Warning: I am going to swear. A LOT.
I fucking HATE today. I hate this job on days like this. Even on good days I merely dread coming into work but I do anyways because its good money for a student. But this is quite seriously the fucking worst managed company I have ever worked for. I am only given tools to solve the basic, simple problems, and that even the support teams, the tech teams, everyone else can't do this shit either. "oh no, a slightly complex issue? HEADSPLOSION!!"
I have had two calls now today where I cannot help the customer and it makes me feel like shit. And I'm going to catch shit too, from both ends. Because on one hand, I spend HOURS on a single call trying to help, but all for a big fucking nothing in the end. So I get yelled by management at for wasting time and resources, and then I get bad mouthed by customers for being a shitty rep. But you know what? I'm not. I am actually a very GOOD rep with a 90% resolution rate. But that 10% is all of these calls that I seem to get at one time that have NO SOLUTION except to say "sorry ma'am but you've been buttfucked by the biggest wireless company in the US. I hope you enjoy your phone bill"
Twice today I have been reduced to near-tears, not because anybody is being specifically mean or demeaning to me but because I think crying has a much smaller chance of getting me fired than does throwing around chairs and monitors at the management like I want to. All of my breaks have been around half an hour late today because I take the time to help people. I want to go home, but my shift isn't even over for two hours. And they don't accept "I'm having a shitty day today" as a reason to leave early. They'll just tell me to sit down, shut up, and suck it up. Not in such un-HR friendly words, but that's the gist of it.
Jesus fucking christ, I need some ice cream. But now my last break of the day is over, and I don't have time to get some. Which I suppose is a good thing. Doesn't feel like it though.