Well I know Skyler's not been feeling well. I don't have the same excuse. In fact I basically threw int he towel this weekend. Saying I'd have enough and learn to accept my body as it is. Not like that'll be easy!
Anyhow.. I've just been pretty stressed lately due to the job transfer, as we're interviewing replacements now, and my coworker no matter how many times I Inform her seems to think my last day is next Friday, not Wednesday. I need a few days break inbetween the two jobs. Money is of course strained slightly as we prepare for the wedding. Down to 7 weeks and that's another stressor. So I've just been eating like mad..
Last night.. I was just feeling so uptight, so stressed and had a tension headache. As I was eating ice cream, it just dawned on me.. this isn't making ANY of it go away. It hasn't helped. Its not doing anything. And suddenly..food didn't seem like a great comfort anymore. I don't know if those feeling will continue to last that way.. or make that kind of impression, I can only hope they do. but.. I started distracting myself, playing some downloaded version of Tetris to try and de-stress.. if it wasn't so late I would of gone to the gym instead. So.. we'll see. Anyhow. my ramblings for the week..
I will warn you all, that I will not have internet access like this at my new job. Plus I intend to be pretty busy there. So ,my posts will come at the end of the day instead of the beginning. I hope to catch up with everyone's diaries too this week...
Breakfast: bagel with light cream cheese 300 calories