April's Diary

You don't put the grits in the soup, use the whole hominy. Grits and Denny's? ugh! They use instant. Nasty.
I hate grits..I hate hominy....but I like to tell people to " kiss my grits"....and when I see a real fine guy...I start to drool and say ( real fast).." hominy...hominy..hominy..."
Texas..make sure you try some boudin while your there in louisiana!!...I LLLLLOOVVEEE it!!!....
Texas I can just imagine the kind of strength you have in your arms messing with those bales of hay.......awwww...I remember when I was younger...watching them shirtless tan cowboys...doing hay work out in the field.......
K, you are too funny. Hubby says he likes to see me out there getting all sweaty!! Anyway, I'm back! Had a great time, didn't like the food much, tooo spicy for me. Will check back in later after I finish taking care of hubby!!
I used to have to bale hay too!! I lived on a small farm before I moved for school! SUUUCCCCHHHH a good workout ... wow! Did I feel it the days after! haha .... but the damn scratches all over and itchy .... don't miss that part! hehe* yeah I bet your hubby likes watching you get all sweaty! for some reason, guys dig that lol* well come watch me on the tredmill then for god's sake that's all i do is sweat!! hahah ... oh well lol* Looks like you had fun are are doing great =) Keep up the hard work !!
Sounds like you could work me under the table :eek: And nothin like a little sweat to turn your man on ;) Sounds like you have a lot of dedication, I'm sure you will reach your goal in no time.
You kicked some fat cells ass on your vacation!!!!!...ANYBODY that losses weight on a get away was doing something right!!!!!.....What trails did you happen to find?....Did your hubby win the fishing tournament?
The tournament was terrible! 3 days and on the 3rd day he finally caught 3 little fishies. Everyone did bad. It only took 25 pounds to win. That's for all 3 days.
The trails were right there at Stoner Park and followed the river all the way down. I don't know how far it goes but based on how far I went I ended up walking about 30 miles round trip! It was a blast. Now, it's time to get back in gear! Oh he did catch a couple of "goos"
AHHH the goo fish is back~ ! LOL
sorry the fishing was soo bad.. nothing like bad fishing to ruin your day.
Stoner park? How did they come up with that name?
Awesome losing weight on vaca!
Well, to be honest most of the weightloss came before we left. I only lost 1 pound that week. It was mostly just trying to keep from putting any back on! I think the park came after the street Stoner Ave. The road seems to be much older. Christina, I wish I could tell you how the gator was, but to be truthful, it just didn't fall into our budget!!
Awwww...stoner park....I know where that is at....I love the fact that both shreveport and Bossier City has put up walking/ running and bike trails along the river.
When I go to visit my sister/ brother...after I work out at a local curves...I go for about a 2 mile walk along the red. Doing it in the early morning was so nice
It was a beautiful trail, but the skeeters were fierce!!!!!! You should have seen the place. The city had to close off the whole park to the public for 4 days so there would be space for all the trucks and boats. Everybody else had to park up by the road and walk down. Other boats had to go to Clark's Marina to launch
Those sucked BIG time. I swear they were a good 2 inches long! At one point I looked at my arm and there were 15 of them just on my forearm!!! That was after I sprayed myself with the DEET I got at the military surplus store!
That's for sure!! It was a good trip. We spent too much money, but it's the first real vacation trip we've ever taken together. I don't count weekend fishing trips to Corpus because we used to do that a couple of weekends a month. This was 7 days.
Now, I've got to get my self re organized. When we got back John made the decision not to go back out on the road. I'm glad he's home for good, but now we are both searching for a job and we're totally broke. He's got some good leads on jobs and hopefully will know something by Monday. Looks like I'm going back to driving the school bus. Need something full time, but at least it's something while I search for a better job. So, new schedule is to get up early enough for at least 30 minute workout before getting John going in the morning. If I go back to the bus, I have to be there by 5:30 a.m. so I guess I'll be looking at getting up at 4. Well, at least the next couple of weeks will be busy trying to get everything together. Should be good for the 2 week challenge!!
always spend too much when it comes to vaca!
School bus job sounds good... they pay real good up here, just dont think I could handle all those kiddies, ecspecially the kids in this neighborhood!
I know what you mena, I love kids but pretty much..my own kids. That sounds mean doesent it...oh well. Where are you Darlin were in a group together so time to get motivated and kick eachothers butt. Hope you have an awesome DAy!!!
the bus driver job pays decent but its only like 5 hours a day so even with good hourly pay it still sucks. Actually I get along better with other people's kids better than my own. I guess it's because in the long run, they really aren't my problem! I'm ready for this 2 week challenge. My challenge will be harder this time since hubby's home. I told him I was going to get him into my healthy changes. He says ok, but then gets mad when his breakfast only has 2 pieces of toast and 3 pieces of bacon. Usually 4 toast and 6 bacon. Oh well, I'll keep working on him.
You get on that man April. You can do it..Get him healthy too what can he say if your doing the cooking afterall. As far as kids, Im just the opposite. I get so mad when I go to Walmart..I say walmart because it seems like that is where everyone brings their bad kids and anyways I see these awful kids...mine are no angels believe me but I swear I just want to put the little shi*s in their room..LOL.