Weight-Loss Who would be interested in a WL competition??

I'm not keen on photos though - even when I was at goal weight I looked pretty bad with all the loose skin I carry.
YAY glad to have you DCF!! Omega, I dont' blame you....we're not doing photos :)
I'm really really hoping after the 1st and people start to go back to work that we'll get a few more members....we used to get upwards of 30 people signed up for these, so I'm really surprised we've only got 7 ish right now.
I think I'm only gonna hold this open for another week....so on 1/08 I'll figure out the teams and we can get rolling on the 11th...sound good??
I hope that lots of people join. The team challenges that we always had were extra motivating.
I can't wait for the challenge to start.
YAY another member!!! Hey, tell me you guys....how long do you think this challenge should run??
Doing it to easter sounds about right, though we could go for pentecost as well. Not too long, so the goal stays visible, and not too short so freak weight occurances don't really matter.

So how would this competition work? Would we all weigh in on a certain day each week (or multiple) and post the results? I'd need to borrow a camera before I can post pictures.
I'd need to borrow a camera before I can post pictures.
While it is great for people who want to post photos of achievements to do so - Korrie and I have already said that we are not doing photos... Photos would be surplus to challenge requirements...

I'm not keen on photos though - even when I was at goal weight I looked pretty bad with all the loose skin I carry.

Omega, I dont' blame you....we're not doing photos :)
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well thats 3 votes for Easter, and thats fine by me....any other thoughts from the other members??

MrMxian......I hope this challenge is as fun as they have been in the past...although I'm shocked by the low turn out. In past challenges we've had upwards of 30 or so members. We'd make team names and banners that we'd post in our siggys....we'd occasionally get in each others diaries to tell the other person there gonna need good luck b/c we were gonna kill them at weigh in....it was fun times, lol Hopefully this will be as fun, but on a smaller lever, apparently.

Um, yea, we'll divide up the members into two teams, at this point anyhow...I wish we could get a third around, but I dont' think we'll get that many more to sign up. Make up team names and then a certain weigh in day...I'd like to stay with friday weigh ins...what do you think??
We'll make it fun. And very supportive.

Teams always make a big difference to people as they do not want to let the rest of the team down. It helps everyone resist temptation.

Friday is a great day for weighing... the weekend is the key time when people are likely to splurge a little or go "high sodium"... a weighing beforehand gives people the week from the splurge to be good and drink water to get things back where they should be...

Korrie - Are we going to have any nutritional task element like we used to do in the old challenges? I know that lots of people found them not only fun but really educational. I learnt a lot in those challenges and it really helped me to hone things for really effective weight loss (and I really liked seeing that speed up :) )...
Korrie - Are we going to have any nutritional task element like we used to do in the old challenges? I know that lots of people found them not only fun but really educational. I learnt a lot in those challenges and it really helped me to hone things for really effective weight loss (and I really liked seeing that speed up :) )...
Ah, like mini challenges?? I completely forgot about those!! Thanks!! Yea, we can do those mini challenges! I'll have to go back and look at the old challenges to see how we did it..maybe you can remind me. I only remember stuff like who ate the most veggies, or who drank the most water....situps, walking, ect.

***To those other members who are not "oldies" like Omega and I.....when we have a long challenge, more than just 4 wks, we have mini challenges every other week to help keep the challenge fun and motivating. I'll have to go back and look up the old challenges to remember for sure, but I think we assigned extra bonus points to the team and those extra bonus points could make a difference on who is the winning team in the end!

i'll have to decide a way to assign points to the percentage of weight loss instead of pound for pound like we used to.

ALSO...I think I'm gonna be closing this up in the next day or two as we have not had any new members sign up for a while. Once its close, its closed no new admits afterwards
Try to recruit a friend! If I can get 2 more people to commit to this challenge, i can do 3 groups of 4 members!
Try to recruit a friend! If I can get 2 more people to commit to this challenge, i can do 3 groups of 4 members!

LOL - I even told a newcomer to suggest that his mother joins our challenge... the more the merrier here...