Your username - Why did you choose it?

I had a nail polish called Moonlit mauve and thats how I got my user name.. I loved that polish but its discontinued now :(
My last name starts with D, and I've always been the big guy. That, and it has a somewhat perverted other connotation. :p
When I was in middle school one of my brothers friends and I were talking about nicknames and I told him I didn't have one because no one could think one up. My name is Michelle and he said "how about Mishi?". I told him it was awful and I didn't want it as a nickname.... guess what stuck? lol :p
It was a story my best friend and I made up in grade 6 we were aliens from planets nowhere and nothing( also our alien names).
I chose my username due to the major change I have had to make to my diet in recent months. Last October I discovered I have a food allergy to dairy, egg and wheat. I have always had weight problems, but last year was probably the worst, given that I was suffering from major irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms and fluid retention. I have had this (on and off) since I was about 15.... I am now 39! Doctors failed to correctly diagnose it, and in desperation I went to a naturopath, who discovered the problem in 3 visits! All it took was a simple blood test. Suffice to say I have lost half a stone since Christmas (114kg to 108kg), and it looks like it is finally the downward rather than the upward trend. A friend who hadn't seen me for a while, stopped me in the street the other day and told me I look 10 years younger.
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"mizzie" is a name I've been using online since I signed up for my first e-mail account in 1996. I'm mizzie almost everywhere. Although don't always assume it's me, I've seen other people use it which always frustrates me since I made it up. Typically it's not capitalized, but I understand when people feel like they should since you are supposed to capitalize names.

I have one friend that I met online. Since she met me as mizzie, she still calls me that to this day even though we have visited and talk on the phone nearly every day. She's fully aware of my real name. I kind of like that. Her friends and family know me only as mizzie. lol
i love ben and jerrys ice cream, my favourite flavour is chunky monkey but didn't want to call myself that lol! so i figured i'd call myself cherry garcia which is one of the few flavours of theirs i haven't even tasted, but liked the name since it was so feminine.
I wanted to display something positive. Sunshine was taken so I spelled it differently, I didnt want numbers.
I love to spin on my spin bike. I do it 6 - 10 days straight, on my feet, at high resistance, to speed. I am a total nut job but it has made me healthy, fit and I lost a shed load of weight!

Spinning has made me who I am today & I finally learned to like me (screwball that I am). :hurray:
J is the initial of my first name, Weeks is my surname, and 22 is how old I was when I signed up. So unoriginal.