Weight-Loss Who would be interested in a WL competition??

Tasha, I'm being told that you can not multi-email at this time. So you guys are gonna have to email each other seperately..might be more difficult but i dont' see a choice?
i dont' know....maybe you should just contact members on this thread then? would that be easier?? OR would you rather do like Biggest Loser teams "black, red, and blue" ????
that might be a good idea to use colours ?

friday can't come quick enough so excited

what happens if team members drop out? along the way I don't plan to but i'm just curious :)
I know! i'm excited for Friday too!! I guess if people quit...we just have to move on with whoever is left.
I can't wait for Friday.

It is going to be so good that no-one is going to want to drop out.
Everyone wants to lose weight before Easter.

Are there any nutritional tasks planned - or is it purely down to weight loss and exercise? I see that we are having bonuses at times... I am thinking particularly in the first week in case we need to consider things when grocery shopping during this week...
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Well there is a precedent to the colour notion in that we went for colours back in 2008 on several challenges (Accountability ran by MissBlonde and Summer Solstice ran by bmohearn).

Frankly - as I am sure that you are aware - I think that the important thing is that we can do some pretty decent smack talk to get everyone thinking in terms of a competition going on and that they want to act for the team...

We can do smack talk with colours - or pretty much anything... :smilielol5:

I have been out of things here so I do not know how well the different members in the different teams know each other...
When we all knew each other really well we had some hilarious team names - 2 MILFs and an Aussie Battler, ABS of steel (with ABS being the initials) and my own Omega-3 team...

If people arent close or are having difficulty coming up with something with punch - then you cannot really go wrong with colours.
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I'm new to this site. Can you please tell me where I can find our Team #3 thread? Thank you :)

if you scroll up to the top of the page you will see a heading line with the following on it
- Forum - Diet and Motivation - Club Challenges - Who would be interested in a WL competition??

If you click on "Club challenges" it will show you the other threads in this section. One of them has been created by Jericho and is called something about team 3.
click on that thread and you will be in it and able to chat to your team.

BTW there are lots of other interesting sections in the forum that you can see if you click on "Forum" or any of the boxes that show up there... I recommend you investigate when you have chatted to your team.
I'm not sure if we decided on how to score exercise yet, but I had an idea on that.
What if you could give yourself points for your exercise - for example you can give yourself 0, 1, 2 or 3 points, where 0 is no exercise, 1 is light exercise, 2 is a good workout, and 3 is pushing yourself to your limits. The exact points could be tweaked a bit, and it could be weekly or daily, of course.
Just an idea.
Thats probably a good idea...but I think I'm gonna pass on it. Reason is this...what is 'pushing yourself' for one person may not be for another...it would all have to be opinion based. LIke, I don't exercise AT ALL...so 30 minutes on the tredmill would be pushing myself hard...but it might be just a warm up for others...so I think we'll keep to the way I've got it set at now...did you notice the change in the exercise section?
I can't wait for Friday.

It is going to be so good that no-one is going to want to drop out.
Everyone wants to lose weight before Easter.

Are there any nutritional tasks planned - or is it purely down to weight loss and exercise? I see that we are having bonuses at times... I am thinking particularly in the first week in case we need to consider things when grocery shopping during this week...
I havn't thought ALOT about the nutritional tasks to be honest. I looked over what you had done in the previous challenge you posted. BUT it looked a little confusing and 'intense' at least it was for this blonde! I think I'd rather keep the mini challenges healthy and fun...i hope thats ok?