Weight-Loss Antum salimoun!(Team 3)

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I updated my original post for my body weight this morning. Afraid to say that I was .1 pound over :( I'm gonna loose it next week though!!
I updated my original post....I met my goal for the week plus some extra. Way to go everyone! We're all doing a fabulous job. Don't worry about the .1, Hyperose. You did great.
Whoo Hoo! Out of the 80's and in the 70's! I lost my goal! Congrats everyone as well.

Hyperose, don't worry about .1 lbs. It's water weight or something silly like that. You totally did wonderful this week no matter what the scale says.
hyperose you will lose it. Just keep going and don't let it get you down. I have gone a week without a loss before and then a "swooshie" where you drop several lbs at once!
The scale was jumping around like crazy today and I couldn't get an accurate number. Either way, I lost weight! :)

Monday 1st January= 274.0
Monday 8th January= 268.5
Monday 15th January=
Monday 22nd January=
Monday 29th January=

Target Weight for the 8th= - 5 pounds (- 6.5 pounds)
Target Weight For the 15th= - 5 pounds
Target Weight For the 22nd= - 5 pounds
Target Weight for the 29th= - 5 pounds
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didn't do it!

Sorry all, I didn't make my goal this week. Being sick has sure taken it's toll on me, you know how it is, you get sick, feel sorry for yourself and give in and eat all the crap you shouldn't, Or is it just me? Anyways, that's what happened, but i'm on the mend now and ready to get back at it. Don't worry I won't let you down i'm gonna do my part to win this challenge!
That's OK Preemiemum, I know exactly how you feel. I've always envied those people who lose weight when their sick or stressed...I always end up doing the opposite.
Hey where is everyone??? How did everyone go for their target weigh in today?? Team 1 looks like they are melting can we beat them - I think we can guys!! How did we go?
Hi!!! Well, I weighed in on Saturday and was 135, but when I weighed in on monday, I was 137, so that means I only lost 1 lb, I kinda messed up over the weekend as well so I guess that's what happens. Ok
We all did awsome this week because we are still here and that's always a good thing. If when I make my goal I will most likely still be here! :p
Thanks for all the kind words everybody! Now off I go to exercise. No more laziness at all! :D Later!
I am not going to disapoint you guys!! I have lost 3 lbs in the last 3 days:D It's almost surreal. I haven't weighed this much since the end of college... like 9 years ago! crazy! hope you all are doing well!
Monday 1st January=180
Monday 8th January=178
Monday 15th January=
Monday 22nd January=
Monday 29th January=

Target Weight for the 8th=178
Target Weight For the 15th=176
Target Weight For the 22nd=173
Target Weight for the 29th=170

Overall weight loss target=45
Great job guys on weight loss!! I was down today but back up and feeling good today!! I hope you are doing well! One more day til weigh day:) Go Team 3!!!
Still trucking along. Ahead of my goal but on target to my previous goal of 180 by Feb. 1st. Come on team 3 lets beat 'em!! :)

Monday 1st January= 197 lbs
Monday 8th January= 191 lbs!!
Monday 15th January= 187 lbs - very frusturated- this was 185 yesterday!
Monday 22nd January=
Monday 29th January=

Target Weight for the 8th= 195
Target Weight For the 15th= 193
Target Weight For the 22nd= 191
Target Weight for the 29th= 189
I didn't meet my goal this week. It's that TOM. A week early, even. Boo. I will hopefully be back on track next week.
Week 2 Starting Week 3

Monday 1st January= 138
Monday 8th January=137
Monday 15th January=137.5
Monday 22nd January=
Monday 29th January=

Target Weight for the 8th= 135
Target Weight For the 15th=133
Target Weight For the 22nd= 130
Target Weight for the 29th=128

Ok so I am not going to meet my goals at all. I am getting back to it today, but last week I was completely off. Sorry guys
Oh my, with today being a holiday, I forgot to weigh in this morning! I just weighed (it's 7pm and after super) so I'm 178....which is way above my "goal." Plus, it's that TOM for me, too....looks like everybody has that problem this week!!!
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