Weight-Loss Which protein shake to use?

I spend about 25 bucks on my protein..... I forget how many servings. Will check when I get to the kitchen.
I buy protein in huge 10 lb bags for $69.99 at the local tanning salon lol. It comes in a Purina puppy food type bag. I personally get 200ish servings out of it, although it is listed as 150 servings at 22 grams a pop.

Large servings of whey protein by themselves do not agree with my stomach so well.

Edit: Usually you are paying for advertising of the product. Whey protein is actually quite abundant at the bulk level and manufacturers do not have a lot of control over the quality that they receive. Being a defacto commodity, you can go with a no-name brand with little risk. It might just taste like arse.

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I used to get bags like that at . I know they still sell it in bulk like this... might be worth a look to those interested.
Yep, whey is whey, but you're paying for the other stuff... or lack of. Alot of what you're paying for is the filtering process. The more expensive brands that use only the isolate runs everything through filters. This takes the "junk" out, so saturated fat and cholesterol is pretty much gone. The amount of protein per serving goes up since the extra crap is gone, and it's much easier to mix. The good stuff can be stirred with a spoon, while the cheap stuff has to be shaken aggressively in a water bottle or martini shaker since it clumps up so bad. Also some products such as American Whey will add sweeteners like fructose, which makes it taste better, but some people are allergic to these additives. American Whey is both filtered and sweetened so it's pretty expensive compared to alot of products.
So I've been using ON Whey for a month or two now mainly because I have problems getting in all the protein I need since I'm a college student and a) can't afford that much meat/protein rich foods and b) am too lazy to cook said foods.

Has it helped me lose? No, but I haven't gained either and it is a tasty and low calorie way for me to get in an extra 24g of protein per day. That and I love smoothies which also gets expensive.
protien shakes are great for rebuilding and recovery, but to lose weight you have to eat right at the right times, and eat proportionately.
Stay active and that will do it
remember supplements are exactly that supplements they wont do the work for you, just give you a little boost here and there.
forgive my spelling, living abroad in non english speaking countries has made me a spell check fiend which this forum is lacking:doh:
Protein by itself won't help you burn fat. Reducing your caloric intake to below your maintenace will.

If you truly are ingesting only 1000/1100 calories a day and are not losing weight, especially over a significant period of time, consult your doctor immediately.

However, and I'm sorry, but most people are very bad at keeping track of their caloric intake over a week. Really bad.

I've been reading about supplements and protein and I've read there can be problems with the purity of these products. In other words what think you are buying isn't what you are really getting. I'm not sure what about validity of the source is since I read it in Men's Health but it seemed legit since they weren't shilling for any particular brand.

According to their article since supplements aren't regulated makers can put what ever they want in the product, the smaller makers appeared to be more guilty of this than the big guys. With regard to protein many of the brands they looked at in the lab had significantly less protein than advertised. Like I said I have no idea if their study was 100% accurate but if it's even a little accurate it pays to do some reseach about what you are buying and ingesting, it may be less than you think it is. It would be a shame to spend good money on powdered 'sugar pill'.
Whey Protein?

Well I am obv trying to lose weight. I have been lifting at school and my gym teacher told me I should take whey protein everymorning and it will help with weight loss. What do you guys thing about this?

Has anybody takin Whey before?
Whey protein will not help you lose weight.

Saying whey protein will help you loose weight is like saying eating some chicken will help you lose weight. Its just powdered protein.

There are situations where whey protein (or other forms of powdered protein) may help. But, weight loss is not one of them.
Damn, you've got yourself some red rep, huh.

Trevor is right....

Losing weight is a function of manipulating your calorie balance so that you are consistently expending more energy than you consume. This can be established by either increasing your activity, eating less, or a combination of the both.

Of course there are some fine points that are important.... but that's the basics.

Protein is an important variable in terms of muscle preservation.... but it doesn't directly help you lose weight. If your calories aren't in check, protein isn't going to do a thing for you in terms of fat loss.
I'm no expert, sure, taking protein has it's benefits - your body loves the stuff...

But as Trevor said, weight loss isn't really one of them.

Whey protein is more for people that focus on weight training I think....

I'm no expert, sure, taking protein has it's benefits - your body loves the stuff...

But as Trevor said, weight loss isn't really one of them.

Whey protein is more for people that focus on weight training I think....


It's not necessarily "focused on people on weight training"

It is just a really easy source of protein, which is why you'll see people that are in big training guzzling the stuff.
It's not necessarily "focused on people on weight training"

It is just a really easy source of protein, which is why you'll see people that are in big training guzzling the stuff.

Yeah, thats what I meant. I'm just bad at putting thoughts to words! :)

Yeah, thats what I meant. I'm just bad at putting thoughts to words! :)


Ah, good thing that we're working in a medium where facial expression and tone of voice play a large part in comminucation, then.

heh, just foolin
