Those who religiously attack marriage fails a key part in the Bible: do not conform to the ways of this world. What it means is do not try to attack the ways of this world. If the world wants something, so be it; it does not affect you. And another key point in the Bible: Do not judge others; least you be judged. What this means is that you have no right to judge others, and if you do, then prepare to be equally judged and challenged. If someone did something wrong, then God will be the judgment of that, not man.
As for the actual issue. I really don't care. I mean what is marriage anyway? In the US, all it means is that you'll file income taxes jointly. Nothing else, really. I mean in a place where 50% of couples divorce, and not only that, numerous children live in families with siblings from multiple fathers and no fatherly figure, what is marriage now?
Personally, I don't see it as "revolutionary." I see it as, "Okay, what you want me to do? Give you a kiss?"