Cate's Diary

Thanks, Marsia, Misty & Floater :grouphug:
It's easy to get initials mixed up. I'm sure if anyone I know tried finding me in the forum they could, but I try to just use initials so it's not too obvious.
I hate hearing R so low.
BP is such a difficult mental illness to get under control & still be functional. I wish he lived closer.
Apologies to anyone in advance. I need to focus only on my family. R is really struggling & we need to visit G’s sister & BIL tomorrow.
I need to be with them.
I am struggling to walk today. I was in so much pain I cried. I’ll have it checked out soon.
Sending you a hug Cate. :grouphug:
Really sorry to hear that R continues to struggle--I hope the doctor will have some good suggestions of how to move forward.
Also really sorry to hear of the pain when walking--I hope there's a quick and easy fix.
I feel better for having visited yesterday. M looked more settled & comfortable & they have his meds right now. We spent quite a few hours with him & L, with various "kids" visiting while we were there. One of their daughters, S, is a constant in the house & she is a brick. We all got a message just then from her to say he had a very comfortable night & what a tough bugger he is.
While we were there both of G's sisters said I should call the medical centre & see if I could get an appointment on the way home. I rang as we were leaving & managed to get one. The doctor I saw seemed very thorough & he suspects the Bakers cyst on the back of my knee has ruptured. He told me not to exercise at all & has referred me for an ultrasound. he also suggested I get some anti-inflammatory gel as even though I am allergic to oral anti-inflammatories I may be able to use a topical one. I used it last night & have had no side effects. I did have asthma last night & this morning, but I think that was from his very strong after-shave.
I got a really good night's sleep last night.
R should be back on his meds this morning. He was picking them up yesterday.
That would be awesome if you could at least use a topical anti-inflammatory. Ouch on the ruptured cyst though!
Nice to hear things are feeling and looking a little better Cate. I'm sure that's a relief having R go back onto his meds!
I hope your knee starts to feel better. Really too bad to be having issues there again. I hope the anti-inflammatory gel continues to work for you.
Thanks, LaMa & Liza. I have been able to use the gel which is good. I am very limited in my movement.
R is coming home for a while. He needs us. He rang in tears yesterday. He is SO low. A friend(GF?) is driving him up this afternoon & staying for just the night. He will probably stay a couple of weeks. I really wish he lived closer.
M is still going. We really expected him to go overnight.
Oh, I am so glad R is going to come visit you. I was wishing he would. I was reading about depression because my friend is going through a bout, and it talked about giving the person tasks to do that they like doing so that they accomplish something satisfying and get moving instead of being inactive and down. I don't know if you have anything like that for R to do, but thought I would mention it just in case.

I hope your knee is feeling better and that the anti-inflammatory gel helps a lot. That would be so frustrating, but hopefully an easy fix once you get the x-ray.

Anyway, big huge hugs about M and R and your poor knee. Feel better soon!!!
What a stressful time! I don't want to be too morbid but M being so close to passing might remind R he'll someday lose his parents as well. I'm sure it'll do you all good to have him around for a while, especially now that your knee is keeping you immobilized and you need distraction.
Thanks, Marsia & LaMa. I’m really glad he’s coming home too. G is going away on Monday for 5 nights. R can cook & walk Arch. It will be good for both of us.
We may visit m tomorrow, depending…
I am petrified of how R would cope if(when) I die. It really terrifies me.
R & H will be here in about 2 hours & D is also now coming for dinner tonight.
It was, LaMa. I’m relieved that he has not hung on any longer. G & I are teary but looking forward to having both our sons here tonight.
I am so glad for M and family that he was able to die at home surrounded by love like that. Very good for everyone.
Also glad for you that R will be coming to stay while he gets straightened out on meds again.
Enjoy the time with the family Cate. :grouphug: