Weight-Loss What's for Breakfast???

Chocolate Cake

Eggs... Cake has eggs...

thank you bill cosby :)
How about starting out small and easy like nutrigrain bars? You can eat them on the go and without much fuss.
There is always time for breakfast.

Along with the posts that Mal linked, my $0.02 is a piece of fruit (apples and bananas are self-containing and easy to grab while going out the door), a bagle/toast (throw it in the toaster while tying your shoes), or a homemade baked good of your choice (I like to make a dozen muffins every once in a while and have them for breakfasts and snacks over a bunch of days).

I usually have a single piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk. I find that tides me over longer than anything else. It's also quick and you can eat it on the go.
If I have this breakfast, I can usually count on a good eating day:

2 oz Muesli - about 5 tablespoons (I buy three different types in the organic Co-op; 1 x basic; 1 x deluxe (i.e. plenty of nuts) and 1 x spelt, them mix them into a giant pile and save in smaller batches)
1 tablespoon ground seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseed, goji berries)
2 oz LF Soy milk
2 oz plain, unsweetened organic yoghurt
1 chopped kiwi (or handful of blueberries) on top

It fills me up for ages. If I don't have any breakfast, just a banana, I end up cranky and craving sugar big time by about 11am and it all slides downhill from there...
I haven't seen it mentioned but Kefir is a yogurt like drink that is naturally carbonated, it sounds disgusitng and not for everyone but truly delicious and excellent for you, add a bit of POM juice or juice extract to it in a hurry and its perfect drink. OR I make a smoothie in my magic bullet blender so its super easy kefir + blueberries (frozen)+whole milk yogurt+flax seeds=yummy. This is great pre-workout if you workout in morning and need something.

Also quick and easy is a dish of cottage cheese with a piece of fruit

boiled egg with 2 pieces turkey bacon (can cook in microwave on paper plate quickly)

12 grain cereal (hot) + mixed berries + plain yogurt + a few slivered almonds (you can make cereal ahead of time then just throw in berries, microwave, add almonds and yogurt

spelt bread almond butter
quaker weight control oatmeal for my b'fast

I used to go crazy eating cold cereal in the morning- at least 3 bowls every morning (of the bad sugary stuff too!) which didn't help me at all..

Then i started eating the Quaker Oatmeal Weight Control... since it comes in portion-controlled packets, and obviously, because "weight control" was advertised on the box.. so far it has really helped me a lot with my weight loss.

I have to say that i also have tried other 'healthy oatmeals' (such as trader joe's heart healthy blueberry & cranberry with flax) and nothing else keeps me satisfied longer than the Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal.

The only downside i would say about the Quaker Weight Control oatmeal, is that the maple & brown sugar flavor is good, but has me smelling like syrupy pancakes all day after i eat it! Cinnamon is pretty much flavorless, and the banana bread is good, its the one i prefer most. Also a downfall is the price... my local grocery stores carry this for about $4.39 a box :(
I eat oatmeal with raisins and bananas every morng. It is very filling

I also drink OJ but I cut up a banad then after you drink the juice eat the banana it is yummy !!!

I eat oatmeal with raisins and bananas every morng. It is very filling

I also drink OJ but I cut up a banad then after you drink the juice eat the banana it is yummy !!!
Breakfast this morning: a sawdust-and-guar-gum tortilla with a stick of lowfat string cheese and leftover roast pork tenderloin from last night, all warmed together until the cheese melted.

I try to get my protein in early, so I have more flexibility in the evening.
I have a smoothie every morning, post workout. It's always made of protein powder, cold water, and frozen bananas. Some days when I'm feeling more adventurous I'll put in a pump of sugar-free coconut flavoring or I'll work in some frozen peaches or strawberries.

Then 1.5 hours later, right around 8am, I have a homemade protein bar, which is made from protein powder, dates, raisins, prunes, figs, and fat-free soymilk. They might sound nasty, but they're pretty tasty and sweet. This is sort of like my second breakfast. I love it!

Here ya go.

100 grams pitted prunes
100 grams raisins
100 grams dry figs
100 grams dray pitted dates
32 servings of soy protein powder (any will do though, I guess) (896 grams)
2 cups of fat-free plain soymilk
water as necessary

I usually heat the soymilk up in a pan and sort of boil the dried fruit in the soymilk to soften the fruit a bit before blending.

Blend soymilk and all dried fruit in a high powered blender or food processor

By hand, mix the fruit blend with the protein powder. That means use your hands. You can use a large fork too, but not a mixer. The "dough" is too dry for a mixer. Ad a bit of water as necessary. The "dough" should be sort of like clay, but not super wet clay. You need to be able to mold it into a pan, so you don't want it too dry or too wet.

Press hard into a large brownie or sheet cake pan. Cover and put in fridge for a couple of hours.

Cut sheet into 32 even bars.

Macro Breakdown:

Cals 185
Protein 25 g
Carbs 18 g
Fat 1 g

Now, I'm used to eating foods that aren't very sweet, so these satisfy me and I like them. Just warning you.
The only downside i would say about the Quaker Weight Control oatmeal, is that the maple & brown sugar flavor is good, but has me smelling like syrupy pancakes all day after i eat it! Cinnamon is pretty much flavorless, and the banana bread is good, its the one i prefer most. Also a downfall is the price... my local grocery stores carry this for about $4.39 a box :(

One weird thing I've noticed when compairing the Weight Control oatmeal (for hubby, i won't touch the stuff, lol) to the regular portioned oatmeal, I noticed that the calories were higher w/ the weight control than the regular. That didnt' make scence to me.
the calories are a little higher but it's also got a lot more fiber in it -which is the important part it leaves you fuller longer...