Weight-Loss 6 Week New Year's Goal Challenge

Claudia, here is the spreadsheet. I've added you and Alta on it so far because that is the email addresses I have. Remember, this is my first pass but we can edit all we want.

The first tab is the "scoreboard". Each person should update their info themselves here.

Second tab is the "guidelines". I copy and pasted that from your first post. Please edit as necessary if you need to add any clarification, etc. It will explain the "rules" per say.

Third tab is to list out bonus challenges that we add on during the competition. I am not sure how to incorporate this yet into the scoreboard but it should not be too difficult.

Hopefully this link works. If not you will have an email with the link.
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Alta is trying to get to the spreadsheet and it is asking her to log in. Let me see how the process works for non-gmail users. I know it can be done :)
From What I can see, I can't access the document without a google account. At least from this link.

BTW, official weigh in for the contest is 313lbs. Up a little because of the holidays but whatcha gonna do?
I changed the setting so everyone who clicks on the link has access.

REMEMBER...save your info SEPARATELY on your home computer/pad and paper so that you can re-enter if it gets accidentally deleted by someone. I will periodically "export" the file and save it to my hard drive as a back up but anyone can edit the file....

Thanks so much for your hard work on that spreadsheet LLH! Everyone, please do not enter info until later tonight. I am going to post the teams in alphabetical order and I would respectfully ask LLH to rearrange the names with the teams and names in alpha order. So I'm a stickler on organization..sue me. I will post the link to the spreadsheet in another thread in the first post so everyone can find it without having to go to their email address. Team postings tonight! GAME ON BEEACHES!
LOVE the spreadsheet! Fantastic idea .. so do we put our starting weights here? 2 days ago I weighed 175, so I'm assuming I'm still there. GO TEAM 2
Okay!! The spreadsheet rocks, nice job! however, we still need to assign the Unassigned folks to teams. Additionally, Trusylver asked to be included as well and I didn't see her name there?

For the unnassigned folks, perhaps just split up every other and assign to a team evenly?

Just random thoughts. Have team Captains been decided, or are we having them?
what a great spreadsheet!! it makes the points so much easier to input and count up :D:D I think i will also update daily as it only takes a few seconds

Im getting really psyched for this now...and I warn you I can get pretty competitive! Bring it!
Thanks so much for your hard work on that spreadsheet LLH! Everyone, please do not enter info until later tonight. I am going to post the teams in alphabetical order and I would respectfully ask LLH to rearrange the names with the teams and names in alpha order. So I'm a stickler on organization..sue me. I will post the link to the spreadsheet in another thread in the first post so everyone can find it without having to go to their email address. Team postings tonight! GAME ON BEEACHES!

I can rearrange the teams in any order and also modify the spreadsheet as necessary. Let's connect later on what we need done. :)

This spreadsheet really takes a lot of admin burden off the captains. Whohoo!
Everyone, please do not enter info until later tonight.

Whoops! Well, I won't be online this evening--but I write all my stuff down in a binder, so no worries there :)