Cate's Diary

Hi, Marsia. R is living in a house that belongs to a woman who is a friend of a friend & is doing major renovations to the house & he is renting a room from her. She said she wouldn't charge him rent as it's a worksite but he insisted & now he insists on paying her double that as she is not working & he is.
Fixing up the van is fun. The cabinet doors stay closed with a little bit of help (octopus strap). I gave away my camping gear years ago, but it's fun to check out op shops & try to be low on waste & use recycled. There isn't as much choice here for little toilets & I want to minimise the costs to the planet of freighting in imported goods & spending money that is unnecessary.
I'm looking forward to sharing some pics after I have personalised her.
You sound like you're having a lot of fun with Betsy's makeover. I'm looking forward to those pictures!
There isn't as much choice here for little toilets

I have found that Gumtree usually has a fair amount of second hand camping stuff, much of it hardly used due to people buying new and then deciding they don't like camping.
Wow, R has such a great heart!! Betsy is going to be a wonderful, relaxing nest when you are done with fixing her up! I like the idea of a gently used toilet, too, Tru!
I have found that Gumtree usually has a fair amount of second-hand camping stuff, much of it hardly used due to people buying new and then deciding they don't like camping.
True, Tru. I think the toilet is a matter of finding something that will fit in the tray up the back of the van & that I can use comfortably during the night. We had a look today, but it's tricky.
Wow, R has such a great heart!! Betsy is going to be a wonderful, relaxing nest when you are done with fixing her up! I like the idea of a gently used toilet, too, Tru!
He does. Betsy is feeling more & more like a part of the family. My brain is working overtime with the toilet options & I may just have to have one built that fits in the trunk up the back, but that's good for my brain, just trying to work it out. G goes along with whatever so long as he sees me trying to make do & not wanting to spend lots of money. He's not tight so much as a bit allergic to shopping. "But, do we need it?" is one of his favourite questions.
We bought mats for her & a few other necessary bits & bobs today. I had a haircut. Yay! I went to a skin clinic & had all my sunspots burned off & none are nasty. Double yay!
We had a lovely, healthy lunch at some friends place, did a little food shopping on the way home & were gone 8 hours. A very tiring, but good day.
J is similar about buying some things, then surprises me sometimes with wanting an occasional big ticket thing. It's great G likes the van and how you are outfitting it! I love puzzles like how to store a van toilet in a tight space - good brain teaser! Glad you had such a full day of shopping and socializing and that your skin is happy, too!
Congratulations on the good news about the sun spots! Asking "but do we need it" sounds like a solid habit regardless of someone's financial situation.
J is similar about buying some things, then surprises me sometimes with wanting an occasional big ticket thing. It's great G likes the van and how you are outfitting it! I love puzzles like how to store a van toilet in a tight space - good brain teaser! Glad you had such a full day of shopping and socializing and that your skin is happy, too!
G often surprises me in the same way. If it's something he really wants to do he doesn't think if we can afford it or not. I got the portable loo over from R's cabin & have had a good look at it. I think I can make it work as it comes apart easily so I could store it in the trunk up the back until night-time & get used to it. We may wait until we're home again to clean & empty it, depending on how many nights we're away & will use toilets when we can. It's very well made. I'll look up some videos to see how it all works & see if I can avoid nasty chemicals. Vinegar should work ok with neutralising the pee smell & it seems to be quite well sealed. It will be using something we have already & that's always good.
My skin is very itchy this morning, but it will be amazing to have these sunspots & patches gone. Why I didn't do this earlier I have no idea. I went to the clinic as a private patient & paid, but I am only $70 out of pocket after the government rebate. I'll go once a year from now on. G said he might get his checked too which will be good.
Congratulations on the good news about the sunspots! Asking "but do we need it" sounds like a solid habit regardless of someone's financial situation.
I must admit I was very happy & also slightly surprised that none of the spots was worrying. I grew up in a time where no-one used sunscreen & I spent almost the whole summer as a teen on or in a river.
Only buying stuff we need would be a good habit for everyone, LaMa that's for sure.

I'm not sure what we're doing today. It is very wet out there but has stopped raining. I did something to my neck & left shoulder yesterday & they hurt during the night. I just couldn't get comfortable & had a bad night's sleep. There was also a storm & Arch freaked out. We're all a bit tired. I also was exposed to a lot of perfume during the day & my lungs are complaining a bit. I don't feel bad though- just a bit knackered.
Hope you took it easy today and feel better going to sleep tonight.

Great stuff on all the fun camper purchases! Sounds fun.
Hope you took it easy today and feel better going to sleep tonight.

Great stuff on all the fun camper purchases! Sounds fun.
I haven't, Em, unfortunately. We went to the tip & then I got it into my head to see how the toilet fitted in the camper & I headbutted a light fitting & broke it. There were 3 matching original light fittings. Hopefully, I can get one that doesn't stick out so much & matches the others. It made me feel like such a clumsy klutz. Without the pop-top being up it is very hard to move around in & I shouldn't have tried as I'm just too tired.
Maybe one of the other lights can be moved to this spot & the one above the stove replaced with an LED one but there's no saying I wouldn't do it again if the light fitting came down still.
I think I'll read a book & tune out.
I headbutted lights all the time when I did home visits - if you're a klutz I'm a catastrophe! I hope your head is ok though.

I've been getting regular skin checkups for 10 years or so: as a (former) redhead who grew up in a time when SPF 8 was the absolute highest you could find anywhere the damage is real and given that my mom has had to have a malignant spot removed a couple of years ago I'm not taking any chances. I feel terribly awkward getting every inch of my body checked out by someone with a magnifying glass but it's better than ignoring a known problem.
I headbutted lights all the time when I did home visits - if you're a klutz I'm a catastrophe! I hope your head is ok though.
It's ok physically, LaMa, but this threw me out. I loved how it looked so retro with the 3 matching lights :(
I still haven't worked out the toilet bit. I was putting in R's portable loo when I did this & I want to go take it out again as I think it's just too big :(
I overthink everything when I'm tired.
It sure can, LaMa. I hope I sleep better tonight.
I pulled the light fitting apart & had a light bulb moment. I worked out that with 2 little metal squares with a screw hole in each I would be able to attach it back up. I took Arch for a walk to clear my head & to make me feel better & our neighbour was pottering around outside & I asked him if he wouldn’t mind cutting me some metal some time & he said he could do it straight away. I went back home to measure it up, but instead we drove the van down & the job is now done. I left the 2 of them to do the job & I got out of the way and took Arch for another walk. No more head butting van lights. Next time I put the pop top up when I’m pottering about :blush5:
We’re going to put the annexe up tomorrow so that we don’t look like total novices first time camping.
I’m going to get used to peeing in a bucket. I have a suitable one.
We’ll stay in caravan parks at first, preferably not too far from the toilet blocks. One night only first trip.
When are you going on your first trip?
I'm not sure Em, but we have one planned for the end of April. G is playing golf in a tournament & it's right next to a caravan park, right next to a beach. We're going to get the awning out today to see how that works & I'll put the bedding inside & line all the cupboards this week with non-slip stuff. I'm still in check list mode.
I lost my focus again on losing weight. I find it harder & harder every year. I feel really motivated for a week or two & then just lose it again. I don't break out or anything. I haven't eaten crisps or chocolate or junk food but I just can't seem to maintain my focus. It is frustrating.
I'll get on the scales tomorrow morning first thing as I haven't weighed for about 10 days. I was weighing every day for about 2 weeks to try to get myself back in the habit but then got heartily sick of it. My weight goes up & down like a yoyo.
G & I go for our first covid shot tonight.
I must make an appointment to see a new doctor soon. I had one to get a pneumonia vaccine but then it was cancelled as I apparently don't fit the new criteria for (not old enough!) I hate starting all over with doctors. I might make a list before I go of what I want to say about myself & what I need from them. I often lose track when I have a reaction to fragrance in the waiting room or in the doctor's room.