Misty, You might just change your mind if we actually did swap. I didn't say she was easy to get on with! In fact she's very, very difficult to get on with. What nationality is your MIL? Where I live there are very few migrants & I lived in Melbourne, which is a large city in Australia (not by US standards!) & I miss the multi-culturalism of the city. I don't miss much else though.
It would probably be a good thing to try to cross the language barrier if at all possible. I would love to learn to speak Italian for example and learned a lot of laughable Vietnamese last year as we were going there for a holiday. It is amazing how people respond to your amusing, but well-meaning attempts to speak their language. It's a trying to meet half way thing I think.
I just thought I would stick my head in and have a quick look in the forum but I should be doing some house-work-dishes etc. I need to download lots of updates & where we live we can only get dial-up internet!! Downloads take forever & I thought when I got up this morning that my biggest download would have been completed but NO I have to start again!!
I'll be back later today after work.
A big hello to every Cohenite out there! Bought some new schmicko scales yesterday which I'll tuck away out of sight of my husband(& myself) so that when I am at re-feed I will be able to keep a better eye on the weight loss or gain (?!) Just like every thing else on the program I like to be prepared.
When I had a peek at the scales last I was 84.5kg. Now that is not weighing myself because, of course, I only do that once a month & then update my ticker. It's just that every now & then I have a little peek!
By the way I am starting to wonder if I have replaced an eating habit (disorder?) with a little addiction to this forum. It really, really helps me to stay on the program. I am not going to use the word diet again. Let me know if I slip up won't you.
I jumped out of bed this morning & cooked my husband a Cohen's omelette (double the quantity of mine + Mozzarella cheese & on home made German-grain toast, with olive oil spread) & served it to him with apple juice & an Italian plunger coffee. He said it was absolutely delicious! His new job is going to be a little bit too sedentary for his liking & lunch is provided, but with no choice & will often not suit him. He is very health conscious, without being excessive and does not like junk food, white bread, soft drink etc. He thinks that he will join me when I get to goal, eating the Cohen's way.
Better go! What was a quick look turned into gabble! See you later, Cate