Cohen's Lifestyle 2nd Time lucky!!!

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
Hi all,
I haven't been in touch for ages as I have no internet access at the moment. It crashed a few weeks ago and will probably be at least another 10 days before it's up and running again!!:ack2::ack2::ack2:
I have just managed to steal my sisters internet for a few seconds, but we're over here for dinner so I'd better not be rude. I just thought I'd drop in and let you know why I haven't been on line for ages. Hopefully I'll catch up soon.
Take care everyone.

Hi everyone,
Today is my OD's birthday and she has just been for (and got) her L's..very scary!!lol. We have just returned from her first driving lesson (in a manual) and she did very well. Mimimal bunny hops and only stalled 3 or 4 times which I think is terrific for her first lesson. The main thing she needs to focus on is her listening skills and learning that after 1 hour of driving, I think I know more about it than her. She did listen after the lesson when I told her that she has to listen or I won't be teaching her and then she seemed much more agreeable. She has just said that her aim for tomorrow is to get much less stressed. I can't believe the rude people on the road. We had a learner with L plates plastered all over the car travelling along at about 20-30kms per hour in the quietest streets we could find and we had 2 gooses who pulled up behind her and started beeping her. The joys of living in Sydney!!
I am really looking forward to getting back on track next week and I am trying to reign in my eating and stop eating any rubbish. Today I had a yoghurt and nectarine for breakfast, a plate of mixed sandwiches (4 quarters) for lunch and we are heading out to dinner for OD's birthday tonight so hopefully I can find something reasonably healthy for dinner. My main focus is to stay away from sugar and then I will do a big shop on the weekend and make sure I have everything I need on hand to start next Monday. I'm really excited and looking forward to those "feel good" hormones!!
Have a great night everyone.
Take care
Hi Beck, You're a braver woman than I am teaching your OD to drive. I'm a shocking passenger and there is no way I could have taught our sons to drive. I hope you had a good birthday dinner. It's nice having you back, xo Cate.(still feeling great....gotta love those "feel good" hormones..)
Hi everyone,
I haven't managed to get myself back on track yet, but I am hoping to get sorted out soon. I have started to eat sugars again (which I know is a major no no for me) and I'm sure this is why I am having trouble eating well. I am hoping to get up tomorrow morning and cook my delicious mushroom omelette (that I eat most mornings when I am on Cohens) as I know this is what keeps me satisfied the best and gets my day off to the right start. My YD has gymnastics training in the morning so I will need to get up early enough to cook it and still have time to sit down and enjoy it as while YD is training, I am taking my OD for a driving lesson as the roads are nice and quiet early in the morning. OD is doing incredibly well with her driving except that she needs to listen a little bit better and stop saying "It wasn't my fault"...Lol. She is a very good girl who is generally considerate, helpful and easy to get along with, but when she is driving she does fine until she has someone behind her when she starts to doubt herself and panics and then she will start to make mistakes and can get a little snappy and starts saying "it wasn't my fault". I have to point out to her that it no-one elses fault and she has to stay calm and stop doubting herself. It all comes with time though and I'm sure she will be a very safe, careful driver in another year when she sits her test.
Anyway, wish me luck for the morning and hopefully tomorrow night I will be able to tell you all I have had my first deviation free day of 2009!!

Take care
Omg.. driving lessons...

Well i think you are doing marvelously... My son is still 3 years away from driving lessons and i tell you it wont be me teaching him...:p well i hope this message finds you doing well and back on the wagon

Hi Chelle, thanks.
I didn't get back on the wagon yesterday as intended, but I have had my first 100% Cohens breakfast in ages and I am feeling really positive today. A little bit foggy headed (nothing that a few litres of water won't fix), but very inspired. You, Chelle, and Cate are great inpirations and watching your weight magically disappear is reminding me just how great it is to be 100% motivated. I am looking forward to my "feel good" hormones getting back to their Cohens levels and having mountains of energy.
Take care
Good luck beck..
I am sure you will get there...
Speaking of breakfast, i better go and get some myself.. Chicken and veg for breakfast and a mango.. I have been craving them...My mum brought some over yesterday but i had already had my fruit allowance:(
Thinking of you... Be strong, be kind and good luck..

Ha ha ha..
'MMMMM, The force is stong within you, it is...

"May the water be with you"

Hello RJM -wow, your determination is awesome -good on you for doing this twice and taking all the right steps to maintain it!! Looking forward to being where you are! x
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Hi - Long time ago!

Hi Beck

I too am on my second time around at Cohen's. Well, I'm just about to start. Have been following the diet for the past 5 days but will sign up again next week to get the support I need to stay motivated. My husband and I attended the info clinic today and I know exactly what I need to do!

You used to know me as 'nh' on a different forum a few years back! It's great to hear how your life has gone and that you are having another go at getting back on top of everything.

I lost a total of 35kg first time around, then my life turned into a complete whirlwind, and in many ways a living hell. We moved states, my husband and I took up an impossible job running a new school and I eventually regained all the weight. Working 80 - 100 hours per week I had no time to think of me. Eventually a big dose of depression set in, which made it even more difficult to get my head around changing my lifestyle.

I'm gradually pruning back my on-job time - still very demanding on our whole lifestyle, but at last I'm looking at what I've become. Luckily I only returned to what I was before in the end - not more, as some have found. I've dropped 2kg over the past week so I'm already on the road to turning it around.

Keep up the re-feed - great to hear you've done it again before I've been able to sort my life out a little, and this time you'll definitely be inspiring me!!

I never completed the re-feed last time, which was a big part of the problem. I got the program, but we had to start doing up a bomby house to sell in the next month, and it was a nightmare. We packaged our own gear to move states, then hit the road for a long drive, bought another "fixer-upper" house and started working VERY long hours at a new job. Gradually all my adult children returned to live with us also.

I've become a grandma to 2 adorable little kids, and I desperately want to turn my life around so I can be there for them, and the rest of my family, long term.

When I did Cohen's last time, my blood pressure dropped amazingly - of course it is now back to what it was before, but I know there are fantastic health benefits for me if I stick to the bandwagon again.

I'm expecting I'll be told around 35 - 40kg again to get to a reasonable weight. I haven't thrown out all my "skinny clothes" - they are neatly packed waiting for me to fit them again! I had to buy a new round of "fat" clothes though - very sad! I will be very glad to see them go.

But the strange thing is that now that I'm eating on my previous plan whilst waiting for the new one, it's just so easy it's hard to understand why I went back to pigging out on chocolate again. I guess it's too easy to feel sorry for myself when I'm under stress and overworked.

This is definitely the best fat-busting program for me.

Take care, keep it up, and this time - it's STAYING OFF for all of us!
Beck, Well done on the Cohen's brekkie. It is so hard getting back on program. Much harder than just staying on it 100%. I'm so far behind catching up with everyone. I'm not going to be doing re-feed with you anytime soon as I have not been back on program 100% only re-feed really, hence the not losing any weight. Your daughter sounds quite sweet & you are a saint for trying to teach her to drive! xo Cate
Nola, How great to hear from you !!!!!!!:party:

I have often wondered how you went with your school and if you maintained you fabulous weight loss. Looks like we both slipped into the same downhill slide of eating when under pressure, but its great to have you back and I know you will do just as well as last time and you will be just as much of an inspiration as you were last time around. Hearing from you has made me all the more determined to go all the way and complete refeed. I am just so pleased to hear from you and looking forward to "chatting" again!!!
Everyone on here is so positive and encouraging, thanks for all your kind words. I know I can get myself back on track.
I forgot I have a wedding to go to on Saturday night so I thought I would eat Cohens till then, then have dinner "off" on Saturday night and then straight back on track on Sunday morning. I have just been to my Mum's house to borrow from her collection of wedding outfits (my sisters, mother and I are constantly changing in sizes so everything from size 8's to about size 12's. Mum keeps all the outfits that anyone has bought). I found a really nice dress (size 12) that is long and very flattering. Even though I tend to carry any excess weight in my lower tummy, with a pair of "granny undies" it should look really good and is also a great incentive to stick to the program to try to lose any excess fluid and bloating. I know I haven't given myself much time but I am really pleased that I know I will look great. Yayyy Cohens!!
Have a great night everyone. I can already feel the good hormones kicking back in.
Take care
Here Here

Here Here for the Sucker innie Knickers....... i am sure you will look gorgeous for the wedding. size 12... wow..
Maybe you could prepare sundays meals in advance.. then if you are scared at all about deviated the next day you have your meals done and waiting for you.. no thought needed...ha ha ha:) Enjoy your weekend... and take care...

Hi Niyah.. i too am a 2nd timer... failed dismally the first time...good luck.. Congratulations on your grankids too... hope we hear from you again soon..

Well, even though I "succeeded" completely the first time - I did the whole thing, lost the exact amount of weight I was planning - that's where it stopped. So I do feel kind of annoyed with myself.

However, I've read that lots of people who've been seriously overweight and in the habit of making bad lifestyle choices need a few times to get it right.

So this time I am determined to get it right LONG term. Fortunately yesterday the consultant spoke a LOT about not regarding it as a "diet" and accepting you have a life-long problem which needs a complete change of thinking. Even though I know it already, it helped a lot hearing someone else say it.

I'm not getting too hung up on it all this time. Last time I was working only 2 days per week, had lots of spare time and the weight moving down was really important to me. I got a bit obsessive with the tape measure and the scales. This time I am much, much busier and doubt I'll have time to be so obsessive.

Because I have a much busier lifestyle, the challenge is to incorporate "me" onto my daily agenda. My husband has always said to me "Put yourself at the top of the list". Even though he's incredibly busy, he makes time to do training for running, and always makes good lifestyle and health choices. As a mum, I guess I'm like lots of other women in always expecting to have to "give" to others first, and deny myself. So this time around, I need to be aware that if I don't look after myself first, I mightn't be around for others!

Enjoy the wedding Beck! I'm sure you'll be able to pick and choose something that won't totallly blow it all. Size 12 is fantastic!
Hi everyone,
The wedding was good (but a bit strange). The food was fine as for entree it was a chicken and avocado stack (which I ate) and then the main was steak with asparagus (a lot fancier than it sounds and very yummy), but I alo had dessert which was just wedding cake. I have never been to a wedding that wasn't in a church so found this one a bit strange as no-one except the family was provided any seats for the duration of the ceremony and then the time that the bridal party went off for photos (about 1.5 to 2 hours) so as you can probably imagine (with wedding shoes on) our feet were absolutely killing us by the time we were finally allowed to go inside and sit down.
Then it was just the usual speaches etc and home. Generally very nice but I don't know the people that well and so most of the speaches didn't mean much to me.
Nola, I always tend to put everyone else first in my life too and find that we really do need to spend some time focusing on ourselves or we just crash and then we aren't able to do anything for anyone. Take care of yourself and take your husbands advice. I remember how well you went last time on Cohens. You went right down to your goal weight, didn't you, and just ran out of time to do re-feed before the big move. I'm sure that this time you will be fine. I also tried to not be too obsessive with it all this time as I tend to have a bit of an obsessive nature, so hoping this will help me recognise that it is ok to have a day off every now and again and then get back on track and on with it.
I better get going as I have to do some painting.
Have a great day everyone.
Take care
Hi Beck, Glad the wedding was ok. I'm in the minority of most women I think in that I really don't like weddings. I'm pleased people are getting married still but I just don't enjoy them much. I hate lots of fuss. We eloped in 1975 and told everyone afterwards. Each to their own. We have a wedding to go to this Sat.
I'm getting myself psyched into going back on plan 100% next Monday. Who would have thought it would be so hard for me to do it? 28 weeks w/o deviation & I'm having so much trouble commiting for what would probably only need to be a few weeks. You have done so well. You sound so strong!
Cheers for now, Cate

I cant talk about my wedding as it still hurts way too much... My IL's..... who'd have guessed.... But love other peoples especially as i am now slimming...:) But i loved my weekend away for our 10th anniversary... that was so much fun... cant wait to do it again..:)

Beck you are so strong, i find it hard now i am officially on the program to deviate...i am OTT about it.. I know from past experiences that the next day is so much harder for me.. i want so much more..... hubby said i could deviate at my mums 50th and there was a big part of me who wanted to.. but i couldnt let myself... everyone keeps saying how good im looking and my face looks like me now... and i keep replying " thank you" and every once in awhile i add "i just have to finish it this time.." ha ha ha.... Beside the bout of food poisoning from novemeber i think has helped me... ha ha ha ha:)

anyway lots to read and post.. so better move along....
Well I didn't get off coffee or sugar over the weekend and I'm sure I will suffer for it tomorrow. I am all set mentally (I hope) to get back on track tomorrow and really looking forward to the feel good hormones kicking back in again. I think I need to pull out a fat photo to stick on the fridge and the pantry to remind myself where I do not want to go back to again. Everything else in my life is super hectic (but very good) at the moment. We are dreading going back to the rigmorale of the new school year and wish the holidays were longer. I really enjoy having my girls home and hate having to send them back every year. The summer holidays seem to fly by as we are always so busy and we never feel like we have had a good break. My girls are growing up so quickly and soon will be adults. I would love to find a way to slow down our life a bit but feel that it probably won't happen in the near future. I have one daughter who is a gymnast and has just been put into the top squad at the gym which means she will now be training 21hours per week and the other daughter does competitive cheerleading (the American "Bring it On' style of cheerleading) and has just been put into the top cheer squad and will probably be training about 7 or 8 hours per week so with school and work and everything else there are very few hours left in the week :eek::eek::eek:.
Sorry I start to ramble a bit at times. I had better get to bed or I'm going to make my headache even worse tomorrow.
Sorry for the rattle (thinking out loud).
Take care
PS. I will try to update my ticker and be honest. Will weigh in the morning and then update it as I'm sure I have done even more damage (just been eating a peanut butter and golden syrup sandwich)
I have everything crossed for you beck.. will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way... Good luck, be kind, be strong.. you can beat this....
Go Beck,

Lots of positive thoughts your way. Hope the headaches are minimal and you're back to GW before you know it!
Thinking of you!
Love Del xx
Hi everyoneThanks for the positive thoughts and good wishes.
I am up and have just finished my Cohens breakfast (boiled egg with tomato and cucumber slices on 2 of my crackers with a cup of black tea) and I'm feeling really good. I'm sure i won't be feeling good for too much longer though. As soon as my body realises it is not going to get any more junk, I'm sure it will protest, but for now I am feeling good. I have plenty of water and intend to drink it constantly all day to try to flush out all the toxins I have put into it recently. I'll update my ticker now and be totally honest with everyone (including myself), I have managed to get myself back to 83kg:banghead::banghead::banghead: you would think I would learn from my mistakes, wouldn't you, but I don't seem to. Hopefully one of these days it will sink in that my body just cannot cope with rubbish food. Cohens is the only way for me!!
Take care everyone.
I'll report in later how I'm going. I'm sure I'll need some inspirational reading.