Weight-Loss Who would be interested in a WL competition??

Oh yea!!! Team platinum is the 1st team to have all reported in and posted their charts :d
Nice work Platters!

Steve, keep that trash talk coming! All that rowing won't help you when your up the creek without a paddle!
I'm just working on the track record. I won so many challenges on this forum it was silly. I even got sick of winning and started resigning on the last day to give other people a chance

:smash: <------ What Margaret does to the opposition
I've weighed in for the challenge...

My weight was the same as yesterday (which was down from the day before).
I didn't see the need to eat high sodium yesterday as some people will do to give themselves a boost... I have confidence in my weight loss abilities...

Friday is an easy exercise day for me... A day of rest... I will however do well in excess of an hour's walking... I'll probably go out instead of using one of my treadmills... I'll post my pedometer step count later.
Anna - weigh yourself and count up to an hour of exercise so you know what to put for today when Korrie tells you which team to join.
Well - I have been out on my first walk of the day which was well over an hour long.

My pedometer is currently up to 16,522. It will get higher when I do some more exercise later...

I've secured my maximum exercise points for the day for GOLD! - has everyone else done their exercise yet (or are you going to let a 53 year old English woman do more than you and take the lead in this challenge)?
Nice work Omega!
Welcome Bananas!

Omega, it's 8:30 in the AM here. I'll get my exercise in this PM. I'm not sure I'm up for a full hour though, but .5 for sure.

I weighed in at a whopping 345. I didn't exercise and ate 441 cals over yesterday. Straight and narrow for 70 days starts today!