Weight-Loss Who would be interested in a WL competition??

LOL That was a pretty intense challenge... It ended up going hardcore accumulation style... I ended up having everyone doing all 8 nutritional tasks in the last week...

There were a lot of pretty experienced challengers playing so it was a good idea to push everyone...

No need for nutritional challenges at all... I was just thinking that people will be getting shopping in. I've been in challenges where people have been shopping already when things were announced and they have wanted changes if for instance they have not bought the right vegetables...
I'm really interested in this. I've been lurking for a few months, lost a lot of motivation. Is it too late to join?
Second for team gold!

LOL - love those Spandau Ballet lyrics

should we sing it at the other teams....

always believe in your soul
you've got the power to know
you're indestructible
always believe in, because you are

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OK.....I NEED TEAM NAMES TODAY PLEASE!!!!!! I believe Team One has theirs....Team Two...are you going with "GOLD TEAM" then??? I need names today so I can post threads tomorrow and give everyone the chance to post their scoresheets before friday if possible.
Quick question, just been re-reading the first post, and wondered if the "Goal" in the scoresheet we're posting tomorrow, is that our end goal e.g. 200, or for the challenge?

One day (and a bit) to go go go! :D

Yes Steve, in that Goal section, I thought we could put our goal loss for the challenge. I personally, over 10 wks, am going aim to lose 30lbs.
I'm gonna use it to help me in the end....I want to do a "stats" section where I can post who lost the most weight, who came closest to their goal, who did...whatever, you get the point.
I'm gonna use it to help me in the end....I want to do a "stats" section where I can post who lost the most weight, who came closest to their goal, who did...whatever, you get the point.

Ah lovely thank you :) Crazy to think if we all lost 30 it'd be 120lb a team... or a small person!

Well ok, if they didn't have an opinion then the majority rules...I just hope that this isnt' a sign that people won't even show up on day one. Why dont' you guys try to touch base with the members of your group if you have not heard from them.


***** JUST IN!!!***** I've decided to award the team that finishes the challenge with ALL their members an extra 30 points for their groups total!!!!