Wordle and/or other word games.

Wordle 922 4/6


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got a clean Connections today.
funny that i couldn't see the last category connection until all four names were lined up.... then i immediately saw it.. :)

Puzzle #200
Wordle 923 4/6
Connections- major fail. I got one group easily & then had no idea!
Wordle 923 4/6


Connections somewhat regularly has extremely US-specific categories (like baseball legends or something) and I'm not spending time looking things up I'm not remotely interested in so I just give up on those.Screenshot_20231229-064231_Samsung Internet.jpg
Wordle 923 3/6


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Puzzle #201

a head scratcher today

Saint George?
Wordle 924 3/6
Had to come back to this one but then saw it quickly.
Another connections fail for me. No idea!
Wordle 925 2/6
I dislike connections, mainly because my brain just does not get it. It's a bit like trying to do a cryptic crossword.
I dislike connections, mainly because my brain just does not get it. It's a bit like trying to do a cryptic crossword.

i've only played 3-4 times now, so i'm still in the learning curve. at first i was only looking for connections in definitions, but now i know it can go beyond that. i liked learning a new word today... heteronyms ... i knew they existed, but never knew they had a name. black and white animals was a funny one today, too.

there is a shuffle function which i don't see a use for. i wish they allowed you to drag the words around to reposition them.
lucky day ...!

Wordle 925 2/6


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Puzzle #203

i picked up on the French towns early on.. :)

Connections 12.31.23.jpg
Neither Caesar salad nor wedge salad is a thing here, so while I know what the terms mean they're hardly at the front of my mind...
huh,,,, something i never knew...

"Caesar salad was invented in the early 1920s by Caesar Cardini, an Italian chef who owned a restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico. He moved to Tijuana from California to avoid Prohibition, and it was here, on July 4th, 1924, where Caesar is believed to have invented the Caesar Salad."

i have to think the popularity has to do with Romaine lettuce, but restaurants also offer meaty additions (chicken usually... shrimp sometimes) quite frequently.

frankly, i don't see "wedge" too often, but i do know it's a thing.
Cobb seems popular locally, but i don't like them much.

i've been on a spinach salad trend recently. my last physical noted an iron deficiency, so i've been trying to fix that.
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Wordle 927 5/6
My words-
Made an embarrassing mistake with my third word & then had to put a burner word for my fourth.
Maybe I shouldn't have another crack at connections........
& then this happened-
Puzzle #205