The Eve of Nano Eve er Camp Nano Eve anyway....
*** This is not a plug in anyway, shape, form or fashion. It's just something I do and is important in my life ***
Tomorrow starts Camp Nano (Nanowrimo - National Novel Writing Month. November is the main event, but they did start Camps in April and July a while back.). The goal of Nanowrimo is to write a new 50,000 word novel over the course of 30 days (about 1667 words a day), but honestly you can end up doing whatever you want, especially in Camp. You can have an outline and notes before hand, or be a pantser and start unprepared. Or be a rebel and do something entirely different according to your own devices. It's mainly to encourage people to write and it's fun. In Camp, you can decide what word length you want if any at all. You can choose to edit a prior work, write a combination of works, or do something else. I know Camp is geared toward writing, but I've known some people to take 30 days and create web pages, write programs, paint, etc. I tend toward writing so I focus mainly on that. I've been participating since 2009, so a good 12 years now. Out of 17 projects, I've written words for 13 (meaning for 4 of them, I had intentions, but never started). I've completed the word count challenge 7 times, so while I'm not perfect by any stretch, it is something that I always look forward to. I've written articles, short stories, and finished a few novels now. I've had a few articles published (in another life), and the short stories were read by some family and friends, but I've never sought to publish anything for real. That's not the point, fun is. So most of the drivel that comes from my fingers never gets read by anyone other than me. In one sense, it gives me a great deal of freedom because I don't have to worry about what anyone thinks.
^^ That's probably not the best explanation, but all my brain can come up with this morning. I have an allergy headache, so I'm not thinking exactly clear lol.
I've been playing around with a Cyberpunk idea for some time now. I wrote about it last November. For Camp, I am going to revisit the topic and see what I can come up with.
What does this have to do with weight-loss? Plenty. It gives me a distraction, so I don't focus entirely on weight-loss all day long. I can put weight-loss into auto pilot mode and have it as something I do. Like I said before, time is going to go by whether I want it to or not. It helps with stress, and less stress is supposed to help with weight-loss. There's about a billion things going on now, none of which I have control over. So dipping into some sci-fi, fantasy, helps me cope, and takes my mind off of food. lol.
That's my story (no pun intended) and I'm sticking to it!