Weight-Loss ACCOUNTABILITY THREAD - The Purple Team Thread


So, question. Any of you that have been successful out there - what do you do for the junk food cravings throughout the day?

We have these evil little vending machines at work that just call my name every afternoon. They're all the way in the back of the building, but I sit in my office and just fight with myself over wanting some SUGAR!

I try to take healthy snacks as a diversion - but the cravings do suck.

You already have the answer - healthy snacks. What I would say is that if sugar is what speaks to you - have sweet healthy snacks.

Have you seen how much fruit I have in an average day. I have just finished a bowl of sugar free jelly and will probably have another bowl later. In fact have you seen how many sweet things I have - my cereal is sweet too. I think that I have more sweet things than anyone posting on this thread.

OK so I am not in an office situation so I am not exactly in your position - but having said that - I do go into shops each day. Also - my husband is not currently trying to lose weight and he likes his food (his BMI is 54) so there is chocolate and other sweets in the house - not to mention other fattening food too. It is not like I live in a plastic bubble.
I have a problem now, and I think it's a bit too late to get advice for tonight, but hey. (EDIT- it's 04:06pm here)

I have started an exercise regime. I live with my parents, my boyfriend lives with his. He's coming to visit tonight, I was going to fit in a run before he comes (6pm or so) but turns out he's gonna be at my place from 4pm.

Now, I haven't explained to extent of my training to him yet, which I will do tonight, but when we get some time in the week together, we don't interrupt it for other things.

I run at the gym, easier o keep time and less hazardous weather :) He isn't a member there, so we would have to run on the road if he joined me. Somehow I really doubt he's going to run though, he's overworked and so unfit it's not funny!

So I'm thinking, how can I still get in my exercise with the least time taken away from our quality time? I figure I'll go run around the block, then there's no driving time to gym. I just can't time myself while running.... any ideas on timing 90 secs walk, 60 secs jog over and over for 20 minutes?

I guess the least I could do is to run the block and just estimate.

Wow, I think in times gone past I would have just left it for today. This time I am making a plan, and planning to stick to my resolve. Woooo, progress!
Anke - If you make a note of the time you can start walking and running. As long as you stay out doing it for the 30 minutes it is exercise for the challenge. If it is interval training you are after - try walking a block, then running a block etc.

When you get back you can make a note of the time and if you were doing exercise for the duration - that is what counts.

I am sure that your boyfriend will be interested and impressed in the fact that you are working to become fitter and healthier.

It is great that you are focused - and have decided not to give it a miss because you cannot do things in your normal way.

I am just off out now to do a bit more walking....
Hi Margaret

Thanks for your replies, they were really helpful! I've ordered a pedometer just now, walking is one of the rare types of exercise that I actually enjoy so hopefully seeing how many steps/miles i do will keep me motivated and make me want to do more.

And I really didn't know whether having an eating curfew was useful or not. But I'm glad to hear it's not that important, and total calories is the thing to focus on... because i tend to binge at the very end of the night if i try and set a curfew!

Thanks again

Hope you're all doing well
The pedometer and an accurate set of bathroom scales were the two best things that I bought last year. They have both been so worth having it is silly.

Calorie level is vital for weightloss - but it is really important to make sure that it is not too low as well as not too high. If you set the calorie level too low you can make problems for your future.

It is also really important to make sure that your food provides you with all the nutrients that you need.
Speaking of this, I just discovered that my daily intake has been set by my weight loss club as 1200 calories a day. Now I am concerned, since I am 5"8 and I need to still lose 30 pounds, maybe more... I really don't want to hit a plateau!

I'm pondering whether I should increase it to 1500, what do you guys think?
Morning everyone!

Ankebuzz - I'm a bad person to ask when it comes to counting calories and how many you should have because I hate it! lol I think that as long as you're exercising, you should be fine. Just make sure that you switch up your exercise routine. I did the same thing for 4 months and my body got accustomed to it so I hit a plateau. I thought that the only way that I could lose weight was by doing these 45-60 min tapes. I alternated the tapes between 6-7 different workouts and thought that would be enough. I didn't realize that I could change it up just by throwing in a 20 min tape that was completely different than the exercises I was doing. Just a suggestion! :)

On another note..here is my Wednesday Report :gnorsi:

Didn't exercise yesterday - was too sore. (in a good way)
Got all my water in.

Food for the day:

1 Figbar (100 cal)
Homemade Nachos - multigrain Tostitos w/lowfat American cheese
1 Marshmallow Treat (100 cal)
1 Tootsie Roll Pop
1/2 Cheese and Mustard Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread
Handful of Raisinets
2 Openfaced Sandwiches (ground meat mixed with chili sauce, topped on 1 slice of bread - broiled)
2 servings of Tater Tots
2 Maple Leaf Cookies

I'm a little disappointed in my food intake because it seems like I ate sooo much. I know I probably went over my calories for the day (but I wouldn't know because I don't count them)

Do you guys know if there is an alternative to counting calories - I do really absolutely despise doing it. Just don't have the patience for it. I tried using an online calorie counter - but lost patience for that as well because it didn't include everything I ate, and I couldn't add the additional foods unless I signed up for a paid membership. Grrrrrr.

I'm going to get my exercise in this morning - working from 11-8 so I know I won't feel like doing it tonight.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day! Weigh ins tomorrow!
Speaking of this, I just discovered that my daily intake has been set by my weight loss club as 1200 calories a day. Now I am concerned, since I am 5"8 and I need to still lose 30 pounds, maybe more... I really don't want to hit a plateau!

I'm pondering whether I should increase it to 1500, what do you guys think?

I would be inclined to increase it a bit.

I havent done the calculations based on your statistics - but basically - (I am no expert) as I understand it the basic idea is as follows.

There are calculators for the following about the place
Work out your BMR to find out how many calories your body burns without you getting out of bed to do anything.
Add on the calories that you burn doing your day to day activity.
Add on the calories that you burn through exercise.
Subtract 500 to give you a weight loss.

The general rule of thumb seems to be
Take your weight in pounds. You should be able to lose weight on a multiple between 8 and 12. Try a multiple of 12 and see if you are losing weight nicely. If you are - go ahead with that in the knowledge that you can reduce things a bit if things slow down too much.

I have been on my project for 15 months now and have lost a fair bit of weight. I do not calculate my calories all the time - but I do so every now and then and I have a very repetitive diet so once things are set they are pretty much steady until I change things again.

I am still losing weight on something that averages about 1500 calories a day. That is over 10 times my weight.

If you cut things too low you run the risk of feeling deprived and giving up. You also run the risk of not getting all the right nutrients - you want to be sure that you are getting enough protein, fibre, calcium etc.
Hmm, thanks Margaret. I'll be doing some research and deciding today then.

At Lori!

Yes, there are a few different ways of calculating your intake. One of the easiest I found was working with portions. This was actually the plan given to me by my dietician. Here are the basics.

First, you do need to work out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight (see Margaret's tips above). Then you go on average amounts of calories PER SINGLE SERVING for each different food group.

Starch - 90 calories - 1 portion is half a cup of rice/pasta/other/ 1 slice bread/ half a potato/ 3 light crackers

Protein - 100 calories - 1 portion is one-third of your palm of any lean or medium to lean meat/ fish/ chicken / 1 cubic inch of cheese/ half a tub of fat free cottage cheese/ half a cup beans / lentils

Fat - 50 calories - 1 teaspoon of any regular oil/ mayonnaise/ butter/ margarine/ 1 tblspn peanut butter / 2 tablespoons light mayo/ 2 tsps low fat margarine/ 1 quarter of an avocado, small handful of nuts/ seeds

Fruit - 90 calories - 1 small apple / half a large apple/ cup of berries/ grapes/ watermelon

Dairy - 110 calories - 8 fl. oz. lowfat milk/ 6 fl. oz. yoghurt

Treats - 90 calories - 1 portion is 4 tsps sugar, 1 round lollipop, 2 flat lollipops, 9 jelly babies / similar sweets

Vegetables - don't count these, really, unless you make them with other things that are calorific (butter) - You need 3-5 portions a day, so one portion is typically 1 cup's worth. Try to get at least one orange / yellow veg in per day, along with all the greens.

So once you know how many calories you should take in, you can divide it up into these groups using the values above... mix and change until you've got a plan that suits your day.

My day typically consists of:

2 starch - 180 cal
1 dairy - 110 cal

1 fruit - 90 cal

2 starch - 180 cal
2 protein - 200 cal
2 veg - N/A
1 fat - 50 cal

1 fruit - 90 cal
1 dairy - 110 cal

1 starch - 90 cal
1 protein - 100 cal
2 veg - N/A
2 fat - 100 cal

1-3 treats, optional - 270 cal

So, the max I should be eating is 1500 cals in a day. I estimated it at more like 1200 because I usually only make it up to there, no treats. So ye, hope this does more to help than confuse!
Geez this thread moves a bit!

Not posting food from yesterday- I drove 700 miles and picked all day. I did not eat bad but I do not remember any of it really.
Ran for 45 minutes yesterday- cardio day so no WT

Food today so far-
Breakfast-yogurt, oatmeal

planned exercise of a WT session- squats, deadlift and that sort of good stuff with some arc trainer cardio at the end. plannd 60-90 minutes...
Ok, so my food post for the day (Thursday)

2 weetbix biscuits
low fat milk

1 apple
3 slices rye bread
Chicken drumstick
Mixed veg

Cranberry Slim slab (yummy diet bar type thing, 65 cals)

Grilled hake fish fillet 1 and a 1/2
Cous cous (type of grain)

2 Southern Comforts (bourbon) with Sprite Zero

Another half a slim slab

So I have decided to up my calories a tiny bit, just for my own comfort as I'm exercising more than usual now too. See you all in the morning! (It's just after midnight here!)
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Hi Everyone!

Interesting info on the calories. I count calories, but think I go a little bit insane with it sometimes.... i get really down if i go even 100 kcal over my target (and it happens a lot!) and then think "oh well this day is a total write-off, no point trying today!" Mad! Luckily it's been better recently, just gotta try and stay sane!

2.5 litres water: done
Exercise:not great, was sooo tired but 30 min fast walk with dog
2 glasses coke zero
b: 1 oatabix, skimmed milk and banana
s: teaspoon peanut butter
l: mixed salad and quorn thing
s: handful of mixed seeds
d: bowl lentil soup and two slices brown bread
s: 2 squares of chocolate and coffee

2.5 litres water: done
Exercise: 70 mins aerobics - phew!
b: tomatoes and a babybell cheese and black coffee
s: teaspoon peanut butter
l: small handful almonds, mixed frozen veg and nut cutlet
s: 2 squares chocolate
d: mixed salad veggie chicken style nuggets
s: carrots and celery with hummus

Have a good night every one! Weigh-ins tomorrow right? Eek!
Ok, so I am going to officially post my stats in that template Lori gave us at the start by the end of my work day (8 hours from now).

The number I am using for the weight comes from my Tuesday evening weigh in I have with my diet club. I will use next Tuesday's number for next Friday and so on.

I am so glad I kinda sorted out my exercise schedule now. I spoke to my boyfriend and he said he'll run with me on Sundays, I can't believe it! So I'll be running Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The other night I couldn't run because there was no time for gym and it was raining outside. I decided to do my belly dance aerobic video, so at least I was active!

Then yesterday I went to dancing, then to gym for a full body workout and a run! I am so pleased with myself!! I think this could actually become a regular thing :)
Thank you for the feedback on the calories! Very helpful.

Yesterday was an ok day for me. I got my exercise in yesterday morning of 30 min. I have to get my remaining 55 min in today which shouldn't be a problem because I'm only working 4 hours.

Eating wise - :cuss: I'm mad at myself..lol

Here's what I ate -

1 Fig Bar
Chicken Sandwich from Chic Fil-A w/pickles and mayo
handful of fries
1 small Cherry Pie from the Evil Vending Machine
2 Marshmallow Treats

No excuses, but I was running all day with my director doing marketing for the school, so it took me out of my normal schedule.

Today will be better. I'm going over to my dad's tonight - and the norm is to order pizza, wings, and anything else greasy and fattening we're in the mood for. But, I'm going to try something different. Gonna stop at the store and take over food to prepare a healthy dinner for us - with a healthy dessert (my dad has a big sweet tooth) So, we'll see how it goes!

Have a great weekend everyone!

It's WEIGH IN DAY! All stats must be updated by MIDNIGHT EST today.

Tomorrow is your FREEBIE DAY! I will post next week's Bonus in the original Get Back on Track Thread!

So, my food for today:

Vanilla flavoured instant oats

Small block of lowfat cheese

Half a can of tuna
2 rye crackers
So we post our stats in our original template posts yeah?

Lori and Rah, just seen your stats, congrats on the weight loss!

water 2.5 litres: done
Exercise: 30 mins so far...
B:2 pieces bread toasted with marmite
s: piece of cheese
l: veggie Fajita
s: 200 cals of chocolate
1050 cals so far

I've used up most of my cals limit for the day already... so will either have to do more exercise or try very hard not to eat much more today or both!
Well I have pretty much stuck to my very repetitive routine in so many ways - just have not been updating here for a couple of days. Here is my catch-up posting.

Thursday was a bit funny - less walking because we have a 6.5 hour journey. I had my main meal at the time when I would normally have my weetabix - then in the car I had some fruit and my weetabix. I had quite forgotten how good weetabix is if you make it up with lots of milk a few hours earlier and have it in a lidded container. It soaks up all the milk and becomes much more substantial. One stick of sugar free gum stopped me from eating a lot more in the car.

Tuesday: 27/05/08

At least 3 hours exercise out walking.
Pedometer readings at end of day:
---Steps = 31,152
---Distance = 12.04 miles
My Food / Drink:
2.5 litres of cold water
some diet cola
3 weetabix, sweetener, 350 ml skimmed milk
2 large handfuls honey Shreddies
salmon fillet, sweetcorn, peas, small amount of olive spread
1 banana
4 plums
1 kiwi fruit
2 clementines
1 peach
1 pear
1 pear
1 apple
Sugar free jelly (half a sachet)

Wednesday: 28/05/08

At least 3 hours exercise out walking.
Pedometer readings at end of day:
---Steps = 29,321
---Distance = 11.33 miles
My Food / Drink:
2.5 litres of cold water
some diet cola
3 weetabix, sweetener, 350 ml skimmed milk
2 large handfuls honey Shreddies
chicken breast, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, gravy
1 banana
4 plums
2 clementines
1 peach
1 pear
1 pear
1 apple
Sugar free jelly (one sachet)

Thursday: 29/05/08

At least 2 hours exercise out walking.
Pedometer readings at end of day:
---Steps = 25,370
---Distance = 9.81 miles
My Food / Drink:
2.5 litres of cold water
some diet cola
3 weetabix, sweetener, 350 ml skimmed milk
pork loin steak, tin of baked beans
1 banana
4 plums
2 clementines
1 peach
1 pear
1 pear
1 apple
1 kiwi fruit
some grapes
Sugar free gum - 1 stick

Friday: 30/05/08

At least 2 hours exercise out walking.
Pedometer readings at 5pm:
---Steps = 23,012
---Distance = 8.89 miles
My Food / Drink:
2.5 litres of cold water
some diet cola
3 weetabix, sweetener, 350 ml skimmed milk
half a handful of honey shreddies
tandoori chicken, salad (no yoghurt or dressing), garlic rice
1 banana
4 plums
7 strawberries
1 pear
Sugar free jelly (half a sachet)

My weight today is 10st0.2 i.e. 140.2 pounds
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I had a little loss this week which i am happy with.
I went pizza hut on friday night (2 slices thin base didnt eat crusts and 2 garilc bread slices) as i promised my neices i would take them if they were good and i am looking after them all weekend so may not post on here till monday but i am going to do my food diary on here from then onwards
I am very determind to loose this now i am not with Slimming World

Going to check out how everyone did now

Fruit and veg bonus challenge will be quite easy for me as i have been building it in for months now so i have about 6 portions a day

Good luck team and keep the exercise up!!!