Wordle and/or other word games.

This one worked well today though.
i have avoided sites that profess "best starting words for Wordle", although i have half a dozen right now so i don't think i would find any better... perhaps. but here is a site that i was curious enough to look at. been sort of waiting for some little known or technically complex (double letters, etc) word, but so far (only on my 18th puzzle) they have been fairly common.

anyone want to confess a word that's stumped them?
i've had two 6's, so i'm sure i'll meet my streak breaker someday.

The 7 Worst Wordle Words So Far

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My longest streak so far is 35 words and I've played 105 times so I've been stumped several times (I also just forget to play a day once or twice) but I generally forget the word by the time I post it here so I couldn't tell you which ones they were.
I sometimes forget an hour afterwards, so have got into the habit of taking a photo of it so when my sister asks I can tell her. Currently, we are using the same start word. I might change it tomorrow ;)
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