Cate's Diary

He didn't seem even faintly off-colour during the day, Llama & we weren't aware of him being sick during the night. We had some roast chicken & gave him some little bits & we think that's what did it. Since we stopped feeding him chicken he hasn't had any stomach issues. We used to buy him free-range chicken breast fillets & cook them, but changed to a dog loaf which he loves & has no trouble with. He loves cooked chicken & sometimes we find it hard to resist his big brown eyes. I do have to remember what it does to him.
I did have a good day & got a lot done. I loved talking with R & with C. Today she told me that she feels that we are so similar & I think we are. I am so glad that she & R love one another.
I'm so glad you won't be getting a hand rail that is glued to stone. I erased my original response that this sounded unsafe, because I guess there could be glue that doesn't end up failing with all the temperature changes and rain, but that sounded sketchy even without chemical allergies. That's sad about Archie getting sick on the new bedding. Can you put a blanket over the bed for him during the night? I had similar problems with cats, so my top layer was a cat blanket that I put on just before bed. My last cat slept under my chin and she was heavy, so I empathize!
I feel for you with all that work laundering all that...I am often glad I don't have animal buddies for all the work they can provide...but of course they also provide a lot of love and sometimes I do miss that are a lovely dog mama!
I'm glad you were able to wash it all out successfully.
Archie spotted the new bedding and figured it wouldn't be such a big deal to get sick on the bed! 😂 He's probably like all of us, 'I love this food item, even though it makes me sick if I have too much of it!'

I love that the diary is helping you problem solve.
I'm so glad you won't be getting a hand rail that is glued to stone. I erased my original response that this sounded unsafe, because I guess there could be glue that doesn't end up failing with all the temperature changes and rain, but that sounded sketchy even without chemical allergies. That's sad about Archie getting sick on the new bedding. Can you put a blanket over the bed for him during the night? I had similar problems with cats, so my top layer was a cat blanket that I put on just before bed. My last cat slept under my chin and she was heavy, so I empathize!
I'm glad too, M. He was so confident that it was safe strength-wise, but my DIL had firm views otherwise. It would also have been glued onto rocks, which, of course, are not smooth.
I always put a fluffy little blanket on top of the bed for him to lie on but he usually rearranges it into a funny little nest. Last night I put a larger doggy blanket on & he ended up under it! He's a trick!
I feel for you with all that work laundering all that...I am often glad I don't have animal buddies for all the work they can provide...but of course they also provide a lot of love and sometimes I do miss that are a lovely dog mama!
I'm glad you were able to wash it all out successfully.
Pets are a lot of work, Liza & responsibility but I don't think I could live without a dog now. I love Archie so much. R has to have a dog too. My Dad couldn't be without one.
It's good to have almost all of the laundry done, but I went online yesterday & found an identical doona for only $5 more than I paid for mine with free postage so have one on the way.
Glad to hear Arch felt fine again after. Food allergies suck!
Thanks, Llama. They sure do. We both know that he shouldn't have anything fatty or rich so we both have to resist those big brown eyes. We're not doing him any favours by feeding him barbecued chicken.
Archie spotted the new bedding and figured it wouldn't be such a big deal to get sick on the bed! 😂 He's probably like all of us, 'I love this food item, even though it makes me sick if I have too much of it!'
Haha. I'm in trouble then as the new doona cover is on the bed! No more cooked chook for Arch though. Sorry little buddy!
I love that the diary is helping you problem solve.
It often does. I don't think I could give up my diary & I value my forum friendships. You all help me problem solve!

I see some blue sky today. G & I are going to do some gardening.
BF this morning was 2 eggs & some avocado on 2 small slices of GF grain bread.
Lunch will be rabbit & veggie soup with some prawn gyozas warmed up in it. It sounds like a weird combo but it is delicious. Adding the gyozas to the soup was my idea & we often do that. Our soups usually have Asian flavours & the gyozas go well.
Dinner tonight might be some biscuits, cheese, & salad items & some venison dendeng, which is delicious.
I will take Arch for a walk sometime.
I'm feeling positive this morning. I feel I am as prepared as I can be for the op.
Nice to hear you are feeling positive Cate--you do sound well prepared for the operation.
Glad you are getting some blue sky for the gardening and the walk!
Soup with gyoza sounds like a delicious, nutritious, AND filling meal. Feeling positive about surgery beforehand actually seems to help with healing, so you've got one more box ticked there.
Thanks, Liza & Llama. It feels much better being positive about the operation & I think most of that is feeling well-prepared. I set up a chair on our landing with a stool next to it for a coffee table & I'll leave it there until I think I don't need it, just in case I can't get up & down the stairs easily. Some days might be better than others & I'll have another option.
It has been sunny but also windy & quite cold. Not much gardening got done, but Arch did get a long walk so he's happy. Lunch was delicious & apparently we're having a salad tonight. That will be good :)
I love how pets find ways of making things just so, like finding a way to sneak completely under the covers. I had a cat who would get under the covers and even put his little head on the pillow like a human sometimes. So glad you are feeling prepared for the op. I am so happy you are being seen by such thoughtful professionals, too, who do things like make the environment as fragrance free as they can. Soup with gyoza sounds so good! I use a lot of Asian ingredients in soups, too. It's fun to take a traditional recipe and add in things that are on hand.
I set up a chair on our landing with a stool next to it for a coffee table & I'll leave it there until I think I don't need it, just in case I can't get up & down the stairs easily. Some days might be better than others & I'll have another option.
It's great to give yourself options...and good you have G around to help out and make things comfortable if there are any scenarios you haven't thought of ahead of time...
Glad to read that you really enjoyed your food yesterday and that you're feeling good about the operation. I honestly think you'll be fine Cate. You sound really strong.
Thanks, Llama, Marsia, Liza & Em :grouphug:
It is cold here this morning but the sun is shining again. It has been the coldest winter since we moved to Tasmania at the end of 1985. I'm glad it's not overcast & miserable. I do feel positive about the op now. I am strong, Em. Thanks for reminding me of that. Sometimes my brain plays tricks on me. I am not frail.
I am so lucky to have G around. He won't leave me on my own until he knows that I'll be ok.
The rabbit soup he made yesterday was delicious & we'll have it again with Gyoza today. We will have West African rabbit, with a little rice & a veggie curry for one of our meals.
I want to get out & do some gardening today but it's too cold yet. It's currently 0.5°C 🥶
Thanks, B. We (the Royal we as it's never me :ROFLMAO: ) cook a lot of dishes from all over the world, but mostly Asian. We eat well.

Dogs often vomit I think just because they love to eat horrible things they find on walks. I try to watch him carefully, but he is inclined to snaffle wallaby poo if he can. Ugh. At least wallabies are vegetarian. He does have a delicate stomach though & I have to be careful what I feed him.
Speaking of which. It's time I braved the cold & took him for a walk.
Having to go out in any weather is one of the beautiful things of having dogs. It's wonderful to feel the world in different conditions, even if it's sometimes uncomfortable.
That's true, Llama. Although since his walk he has vomited twice :eek: It may be his new dry food. I'll go to the vet's tomorrow & get some of the expensive Hill's special diet dry food & get him back on that. I think I have some in a small container in the car. It isn't necessarily the dry food but it's worth a try.
I planted our strawberry plants into a bed & mulched & fertilised around them. They did well there the year before last so they can have the bed back.
I'm still shuddering from putting my hand into the white, frothy vomit in his bed. I thought he had chewed up his new(ish) fluffy toy. He seems fine now.
Poor little guy. Please tell him he doesn't have to show solidarity with my summer stomach woes.