Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - TEAM FIRE



Hello team 3, this is your very own thread! Hope you like it.

Just to make sure, the members of team 3 are:


Let's get started!! :)
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Oh, and if anybody has a good name for the team, feel free to throw it out here. In the last challenge, we went with Gold - go for gold and all of that, but we could do with something fresh and new. Any ideas?
Happy to be here. This should be interesting. I've never done anything like this before. A little extra motivation is never a bad thing! :)
It's a great thing, really. Not just because it holds you accountable, but because there's people who are doing the exact same thing as you, who know how it feels, and understand how darn difficult it can be sometimes. There is always motivation at hand, and help and advice if needed. Plus, it's fun!! :)
Nice to meet you luzdafuzz! Looks like we're teammates for the next several weeks. :)

I've been trying to come up with a name for the team, but my mind's just not cooperating. The only one I can think of, and don't ask why because I have no clue, is Team Fire. LOL

Anyone else come up with anything else?
Fire....I kind of like that. :) Because we've got the fire and the drive to win this!

What does everybody else think?
Hi everybody! Looks like I'm on Team 3. I like Team Fire as well.

It's nice to have two former Gold team members with San and Transparent. I recognize Ms. Nutella from here diaries and I've seen Mandy around and you seem swell. Zynische, a translation website leads me to believe that you may be a skeptical German?

This is a great team and I'm excited to be here! I can promise that I will get max exercise points and water points most if not all days. I've decided to make a realistic goal based on my performance in the last contest.

I lost 2 pounds a week over the past 10 weeks which for this contest would be 28 pounds lost.

The minimum weight loss goal that would qualify for bonus points is 23 pounds lost.

I have a personal weightloss goal of 25 pounds (299.2) that will get me below 300 pounds and a new bike as reward.

28 pounds 8.6% same as last challenge
25 pounds 7.7% bike and under 300
23 pounds 7.1% bare minimum

I think 26 pounds which is 8% is a realistic goal for 14 weeks. 1.9 pounds a week is healthy fat loss which is what I want.

Good luck everybody!
Hi everyone! It took me a while to find this thread. I love the name Team Fire!!

Quercus - I am currently learning German :D I listen to a lot of German music, so I thought that I really should begin to learn some German.
Quercus & Zynische - Nice to meet both of you! Looking forward to being teammates for this challenge! :)

I too promise to get the max points for exercise and water. I do a mix of tae bo and the treadmill for 6 out of 7 days in the week. The 7th day is my rest day. I also aim to drink 2 liters of water daily. :)

If my body cooperates with me, my goal is to lose 20lb during this challenge. That comes out roughly 1.4lb a week which I think is realistic. My mind agrees. Hopefully my body will too! :)
Hey all!

Nice to see that everybody has checked in - I know that Transparent is out of town at the moment, but will join us in a little bit! :)

Obviously we are going to win this challenge, no doubt about that, but we should let the others believe that they at least have a chance. Otherwise they might not even want to continue! ;) ;)

Seriously though, I think we have a good team here, and it's going to be lots of fun as well. I had all my water today....3 liters, and now I feel completely bloated - ugh. I shouldn't have had the last liter in one go, I guess. Ah, you live and learn! And I've gotten 90 minutes of walking done, so full points for today.

It sounds as if we all agree on Team Fire then?! Sounds good to me!!! I shall change our thread, and will have a little something for everybody tomorrow!

Zynische - if you need any help with your German, let me know and I might just be able to help. I've lived there for 30 years after all. ;) Born and raised in Germany, but now living in the UK. What German music are you listening to, just out of curiousity?
Boy you guys are good! I haven't quite reached the water mark yet (I'm just over 2 liters right now), but will make sure to get the rest in before I go to bed. I have done my exercises today. Just over an hour of tae bo.

I like your attitude San! Since we're Team Fire I guess you could say we're going to burn up the competition! ;)
Water and exercise are done. Just moderate walking and stretching today as I am resting from my field work. i generally drink a gallon of water a day which is almost 4 liters. Field work and my size makes that easy.
Yesterday I got 2 exercise points as I was just shy of 1h 30mins, also drank more than 2L water but not sure I made it to 3 so 2 water points too!!

Aaaand today I'll get over an hour of exercise too. I always drink more than 2L water so will at least get those too!! Also food has been good so far, got the calorie deficit I wanted yesterday and should be fine today also. Good start for all of us by the looks!!!!
Excersise - 2pts
Water - 2 pts.

How do you all make yourselves more thirsty? :p

San - I listen to Rammstein, Oomph, Eisbrecher, Unheilig, Terminal Choice, Centhron, ASP, Funker Vogt, KMFDM, Welle Erdball. I listen to a lot of different music though, not just these styles.
Oh wow Quercus, you are so lucky!! That must have been fun :) This kind of music pushes me to excersise more.
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Somehow I knew that Rammstein and Oomph would be in that list - I used to live next to the singer of Rammstein, and regularly saw the guys around the area when I lived in Berlin. My tracklist for exercise has plenty of Rammstein on it - and I have to brag with the fact that my name is actually in the booklet of their old 'Live from Berlin' album, and I was on stage with them before. :)

Okay, bragging moment over. Today is my cheat day. Which means I can eat what I want. Still trying to figure out how to find the motivation for exercise today. The water doesn't bother me so much - I feel that I get more thirsty the more I drink. It's weird. But it makes me feel very full, and makes me not want to eat - which is bad, because muy calories are too low as they are. Ugh.