Winter workout

Out of curiousity, why do you give so many reps to your chest and shoulders? You have tons of frequency mixed with volume.

Thats a good question. But i really dont have a good anwser. i guess i stop doing reps untill i feel the "burn" or i am worn out. I also feel that the chest is a big muscle and should have a good workout to get gains.
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Day 14:

I realized that i was probably over working my bicepts with all the isolation workouts. So i dropped my sets on curls. Also didn't do much today.

Rows: 165x8, 165x8, 165x8, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10

bb curl: 105x10

DB curl: 8x

reverse curl: 8x

I figured i should rather go with compound workouts so that i get better results. I LOVE Rows:D
Day 15:

Deadlift: 135x10, 225x6, 245x6,265x6

Squat:135x10, 225x7, 245x7, 275x6, 315x3

Leg press: 360x8x2, 450x7, 540x5

It is very hard maintaining my weight or even getting bigger. I lost about 2lbs and im not to happy about that. I am currently 193lbs. I am hoping that those 2lbs were fat.
Day 16:

I goofed around at the gym today so i didn't get much of a workout.

Flat bench press: 135x10, 225x5, 265x6, 265x6, 285x4

Incline bench press: 185x8, 205x6, 205x5

flat DB bench press: 90x8, 90x8, 105x7, 110x5

DB shoulder press: 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 50x8, 50x8

Cable fly's: 8x3

Lateral raise: 10x3

I should of done more shoulder work. Next time i will spend less time talking and more time working out.
Day 17:

Rest day.

I am now going to take cell-mass and animal pump in 2 days. I will see how it works out.

Current weight: 195lbs in the morning with an empty stomach and 200lbs at night.
I was born in russia and came to the US when i was 4yrs. I am a citizen. Just not a natural born one. Are u asian?
Day 18:

Bent over rows: 165x8, 165x8, 165x8, 135x8, 135x8

Bent over curls: 135x5x2

Db curls:

Hammer curls:

reverse curls:

Did some other stuff. i cannot really remember.
Day 19:

Deadlifts: 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 295x4

Squats: 225x8, 275x5, 275x5, 295x5

leg press: 4plates each side x10, 6platesx10x2, 7platesx10

Flat bench press: 265x5x2, 275x3,

I cant wait to get my supp on friday. Hopefully i add another 10lbs or so.

End of december goals:

Bench: 315
Squat: 350
Deadlift: 350
Weigh: 205lbs

If i dont achieve these goals I am going to start cutting. I hate cutting.
Day 20:

Rest day.

Bench press flate: 225x5, 275x4 (just a warm up for tommarow)

I am hardly eating nothing anymore. There is nothing to eat at my house. This **** is ****en pissing me off. I cant even buy food becuase i spent all my money already. ****!!. At least im still 195lbs. Ive noticed that im losing some fat. Its probably becuase im not eating enough.

Goal in 1 month: Put on 15lbs. Im going to eat like an animal.
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I think you'd be good to just cut out one of your pressing movements. You ahve flat, decline, incline, shoulder pressing, etc. 2-3 pressing movements is enough if you're pressing more than once a week. Also, up the volume on your pulling and you should be fine.
I think you'd be good to just cut out one of your pressing movements. You ahve flat, decline, incline, shoulder pressing, etc. 2-3 pressing movements is enough if you're pressing more than once a week. Also, up the volume on your pulling and you should be fine.

I think i might cut out decline bench. For the pulling... Any tips? Any new movements would be greatly appreciated. thanks evo.

Day 21:

I know for sure i overtrained today. I spent 2 hrs at the gym today. I spent 45min cheaking out the ladies on the treadmills:D . My spotter pushed me too much today.

Flate bench: 185x10, 225x7, 275x3, 300x1, 265x4x2

Incline bench: 225x6, 225x5, 225x4

Decline bench: 185x12, 225x7, 275x2,

Db flate bench: 100x7, 100x6, 110x3, 85x6

DB Shoulder press: 55x7, 55x7, 65x5, 65x5, 60x5

Lateral raise: 25x5x2

BB Upright rows: 90x5, 90x5, 110x5m 110x5

Cable fly's: 8setsx7reps, hole 7

pull ups:5x

BB overhead extention: 70x6, 100x5

I know this **** is way too much. My spotter kept on pushing me.
Hope this doesnt effect me that much. There were some moments where i would just do some exercise becuase some hot chick was near the equiptment. Hahaha i need to stop doing that.....
On upright rows, skip the traditional style and go with a snatch grip (wide grip) and only bring it up to the lower sternum (lower portion of pecs) or use dbs. I'd def. add in rear delt flyes and face pulls with the cable machine using the rope attachment. 1 arm db rows, bb rows, cable rows, and chins/pull ups will cover most of your pulling aside from the rear delt movements. Now if you look at how many reps you're doing for pressing vs pulling you'll see a huge discrepency.

The pectoralis is really a small muscle group and doesn't require tons of pressing movements. I think dropping the decline bench is a good idea. I think you'll make better gains by lowering volume a bit because you're hitting the chest 2-3 times a week.
Day 22:

BB bent over rows(wide grip): 155x7, 155x7, 155x7, 185x5, 185x5

DB reverse curls: 30x8x3

Db hammer curls: 30x8x2

BB Bent over curls: 115x5x3

Also did some other stuff.
Day 23:

Rest day

Day 24:

Deadlift: 225x5, 275x5, 195x3, 315x2

Squats: 135x10, 225x8, 275x6, 275x6, 295x5, 295x5

Leg press: 5plates(each side)x10, 7platesx10, 8platesx9x2
Day 25:

Okay so today was a crapy day. I didnt get that much work in. Hopefully i will do better next time.

Flate bench: 225x10, 275x6, 275x5, 275x3, 285x2

Incline bench: 225x6, 225x5, 225x4

Db flate bench: 95x7, 105x5, 105x4

DB Shoulder press: 50x7, 55x7, 55x5

DB incline bench: 65x7

Cable fly's: 7x3

So today is my first day stacking No-explode and cell-mass. I currently weigh 195lbs in the mornings with an empty stomach and only shorts on. I hope i see some gains. I paid lots of money for this ****! The only thing i maxed out was my flate bench press at 300lbsx1. Hopefully after i finish this stack i will get a little stronger. I will write down any side effects of using this if i experience any.
Day 26:

This workout was yesterday.

So i did many pull exercises:


Bentover Rows(wide grip):

Seated row:

Lateral pull down:

reverese curls:

Cable bicept curls:

for some reason i feel like i did too much work this day. My bicept is sore.... Which is very rare.

Day 27: Rest day

Im going to get fat on turky!!!:D