Cate's Diary

That sounds lovely!
Glad it went well with M passing with his family all sending him off with love. That is so touching and lovely. I love that R can help you out with meals and such while G is away, and he can have your support, too. Win, win!
Thanks, LaMa, Marsia, Skurgeon ( :waving: ) & Liza :grouphug:
It is good having R here. The first night he was quite teary, but being here has been good for him already. H was just going to stay Friday night & head back yesterday, but I told her she could stay as long as she liked & she stayed again last night. She seems lovely. We had a really nice day yesterday.
WE may go visit L today & maybe take her out for lunch. G rang her yesterday & she was composing a hilarious death notice. M had a wicked sense of humour & would love it. I hope she goes ahead & puts it in the paper.
It's a beautiful, sunny day today with no wind.
Dare I say my leg feels quite a bit better this morning? 🤞
Good to hear that R being back home is helping already. Really nice that H seems to get on well with you all as well and you felt able to welcome her to stay as long as she wanted. Nice for R to have that extra support I'm sure.
I hope your leg is continuing to feel better!!
@LaMaria - Our BIL had a very funny sense of humour & he really would have loved it. We visited G's sister yesterday with R & H & took her out to lunch. My leg is definitely getting better!
@liza - H is very easy to get on with & they seem to get along together really well. She's sweet actually & obviously feels very comfortable with us. I loved that she went & changed into her PJ's the last 2 nights & came back out with us to watch TV. She has also decided to stay on another night, so instead of just one night as originally planned it will be 4.
It's a miserable, rainy day today & G has headed off for his annual golf trip.
I will start tracking everything today & list my mood etc in MFP. Time to actually do something about losing weight. I really have 15 kg to lose now. I am feeling fat. I also feel positive.
So, so happy that Rob is back 😊
So, so happy that Rob is back 😊
Same! The place just hasn't been the same.
Lovely to hear that H feels so at ease with you guys: R clearly knows how to pick out the good ones, regardless of whether they're "just" friends or not.
@LaMaria - Our BIL had a very funny sense of humour & he really would have loved it. We visited G's sister yesterday with R & H & took her out to lunch. My leg is definitely getting better!
@liza - H is very easy to get on with & they seem to get along together really well. She's sweet actually & obviously feels very comfortable with us. I loved that she went & changed into her PJ's the last 2 nights & came back out with us to watch TV. She has also decided to stay on another night, so instead of just one night as originally planned it will be 4.
It's a miserable, rainy day today & G has headed off for his annual golf trip.
I will start tracking everything today & list my mood etc in MFP. Time to actually do something about losing weight. I really have 15 kg to lose now. I am feeling fat. I also feel positive.
So, so happy that Rob is back 😊
Hi Cate. Looks like you have been through a few things since I have been gone. Stress and life does get in the way of our weight loss doesn't it? That being said putting ourselves first helps all of those around us. I know you already know this and have been down this road before. You got this!!!
Hi, LaMa. R is such a loving person himself & attracts really good people, I hope he knows to stick to his meds. It's awful seeing him so low.
Hi, Cowboy. It's lovely having you back. There always will be stress in our lives I think & I need to find better ways to deal with it. I haven't been stuffing my face, but more just eating & drinking whatever is put in front of me & not making better choices. I don't binge eat but have been eating more generally. I need to start showing some self-restraint. We are much more of a help to everyone if we look after ourselves. Having the forum looking more like it used to will be an added incentive to get back on track.
BF this morning was Greek-style yoghurt with mango, prunes & a little GF light cereal sprinkled on top.
Wow, Cate, so many wonderful things! That's great R is starting to feel better, that he has a nice friend staying there with you all, that you are feeling positive about weight loss (I am in almost exactly the same boat - very round, but feeling positive!), and it's so wonderful that M's wife is making a fun obituary. That sounds perfect! Plus your knee feeling better is the best news yet!! Happy visiting with R and hope G has a good time at the tournament.
I'm sure he knows but as with diet knowing and doing are different things. Great to hear you're coming back on track as well!
I need to start showing some self-restraint. We are much more of a help to everyone if we look after ourselves. Having the forum looking more like it used to will be an added incentive to get back on track.
This is truth right here. I had an old teacher in some of my first responder courses years ago that used to tell everyone in the case of an accident, cardiac arrest, whatever, when you (1st responder) walk into the room, you are the most important person in it. The guy in the shop being electrocuted can't be helped by you, unless you get the power turned off, otherwise you'll be lying there with him.

The same principle applies in everything. Seems to me that someone around here has said before that self care is not selfish. Wonder who that was?
OOH, ooh, totally different subject. You'll like this one. We have some overlap in musical tastes, you and I. This band is one of my new faves. The guy is only about 25 years old, but he sings and plays like an old soul.
I loved that she went & changed into her PJ's the last 2 nights & came back out with us to watch TV. She has also decided to stay on another night, so instead of just one night as originally planned it will be 4.

So nice that H ended up staying 4 days--that all sounds very cozy and friendly :)

I hope he knows to stick to his meds. It's awful seeing him so low.
I know with me I had such an awful time of things last time I came off meds that now I feel very motivated to stay on them. However mine don't give me any bad side-effects so that is a little different. However, I do think sometimes we need to see that we actually do need to have them before committing to staying on them. Anyways I hope R wil be feeling fully himself soon and will be able to commit to keeping with what keeps him well.

Nice to hear you feeling positive and motivated Cate!
Thanks, Marsia. Even though R is still feeling very flat he is slowly getting better. H left yesterday. She is very supportive & we had a few nice talks. I think she has been afraid that she might push R away by being too 'helpful" but I told her she has a nice balance & will be good for him.
Thanks, LaMa. I am getting back on that track & feel stronger mentally. I am feeling anxious about the funeral/wake, but that can't be helped. The funeral got changed to today. It's just for family & the public wake will be tomorrow. R & I both don't want to go to the wake. It will be huge. We made the afternoon tea yesterday & are going to take it with us today & give it to one of the family. D has to work tomorrow as it's a public holiday. He's driving the 3 of us today.

Seems to me that someone around here has said before that self care is not selfish. Wonder who that was?
Thanks, TDT. I wonder who that was? I have to constantly remind myself of that. I'm doing better with it.
I played Homesick & absolutely loved it! Our son, R said "Oh, I know that song. They're great." We share very similar tastes in music. I added it to my playlist & will listen to the band some more soon.
Thanks, Liza. I'm not really sure if it's side effects or not liking the fact that he'll need to take them forever that puts him off. I had a talk to him yesterday about how I have to take meds if I want to stay living & that he should look at them the same. He is also paying full price for them when he could get them for a lot less. I think he feels a stigma about that even though he is entitled. Some things we just have to get over.

I really am in a quandary about the wake tomorrow. I don't want to attempt to drive in, let alone go on my own. I don't want to leave R home on his own. I would have liked to talk to G before I go today, but his phone is not working for some reason. I have asked the son of one of his friends if he could try fixing it for him. I just left a message on someone else's phone for G to ring me. Just got a call & G thinks it's fine that we don't go to the wake tomorrow. That makes me feel so much better!
Given that you've been so supportive in the past few weeks I think your SIL will understand if you skip the wake, especially if she knows you and R are struggling.

Infinity meds do feel weird for young(ish) people, I think. More so for men and even more so when they're mental health related. Which is such a shame!