Don't count on that possibility if you keep wooing your waitresses and whatnot.
Hahahaha. That's not what I meant, but now I'm worried. It wasn't the waitress, though. They're always friendly. I'm a very chatty dude. And well, I dunno. Funny things happen. For example my two buddies are all, "Our waitress is amazing hey. I've never gotten decent service in a Red Lobster in my life."
And I says, "WHY ARE WE WHISPERING? And yeah she's aight, but uh, my drink's been empty for almost two minutes. Where was she on that one. Mother****er is not getting a tip! Good looking girl though." (I felt bad later when I noticed we were completely surrounded by families. Man. -_-)Turns out she was directly behind me listening to what I was saying in my excessively loud voice that carries.
Then she's all, "What can I do to make your experience better.... sir?" Hahaha. I guess you had to be there for the way she said it. Then I'm all, "Well you can turn down the seductive heat and go get me an icy cold beverage instead. And one of those wipey things. Look at this ****. I am covered in batter you didn't warn me about! Why do you hate me?"
Then I got chatting to her about keto (she asked me because of my ordering haha) and she was saying she tried it once and had crazy mood swings. 6/6 for females saying that about keto so far. Must be rough being packed to the brim with estrogen.
Anyway, yeah, that's my Red Lobster story. But as I said I got in trouble later. Supposedly I was flirting outrageously with this ex co-worker of mine who apparently had/has a massive crush on me, right in front of my girlfriend. But what the eff womens how am I supposed to know these things? I only obsess over ME. Nobody tells me stuff like this that I need to know, y'know? No, you don't know, and neither do I. And it's a ****ing problem.

Then the woman had the nerve to say that I could at least do her the favor of being drunk so she can blame it on the booze rather than making a big deal out of how I was stone cold sober. (I was quite pleased with myself. I err, used to, drink excessively at times).
Woot. ZMA is making me sleepy. Guess this means I has enough stomach acids to absorb my nutrients. Yeay.
Oh but I was reading that new T-nation article by Christy uhm, the one about fat bottomed girls? Haha, yeah, and she was saying that the measure of whether or not you train intensely is if you have a small panic attack on your way to the gym. THAT'S ME! So I guess I'm doing something right.
Okay good talk.
Edit: I forgot to add that I actually woke up because I realized I forgot to take my ZMA. I kid you not. Just thought that was worth sharing. I was having the only dream I'll have all year and I woke up suddenly thinking, "Oh ****. I forgot to take my ****." Took a while before the, "Wait, what."