DVDs of stretch routines where she has you just alter the stretch a tiny bit, and it stretches a whole new set of muscles. They are wonderful for getting stiffness out. I have a horrible memory for names, but if I remember, I'll find a good video of hers with lots of seated exercises. Anyway, hope your knee is feeling better and that you can relax and take things easy now!
@LaMaria -Finding the "love of your life" seems like a bit of a fairytale these days. I'm not sure why that is really. Are people looking for the "perfect" partner I wonder, when we all know there is no such thing as a perfect person?
@Marsia - I really have to do something soon or I will seize up altogether. My Ultrasound is today & hopefully, I will know more after that. My leg is not feeling good at all today. I am so sick of it.

We're off to town & will do a bit of shopping along the way. After the ultrasound, we are visiting G's sister & taking lunch along with us.
I had a terrible night's sleep. I tossed & turned(could not get comfortable) & dreamt all night.
@LaMaria -Finding the "love of your life" seems like a bit of a fairytale these days. I'm not sure why that is really. Are people looking for the "perfect" partner I wonder, when we all know there is no such thing as a perfect person?
LOL at the idea of a perfect partner. If my wife and I had tried for that, We'd have been done ages ago. No, I'm not talking from a one sided perspective either. We've both been through all kinds of things together and it has not been easy for EITHER of us. Somehow we've figured out how to grow with it though.
I'm sure it's a combination of people now sometimes giving up too soon and people earlier sometimes hanging on too long. Plus of course it's easier to split up when you don't have kids or own a house, and when both partners can make enough money to get by. At a guess I'd say the change hasn't changed population-level happiness all that much but on the extreme end suffering in relationships has probably gone down a good bit.
By the way: would you like me to put together some sit-down exercises for you?
TDT- I have always imagined G & I growing old together even when we were going through difficult times. We’re closer now than ever.
LaMa- I would love you to put together some sitting exercises for me please. I’m low on data at the moment though so looking at videos is a problem. I’ll have to change my phone plan I think.
Crossing all fingers and toes that the ultrasound helps find a painless, easy remedy! I wish I knew what makes marriages work or not. I think for us it's mostly knowing we are on each other's side.
I hope so too, Marsia. I have an appointment Thursday of next week to see my usual doctor & am tossing up whether I should ring the medical centre to see if I can get an appointment on Friday with the doctor who referred me for the ultrasound as they would have the results by then. Just rang & he's booked out. I'm away Mon & Tues so may as well wait until next Thursday.

G & I had a good day in town yesterday. We took lunch to L's & sat & watched the wake live stream with her, which was nice. We'll make sure we continue to see a lot of her from now on. It's very easy to lose touch if you don't work at maintaining close contact. Which reminds me that I must ring my sister today. G is playing golf today & I should get back to ringing her every week on this day.
G & I had a good day in town yesterday. We took lunch to L's & sat & watched the wake live stream with her, which was nice. We'll make sure we continue to see a lot of her from now on. It's very easy to lose touch if you don't work at maintaining close contact. Which reminds me that I must ring my sister today.
Yes so good to stay in touch with people and stay connected. Community is everything I think.
I have no hope/wish for one significant other but I hope to continuously have good community around me.

Hope you can figure out some good exercise that works for you Cate.
Thanks, Liza. I didn't ring my sister. She really annoyed me last week & I need a little more time. I read a book instead. I didn't get to read last week, with R here & it was just lovely to sit & read in front of the fire.
The radiologist really hurt me the other day doing the ultrasound & my leg was so sore (& bruised). I might ring the medical centre this afternoon & arrange a phone appointment for tomorrow to ask what I can do, exercise-wise. I didn't sleep at all well last night.
It's raining quite heavily now & is meant to be for a couple of days. At least it's less frustrating than a beautiful sunny day.
The radiologist really hurt me the other day doing the ultrasound & my leg was so sore (& bruised).

That does not sound good at all, I have had plenty of ultrasounds that have induced a small amount of pain (discomfort) when going over injured areas but nothing that has really hurt or made the problem worse.
I agree with Tru, that doesn't sound normal to hurt and bruise the area you are having looked at. It's so weird they are being so casual and rough about something that hurts enough that you aren't walking much.

Sounds wonderful reading curled up by the fire. I am about to read and have a kid curled up next to me on the couch and a cat on my blanket covering my feet. It's making me very sleepy, so I better get some reading in before I start nodding off!
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Sorry to hear you are in discomfort with the leg, Cate.

I have lots of friends who have been with their partners for years and all seem very happy, so maybe it is possible? 'Perfect' probably doesn't exist. R doesn't seem to have any trouble getting girlfriends anyway, at least you have that. :) And he's not that old really.