Weight-Loss What to drink?



New member
Hey there, I just registered on this site, and I'm going to try and lose weight with some diet and working out regularly. I have a general idea of what to eat and what not to eat, its been around 6 months since I've drank any pop (soda), and I don't drink alcohol.

So far I've been drinking just water and Gatorade, I was wondering if I should drop Gatorade and just focus on water/juices.

If so, what types of juices or drinks do you recommend?
Hey there, I just registered on this site, and I'm going to try and lose weight with some diet and working out regularly. I have a general idea of what to eat and what not to eat, its been around 6 months since I've drank any pop (soda), and I don't drink alcohol.

So far I've been drinking just water and Gatorade, I was wondering if I should drop Gatorade and just focus on water/juices.

If so, what types of juices or drinks do you recommend?

I would cut the juices as well and drink only water. Juices don't fill you up very much and it's easy to drink a lot, and they have quite a lot of calories that can really add up even if they're sugar free and so on.

If you want something with more taste, try drinking carbonated water, and if you absolutely must have juice stick to vegetable juice which is about 1/3 the calories of fruit juice. It's better to eat fresh veggies though rather than in juice form.
I dunno....I just dont see much wrong with diet pop. I know its not good for you, not as good as water...but come on, you gotta drink more than JUST water. I have been drinking minute maid light lemonade...its only 5 cals a can! my husband drinks caffiene free, diet mt.dew.

I would also suggest at least one glass of fat free milk a day. And those above me are correct, stay away from juice!
my husband drinks caffiene free, diet mt.dew.

I would also suggest at least one glass of fat free milk a day.


Though, we do have diet cream n soda.... I miss mountain dew *sadface*

I agree with the fat free/ light milk though. I stick to water, diet soda's, light milk, and tea with equal most of the time.
Galotrade is an electrolyte drink. You only need it if you have been exercising hard for over an hour and even then about half a bottle would be enough.

Drink whatever you want but water is better when working out for me anyway. I have seen people drink diet coke when they work out, each to their own, theres no right or wrong its just what you want to do, how you want to treat your own body.
Raw Juices


if you ask me what is the best thing to drink then it would be raw juices. it may sound weird because of the word "raw" but it is just the same with fresh fruit juices. aside from that, raw juices would also involve raw veggie juices. i think you already heard about this.

These juices are made of fruits and veggies mixed together. take note that all of these are raw. few examples of veggies blended to become a juice are celery, cucumbers, wheatgrass and a lot more. basically for fruit juices, all of the fruits can be made into a juice.

try to search the net and find out about these raw juices. you can check some videos in youtube as well.
I recommend either zero calorie drinks or milk based drinks.

There've been some studies that show that your body doesn't properly register the calories from sodas or other fat free drinks so you get more hungry. Supposedly it's more accustomed to milk since that's all you get as a baby ;)

I mostly drink iced tea, unsweetened or with Splenda, although I will indulge in a chai or a glass of milk now and again.
I would definitely recommend dropping Gatorade. G was made for athletes, so unless you are one, or becoming one, you don't need it. I'd also recommend tea for the vitamins it has and the undiscovered health benefits. More and more studies come out about the benefits of tea all the time.

As for milk, I would recommend the full-fat, whole, vitamin-D fortified, straight-from-the-cow, delicious variety. The low-fat diet craze is over, and it actually made us more unhealthy and more worried about being healthy. The fat in milk helps dissolve the vitamins in your body and helps you feel full. The calorie difference in a small glass isn't huge, and whole milk just tastes better. When was the last time you actually tasted milk?
get raw

Well, I also agree with some of your recommendations but knowing the latest updates in dietary regimens made healthy, raw foods are something worth keeping and maintaining till you get old. It's not only a diet therapy but it's also a way of life.

Try to check it for yourself and who knows, you might be the next raw food enthusiast.:)

Or you might find the Raw Food diet is just another way of doing all veggie diet which will cause you to lose weight cause your calorie input will be lower but is not recommended for most cause you are unlikely to maintain that for life. You do NOT need to make such a huge lifestyle change to lose weight or be healthy.

Please look beyond the hype and look at the science please. Some foods actually become more nutritious when cooked.

well, thanks jericho. I think I might be agreeing in some point of what you raised like not making a huge change just to be healthy.

However, there were also people who have proved how the raw food diet changed their lives in a major way. It had transformed them into persons they never thought could be possible. This is just a suggestion, we'll never know if this might work best for you.

Might I also point out that if you are trying to lose weight, Juices are definately not the way to go cause you should avoid drinking your calories.
I drink a glass of sweet tea everyday, its my treat and i enjoy it with my lunch, and gives me that caffine boost to make it through the rest of the work day, but the rest of the day im drinking water, oh and i do have a protien shake mixed with light vanilla soy milk after my work outs.
Hello.....Green tea is the best drink i have ever tried. I does not taste great but then ..to loose weight, it is a good option.

However, raw food juices are very low in calories as compared with other drinks. One thing that should also be considered is that it is the only intake that you will have for th day. Surely, you will definitely lose a lot of pounds right there.

I drink 2-3 liters of plain water a day. Once I have at least 2 liters in, I allow myself to drink something else. Tea, coffee, etc. I don't do anything with carbonation, so no soda or seltzer. Carbonated drinks tend to be high in sodium and minding your sodium intake is never a bad thing.
However, raw food juices are very low in calories as compared with other drinks. One thing that should also be considered is that it is the only intake that you will have for th day. Surely, you will definitely lose a lot of pounds right there.


But..it's still calories that add up. Most doctors actually say to stay away from juices. If you want the real value of fruits and vegs, they should be eaten, not drunk.
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My favorite drinks are water - I just love it and I don't understand when people told me that they don't like the "taste" of the water. Green tea and herbal tea.