So, question. Any of you that have been successful out there - what do you do for the junk food cravings throughout the day?
We have these evil little vending machines at work that just call my name every afternoon. They're all the way in the back of the building, but I sit in my office and just fight with myself over wanting some SUGAR!
I try to take healthy snacks as a diversion - but the cravings do suck.
You already have the answer - healthy snacks. What I would say is that if sugar is what speaks to you - have sweet healthy snacks.
Have you seen how much fruit I have in an average day. I have just finished a bowl of sugar free jelly and will probably have another bowl later. In fact have you seen how many sweet things I have - my cereal is sweet too. I think that I have more sweet things than anyone posting on this thread.
OK so I am not in an office situation so I am not exactly in your position - but having said that - I do go into shops each day. Also - my husband is not currently trying to lose weight and he likes his food (his BMI is 54) so there is chocolate and other sweets in the house - not to mention other fattening food too. It is not like I live in a plastic bubble.