Weight-Loss What to drink?

Lipton's Diet Green Tea has no calories - a little sodium, but that's it - and is fantastic. I've seen it in Citrus and Mixed Berry flavors and I dig both. I don't know what (if any) of the excellent green tea properties it has, but it's very good and has zero calories..
I drink tons of water and a lot of diet soda's. I don't plan to ever give up diet soda, I love the stuff. I tend to stay away from most juice since it's so caloric; I feel much fuller when I eat a piece of fruit and then drink some water with it if I'm thirsty.
I drink a glass of sweet tea everyday, its my treat and i enjoy it with my lunch, and gives me that caffine boost to make it through the rest of the work day, but the rest of the day im drinking water, oh and i do have a protien shake mixed with light vanilla soy milk after my work outs.

Maybe try unsweet with some Sweet-n-Low. I can't tell the difference, and I live in the South.
Well, we don't really need anything besides water, I myself have learned to enjoy black coffee and plain tea. I used to gulp down massive amounts of diet soda, like... MASSIVE... amounts, but after quitting the fags I quit that too, coffee I'm keeping :)

But for like, thirst... water has no substitute for me.

Also, with the gatorade... really, ordinary people, yes, that counts people that go to the gym too, really has no need for electrolytes if you eat an even somewhat healthy diet.
Well I like a cup of tea every now and then and I need a cup of coffee in the morning and I like a cup of decaf in the even. But you are right water is all one needs and food, lol
I love diet soda, although I drink too much I think its important to do it in moderation.

Its can be high sodium. One can of diet ginger ale or sunfist has 125 mg of sodium. 1 can! That's 5% of your daily sodium value.

Not to mention the HFCS is bad I'm sure, but I bet 3-5 cans a day wouldn't be too bad, I agree drink mostly water. You can even put some light cranberry juice in it for flavor. I'm thinking of doing that...because I drink water I get so tired of then go to diet soda.
Hi all. Joining in on the conversation.

Water actually increases the body's ability to metabolize fat. As you may or may not know, the liver is the organ that deals with metabolizing fat while your kidneys look after getting rid of the toxins from the water you drink.

Now the kidneys will not be able to carry out their job if you don't have enough water in your system. When this happens your body starts shifting some of the kidneys work over to the liver.

And we all know what happens when you're pushed too thin. Productivity goes down. So the liver ends up not being able to metabolize fat as quickly or as efficiently. And when this happens, your body starts storing those little fat droplets and you gain weight.

With regard to diet pop, they contain artificial sweeteners which are considered toxins.

You see, one of the most important functions of the liver in weight loss is breaking down everything that enters the body from healthy veggies to unhealthy fast food. It distinguishes between the nutrients we need and the dangerous ones that have to be filtered out of our bloodstream.

When the liver gets clogged with toxins, like artificial sweeteners, it can't effectively process nutrients and fat. Consequently, you will either gain weight or you will be unable to lose weight.

And almost every diet product out there contains some form of artificial sweetener.

Sorry to be so long winded but healthy weight loss is one of my passions.
Hi all. Joining in on the conversation.

Water actually increases the body's ability to metabolize fat. As you may or may not know, the liver is the organ that deals with metabolizing fat while your kidneys look after getting rid of the toxins from the water you drink.

Now the kidneys will not be able to carry out their job if you don't have enough water in your system. When this happens your body starts shifting some of the kidneys work over to the liver.

And we all know what happens when you're pushed too thin. Productivity goes down. So the liver ends up not being able to metabolize fat as quickly or as efficiently. And when this happens, your body starts storing those little fat droplets and you gain weight.

With regard to diet pop, they contain artificial sweeteners which are considered toxins.

You see, one of the most important functions of the liver in weight loss is breaking down everything that enters the body from healthy veggies to unhealthy fast food. It distinguishes between the nutrients we need and the dangerous ones that have to be filtered out of our bloodstream.

When the liver gets clogged with toxins, like artificial sweeteners, it can't effectively process nutrients and fat. Consequently, you will either gain weight or you will be unable to lose weight.

And almost every diet product out there contains some form of artificial sweetener.

Sorry to be so long winded but healthy weight loss is one of my passions.

So, erhm... I have been told to be less ranty so.. I slightly disagree with the above statement.

Actually the kidneys doesn't detoxify anything. They filter out waste from the blood and do a shitload of other things like hormone production, water and protein reuptake etc. etc.

The liver is the detoxification machine, along with a bunch of other important stuff, including metabolism stuff. The kidney can't shift work to the liver since they do completely different things. Thats like saying... "When the intestines get tired they shift the workload to the lungs" Now what you might mean is that during kidney failure the liver is hard pressed since the blod is craptastic, yes, but that isn't shifting work, that is the liver desperately, but hopelessly, trying to keep you alive while you're dying.

Artificial sweeteners are not considered toxins, and aren't even biologically a single group of substances, not when it comes to how the liver deals with them anyways. A toxin, btw, is defined as a poison produced by something living. I have never met any artificial sweetener producing animals.. have you? :)

Claiming that drinking coke zero prevents the liver from breaking down fat is plain false. Since we're not really deep into studies here I'll anecdotally point out that I have managed to loose 10kgs of body fat while drinking more than 6 liters of pepsi max per day. Was it healthy? I'm sure it wasn't. Did it prevent me from loosing fat? not at all.

The liver rarely, btw, gets clogged up with anything in a normal persons life, besides alcohol. And I haven't ever seen anyone use alcohol as part of a weight loss regimen so... there.

edit: Oh also if you drink a lot of methanol, not that I know why you'd do that, then the white clad people will clog your liver with alcohol to prevent you from dying, but that is a good thing! :)
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Er. Do you have an actual study or scientific citation for the idea that the liver becomes clogged with artificial sweeteners? I mean... liver damage from alcohol, we all know about that. But that takes LOTS of alcohol. The claim is that somehow artificial sweeteners are worse for the liver than booze?

I googled the whole 'artificial sweetener clogs liver' and got several hits, but none of them had any scientific data to back this claim up. And I have a hard time imagining a diet coke being worse than a beer in terms of 'toxins' to your liver. And you won't find any claims that alcohol clogs your liver - in fact you'll find that fat can clog your liver, causing it to be less effective at processing alcohol... Athough I'm not an expert on fat metabolism, I don't think the liver is required for fat metabolism, or the organ that handles it. I believe fat is metabolized in the site of the fat, and it's more involved with insulin (from the pancreas) although I don't believe insulin is flat up required...

Don't drink diet drinks if you don't want to, but fear of clogging your liver is not a reason to avoid them.
In the main, your body needs 3 things. Oxygen, water and food. In that order.
Many people, not necessarily you, but many people do not take in enough oxygen or water.
What would happen if just for a few days we cut out the soda, the caffeine and the juices and just drank water. Well there is a way to find out. Try it and see what happens.
If you cut out the above and just drank water for 2 weeks, just 2 weeks out of your life and see what happens. You may never look back.
Check with your Doctor if you like. I imagine she will be delighted to authorise you to try it.
Incidentally, I know many people who drink hot water rather than caffeine and they used that technique initially to 'fool' their system that had been used to a regular hot drink for so many years.

I wish you well in whatever you choose to do.
I have actually done this. For several months. Nothing magic happened. (Minus the caffeine withdrawal headaches). Now I drink water, hot eat, coffee, ice tea, diet hot cocoa and the occasional diet soda.

Diet hot cocoa + protein powder is quite nice. The whey adds an extra bit of richness to the cocoa.
I have actually done this. For several months. Nothing magic happened. (Minus the caffeine withdrawal headaches). Now I drink water, hot eat, coffee, ice tea, diet hot cocoa and the occasional diet soda.

Diet hot cocoa + protein powder is quite nice. The whey adds an extra bit of richness to the cocoa.

Wait.. what?!? nothing magic?!? sheez... here I was thinking I could get some magic going :(
studies have proven that it doesn't have to be pure water. While it's a better choice, you still get hydrated with teas, coffees, and sodas. You just have to be aware of the rest of the additional items. You still get hydrated. Again, if you are worried about hydration, you need to look at your urine. If it is darker than straw yellow, you need more liquids.

Liquid is liquid. You get it from foods and you get it from drink. Water is pure and is overall better but it isn't a must.
I'm probably a bad person to try and dole out advice; my entire liquid intake consists of water, diet soda, beer and liquor.
I feel I need to respond to Clever Plant’s comments and to clarify some points made in my post.

I think a lot of the miscommunication comes from semantics. Take the word detoxify. One definition I found says detoxification is the removal of wastes from the body-- urea, ammonia, drugs, and toxic substances. So using this definition, the kidneys do detoxify since they filter out waste from the blood.

Which brings us to the word toxin. A toxin is anything the body doesn't recognize as a natural food source. In order to produce an artificial sweetener, sugar must undergo a chemical process which changes its molecular structure converting it into fake sugar. Because this fake sugar molecule doesn't exist in nature, the body can't properly metabolize it.

With regard to the relatonship between the kidneys and the liver, I’d like to quote a passage from Dr. Sandra Cabot’s book, The Liver Cleansing Diet.

” When insufficient water is taken in, the body will do its best to hold on to the water it does have. Water is particularly needed inside cells to carry out most of its functions, and in order to prevent a cell losing its precious liquid, it will build around itself a layer comprising fats, proteins and cholesterol. Whilst this layer does indeed prevent excess water loss from the cells, it also, unfortunately, makes it more difficult for new water to enter. The existing water becomes gradually less energetic, like a stagnant pond, and new water can’t easily enter the cells and sits outside, making the tissues waterlogged and the bloodstream mildly diluted, telling the brain that we do not need water and thereby reducing our thirst and perpetuating the dehydration cycle.

Meanwhile our liver is busy working overtime, supplying the extra fats, proteins and cholesterol used to build the ‘protective’ layer around cells. This all takes a lot of energy which is no longer available for other organs and functions in the body, and fatigue and lethargy are very common initial symptoms. When the liver is overloaded, it doesn’t function at its best in breaking down toxins, or building other compounds we need. The kidneys and general body tissues become overloaded, and in many people these toxins enter the fat cells where they are safer to the body than floating around in the blood. More water is drawn into the fat cells to dilute the toxins, and an extra layer of fat goes around them. Water retention increases. Insufficient water is available in the bowels and constipation results.”

Once again I apologize for my wordiness. Cheers,