Weight-Loss Biggest Loser Style (BLS) Challenge Week 1 Bonus



New member
Ok, if you're anything like me, you've been eating all kinds of naughty stuff for the last 2-3 weeks. Time to cut that out and get our noses to the grindstone. So that's why this week's bonus is to NOT eat any junk food. That means sweets, deep fried food, fast food, chips (crisps), etc. This includes 100 calorie packs b/c they are still sweets or chips. Now a deli-type sandwich from a deli is ok--even if it's a chain like Subway or Quiznos, etc. A Big Mac is not ok. Salads from fast foods are ok, but take note that they're full of sodium that'll make you retain water. So if you have any of this stuff hanging around, eat it up before Friday...lol. Alcohol is also a no-no this week.
I think this is going to be a tough bonus, so for every day you behave, you'll get 4pts. The way you'll mark this in your stats is to indicate under the Bonus column by putting an X for each day you complete the bonus. You may need to use -----'s to space between columns.

For your exercise, just log the number of minutes you exercised that week. I'll figure out your points for you.

Here's an example of how your stats should look:

-------------Weight--------Minutes Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight: 226lbs
Week 1: 225lbs-------------------250 min -----------XXXXXXX

If you have any questions, just ask. :)
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Until you posted this, I was feeling a bit wistful that I hadn't joined in the fun, even though I know that I'm going to be too busy with work to keep up in just a few weeks.

Not so much, now. ;)

Good luck, BL challengers! We're all rooting for you! :)
LMAO You must of saw the $212 grocery bill and yes it had alot of 100 calorie pks I figure 100 cal pk or cheese cake and candy bars like I have been doing BUT I will definatley give it my all!!
Ok question I bought BAKED cheese ritz craker thingys 100 cals for 14 is this a NONO?
LMAO You must of saw the $212 grocery bill and yes it had alot of 100 calorie pks I figure 100 cal pk or cheese cake and candy bars like I have been doing BUT I will definatley give it my all!!
Ok question I bought BAKED cheese ritz craker thingys 100 cals for 14 is this a NONO?

Yup--they're a no no. Keep them until next week. :D
This sounds good! But I have a question... what about frozen chicken patties? They are breaded. And I bought Quaker Rice Cakes. Are those ok? They aren't a chip or cracker.
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This sounds good! But I have a question... what about frozen chicken patties? They are breaded. And I bought Quaker Rice Cakes. Are those ok? They aren't a chip or cracker.

The rice cakes are fine. The chicken patties are ok as long as you don't deep fry them.
:smilielol5: DAM it yes to a pattie but no to BAKED cracker thingys lol.
what about apples & peanutbutter
special K cereals and bars??
non-diet sodas and frappacino type drinks are out, too. You can have a bit of flavored coffeemate in your coffee, I'm talking about the Starbucks type drinks that have MAJOR calories.
YAY! lol. I just put the chicken in the oven! lol. I don't own a deep fryer.

Well hunee, the challenge hasn't started yet so eat away! Scarf down those Quaker Rice Cakes with abandon. I mean really, if those things were considered snacks then I GIVE UP! LOL

:smilielol5: DAM it yes to a pattie but no to BAKED cracker thingys lol.
what about apples & peanutbutter
special K cereals and bars??

The chicken has some nutritional value. Cracker thingies don't...lol.

PB is ok. Cereal and cereal bars are ok, but I'm not thrilled about cocoa puff type cereals. They are full of sugar. Special K is fine.
Yeah I know fruit loops isn't considered a "FRUIT"I get it lol special K has alot of good products tastey and good for you.I will let go(with tears)of those yummy looking cheesey things""""goodbye my love :drool5:""""lmao,I will survive..hell I gave birth 4 times..:smilielol5:
Yeah I know fruit loops isn't considered a "FRUIT"I get it lol special K has alot of good products tastey and good for you.I will let go(with tears)of those yummy looking cheesey things""""goodbye my love :drool5:""""lmao,I will survive..hell I gave birth 4 times..:smilielol5:


Those Special K bars taste like damn candy, I had to eat the whole box one right after the other so I dont mess with those anymore :drool5:.

What a shocker about the fruit loops ha ha :dupe:.

Those Special K bars taste like damn candy, I had to eat the whole box one right after the other so I dont mess with those anymore :drool5:.

I'm like that with nutrigrain bars. I could eat one right after the other, so I try to stay away from them all together. :D
I think I already know the answer...but I'm gunna ask anyways. What about Homemade pizza? (I'm guessing NO. LOL)
I had a question about points obtained from exercise. Is there a maximum number we can get? I ask this because 3 days a week I exercise for about 2 hours. The other days, I do it for an hour.
Oo nevermind...I jsut read in the other thread that the max amount is 21 pounts.

Actually, exercise pts go as follows:

2. You’ll get 3pts for every 30min that you exercise each week for a max of 21pts per week. For every 30min you exercise beyond 210min, you’ll get 1 pt for a max of 3 additional pts. So 24pts total are available for exercising 5hrs each week

Brandy--homemade pizzas are ok as long as you make them healthy--like using pita/tortilla bread for the crust and healthy toppings. Cheese is ok. I make these pizzas with a large multi-grain tortilla for the crust, then a bit of tomato sauce, lots of chopped veggies, a bit of pepperoni and a light dusting of mozzerella. Much, much better for you than delivery or DiGiorno..lmao.
oooh this will be a toughie, I have started (albeit a bit loosely) the Perricone program whcih is all unprocessed foods so this is a good way to keep it a little less 'loosely' followed he he he
Okay, so just so I have this right, this all starts tomorrow...right?