Weight-Loss What to drink?

I feel I need to respond to Clever Plant’s comments and to clarify some points made in my post.

I think a lot of the miscommunication comes from semantics. Take the word detoxify. One definition I found says detoxification is the removal of wastes from the body-- urea, ammonia, drugs, and toxic substances. So using this definition, the kidneys do detoxify since they filter out waste from the blood.

Which brings us to the word toxin. A toxin is anything the body doesn't recognize as a natural food source. In order to produce an artificial sweetener, sugar must undergo a chemical process which changes its molecular structure converting it into fake sugar. Because this fake sugar molecule doesn't exist in nature, the body can't properly metabolize it.

With regard to the relatonship between the kidneys and the liver, I’d like to quote a passage from Dr. Sandra Cabot’s book, The Liver Cleansing Diet.

” When insufficient water is taken in, the body will do its best to hold on to the water it does have. Water is particularly needed inside cells to carry out most of its functions, and in order to prevent a cell losing its precious liquid, it will build around itself a layer comprising fats, proteins and cholesterol. Whilst this layer does indeed prevent excess water loss from the cells, it also, unfortunately, makes it more difficult for new water to enter. The existing water becomes gradually less energetic, like a stagnant pond, and new water can’t easily enter the cells and sits outside, making the tissues waterlogged and the bloodstream mildly diluted, telling the brain that we do not need water and thereby reducing our thirst and perpetuating the dehydration cycle.

Meanwhile our liver is busy working overtime, supplying the extra fats, proteins and cholesterol used to build the ‘protective’ layer around cells. This all takes a lot of energy which is no longer available for other organs and functions in the body, and fatigue and lethargy are very common initial symptoms. When the liver is overloaded, it doesn’t function at its best in breaking down toxins, or building other compounds we need. The kidneys and general body tissues become overloaded, and in many people these toxins enter the fat cells where they are safer to the body than floating around in the blood. More water is drawn into the fat cells to dilute the toxins, and an extra layer of fat goes around them. Water retention increases. Insufficient water is available in the bowels and constipation results.”

Once again I apologize for my wordiness. Cheers,

No, it isn't about semantics. The word "toxins" is abused by the new agey alternative medicine fad diet industry to such an extend that it basically needs to be stated every time it is used, that that isn't what it means. Waste is called waste, toxin is called toxin, ammonia is ammonia, drugs aren't toxins, they are drugs and toxic substances usually have a more specific title than "toxic substance".

I think you might be unaware how an artificial sweetener works, so let me explain it. The way artificial sweeteners work is by being what is called an analogue to actual sugar. It activates the same receptors in the mouth that sugar does and thereby makes it "taste sweet". It isn't by any means perfect since the exact combination of atoms that activate the receptors that sugar does, is sugar. But it comes reasonably close. It has never been sugar and it isn't "mutant sugar" in any way, form or shape.

The liver cleansing diet, and Dr. Sandra Cabot have been discredited so severely that I would think of it with as much respect as I give "the bible code" and "harry potter" when it comes to actual reality. I am sure you have the best of intentions but you should really study what is actually claimed in the book, and the studies that have been done on the subject. For a short rebuttal by an actual functioning doctor I will divert your attention

You shouldn't apologize for being wordy, being wordy is good :) it gives more room for going in depth.

Let me also quote someone by the way, a Dr. Proietto writing about the liver cleansing diet.

"I must conclude, sadly, that this book single-handedly destroyed my resolve to be sympathetic to alternative medicine. Ultimately, however, Dr Cabot may have the last laugh, for while I drive around in a small, slightly tarnished 7 year old Ford Laser, on the internet site there is a picture of a glamorous looking Dr Cabot standing next to what I assume may be her private plane. How should we measure success??—?perhaps I will ponder this next December 31."
No, it isn't about semantics. The word "toxins" is abused by the new agey alternative medicine fad diet industry to such an extend that it basically needs to be stated every time it is used, that that isn't what it means. Waste is called waste, toxin is called toxin, ammonia is ammonia, drugs aren't toxins, they are drugs and toxic substances usually have a more specific title than "toxic substance".

I think you might be unaware how an artificial sweetener works, so let me explain it. The way artificial sweeteners work is by being what is called an analogue to actual sugar. It activates the same receptors in the mouth that sugar does and thereby makes it "taste sweet". It isn't by any means perfect since the exact combination of atoms that activate the receptors that sugar does, is sugar. But it comes reasonably close. It has never been sugar and it isn't "mutant sugar" in any way, form or shape.

The liver cleansing diet, and Dr. Sandra Cabot have been discredited so severely that I would think of it with as much respect as I give "the bible code" and "harry potter" when it comes to actual reality. I am sure you have the best of intentions but you should really study what is actually claimed in the book, and the studies that have been done on the subject. For a short rebuttal by an actual functioning doctor I will divert your attention

You shouldn't apologize for being wordy, being wordy is good :) it gives more room for going in depth.

Let me also quote someone by the way, a Dr. Proietto writing about the liver cleansing diet.

"I must conclude, sadly, that this book single-handedly destroyed my resolve to be sympathetic to alternative medicine. Ultimately, however, Dr Cabot may have the last laugh, for while I drive around in a small, slightly tarnished 7 year old Ford Laser, on the internet site there is a picture of a glamorous looking Dr Cabot standing next to what I assume may be her private plane. How should we measure success??—?perhaps I will ponder this next December 31."

Well, my friend, I do believe we will have to agree to disagree but I have thoroughly enjoyed our exchange and look forward to many more.

On which point?

Do you insist that artificial sweetener is sugar that have been altered?

That toxins aren't defined as being poisons produced by living organisms / cells?

That the liver cleansing diet is bunk?

That the liver can not get clogged by artificial sweeteners?

If you have anything to back your claims I would love to see it, I am always willing to change my stance if there is knowledge I am unaware of, but agreeing to disagree creates a false equality since this is not a debate about opinion but about physical reality.
On which point?

Do you insist that artificial sweetener is sugar that have been altered?

That toxins aren't defined as being poisons produced by living organisms / cells?

That the liver cleansing diet is bunk?

That the liver can not get clogged by artificial sweeteners?

If you have anything to back your claims I would love to see it, I am always willing to change my stance if there is knowledge I am unaware of, but agreeing to disagree creates a false equality since this is not a debate about opinion but about physical reality.

Actually I disagree with all your points but for the moment I only have time to deal with the artificial sweetener and I direct your attention to . The rest will have to wait for another day.

Actually I disagree with all your points but for the moment I only have time to deal with the artificial sweetener and I direct your attention to . The rest will have to wait for another day.


Okay, I read it, nothing new in there. It says that sweeteners aren't sugar (which was mentioned on here before), explain how they work and why some of them have an aftertaste, that they've never been proven to actually be dangerous and that different sweeteners have different strengths.

Nothing in the article relates to what clever_plant pointed out, so now I'm curious as well.....
Holy crap - I went to the site CleverPlant linked and then went from there to the site of the woman and her plane... (although I didn't see her plane).

I went to the interactive quiz section, and did the 'high male hormone' section because I've had tests from my doctor that say I'm low on testosterone... Guess what the quiz said though! I have symptoms of high male hormones! I should do more tests... Hmm, it suggests Syndrome X and PCOS quiz... Lets see, I have some symptoms of Syndrom X and even though I don't have all of them I might still have Syndrome X and I should get some additional tests from my doc. (I also find it amusing that the suggested scenario is that I have high triglycerides and low HDL which are two things I said 'no' to on the quest - but it's not like this was a really tailored response!) Also I may be predisposed to PCOS and should read Dr. Cabot's book...
Funnily enough I got the answer 'your are showing signs of xxx and should go and see your doctor. AND buy this helpful book by the woman with the plane, so she can buy yet another plane'. Even the ones where I deliberately changed the answers so they would not fit the proposed 'disorder'.

The whole page seems a load of rubbish. Professional, but nonsense. Too bad that they can't send somebody to jail for talking rubbish and making money out of people's fears...otherwise she'd be gone for a looooong time.
herbal tea roughly contains 4 cals per cup/mug and for your body to process it and dispose of it (weeing) you will burn 14 cals i found this out by doing alot of research if you find one you like you could cool it down and drink that instead of gatorade as they contain alot of empty cals
Actually I disagree with all your points but for the moment I only have time to deal with the artificial sweetener and I direct your attention to . The rest will have to wait for another day.


So, thank you for proving my point... I guess? Now at least we are in agreement that artificial sweetener isn't altered sugar. :)
Galotrade is an electrolyte drink. You only need it if you have been exercising hard for over an hour and even then about half a bottle would be enough.

Drink whatever you want but water is better when working out for me anyway. I have seen people drink diet coke when they work out, each to their own, theres no right or wrong its just what you want to do, how you want to treat your own body.

I'm sorry, but "Galotrade" made me laugh so hard that my heart stopped beating. I don't know why either. It's just a spelling mistake. Nothing fu...ha...nothing funn...HA HA...nothing funny about thaaaahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
H Two Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!

... And can I get mutant sugar that eats fat? And then ... uh, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I bet it could be a scary sci-fi story. That seems more plausible than the people who deliberately get tape worms... (They do! And promote it as good health!)
Well, we don't really need anything besides water, I myself have learned to enjoy black coffee and plain tea. I used to gulp down massive amounts of diet soda, like... MASSIVE... amounts, but after quitting the fags I quit that too, coffee I'm keeping :)

But for like, thirst... water has no substitute for me.

Also, with the gatorade... really, ordinary people, yes, that counts people that go to the gym too, really has no need for electrolytes if you eat an even somewhat healthy diet.

I agree with you 100%. Water is the best:hurray:
I usually drink 32 ounces of water a day, the 2nd one being mixed with some Crystal Light Fruit Punch packets, I haven't had soda in 3 months.
I agree water is the best to drink, but some times I like a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. I love hot tea without a sweetener. Sometimes if I need a little pick-me-up I add to my water tea-to-go, Crystal Light or any drink mix packet. Yesterday I got Crystal Light "pure fitness" strawberry Kiwi and Great Value peach tea, to add to my water.
Beer, cheap, better for you, generally will not lead to a horrible headache that sweet drinks and hard liquor will.