Your username - Why did you choose it?

My username was a mistake. It was suppose to be Maintdude, but I typed it so quick that I didn't pay attention. haha Maint stands for Maintenance which is what I do for a living.
Haha, I have the lamest reason for mine.

When I was 18, I lived in a crappy little adobe house. We called it my crib and my pueblo interchangeably. Eventually this merged into the word "Criblo." My friend and I thought it was a neat word, and I've used it for everything for no good reason ever since.
JanaNanner - Jana is my first name. My Mom has called me Jana Banana since I was little. So, my sister calls me Auntie Nanners to her two year old daughter (who is quickly picking it up and using it too, haha). I use JanaNanner for all of my online usernames lately. :)
I was thinking of a nickname to choose... and I noticed that the lip gloss I'd been using was "Vanilla Frosting" flavour. And there you have it. =)
I have choosed my own name as my user name.I like my name.Its unique and easy to recall.