Wish me Luck!!!


I'm glad your wife got a local job so you are a "whole" family again. That's gotta take a lot of stress off your wife, you and the kids.

So, are you buying a new house in the local area?
Yes, just a few miles away.

...and thanks, my wife and I are so much less stressed and the kids are so much more calm. They were really starting to act out from her being gone all the time.

We signed, but we extended the closing date to July 30 so if we haven't sold ours by then at least her severance package will have kicked in (in addition to her pay at her new job.)

I have a lot more faith in our new realtor and things are going well. We took it off the market until we found how things would shake out. It went back Monday with the new realtor and we've already had 5 showings. I think it was over a month before we had that many with the other agent. She hustles and gets people through the house.
One couple showed up at the house on Sunday and called the office to see it right then. We were gone and the realtor knew our 2 dobermans were in the house. Her co-owner who lives near us (and has made friends with the dogs) went in and made sure they were crated and showed them the house. I was pretty impressed with that service.

One couple was asking detailed questions about the furnace etc. so that might be good.
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2 1/2 weeks with the new realtor and we have our 10th showing scheduled for today. I have a good feeling about this week
MY HOUSE IS UNDER CONTRACT!!!! we took a beating, but we also got a great deal on the new house so it comes out in the wash.
As long as nothing goes wrong on inspection this weekend I'm moving in 2 weeks.
We are moving on Friday!! Both closings happen in one day. I can't wait! Next week I'll be in the new place.

also, my realtor mentioned in passing that a listing of hers is vacant and the owners left some workout equipment and won't be back to get it. She said I could have it if I want and gave me the combination to the lock box. I go in there expecting a cheapie department store bench or something, but there is a heavy duty olympic bench with adjustable racks for squats, with an olympic bar and about 300 lbs of plates. There's also a gym quality pec deck that also has high and low cables. (I might sell that...or maybe keep it around if I ever feel like getting in some iso work with the cables)

I told her this stuff is worth a lot of money, but she wants me to take it...it might look inappropriate if she were to sell it.
Holy crap, that's sweet man! Glad things have worked out so well, and you get the workout equipment too! Things always get better, looks like things are looking up for you, friend.
We are moving on Friday!! Both closings happen in one day. I can't wait! Next week I'll be in the new place.

also, my realtor mentioned in passing that a listing of hers is vacant and the owners left some workout equipment and won't be back to get it. She said I could have it if I want and gave me the combination to the lock box. I go in there expecting a cheapie department store bench or something, but there is a heavy duty olympic bench with adjustable racks for squats, with an olympic bar and about 300 lbs of plates. There's also a gym quality pec deck that also has high and low cables. (I might sell that...or maybe keep it around if I ever feel like getting in some iso work with the cables)

I told her this stuff is worth a lot of money, but she wants me to take it...it might look inappropriate if she were to sell it.

cool beans! :D

and equipment to boot! :) SO glad it worked out for you!
That is awesome. I'd def keep the cables. You know, you might as well keep it all. That way you can get a workout in if you don't feel like driving to the gym.
Yeah, I think I might keep it all. I work out at home anyway and this stuff is way nicer than what I have. I bet that bench alone would cost me close to $1000, at least several hundred. I have no idea what the machine is worth, but maybe more. It's like a peck dec plus a lot of other features. I'm going to have my brother help me with his truck and just give him my old stuff.

Thanks guys, this whole process has been tough. I wish you all lived around here you could come over for a big party!!...MMW, you're invited any time:)