The dude I was seeing definitely went back to his ex and didn't even tell me - he just posted it on instagram. After seven dates. Just wow. Is that how the online dating world works now? Can't be. Has to be just one d-bag. I'm hurt and angry. I've been trying to heal lately - after five months of talking to someone, it is strange to suddenly not hear from them. I miss him but the way he handled this was not cool and it is disrespectful. I would at least have the courtesy to say, "Hey, I want to be honest, you're great but I am giving it another shot with my ex. Hope we can stay friends, if that is cool with you." That would be what I would say, but I guess I am too decent for this online dating crap lol
Anyways, still working on balancing hormones. I am taking a food allergy test to see if inflammation is preventing ovulation. My last resort is BCP - I have put it on my bathroom counter as a reminder.
Re: life, there are a lot of things I need to work on one at a time. I cannot put my happiness in a guy. I have to make myself happy and right now there are a lot of gaps. I ooze unhappiness. I am aware of that. All my posts here ooze of that. My lack of hormones make it tough b/c anxiety and depression are common symptoms of PCOS. I do not even know how to describe the constant depression. It has been with me since I was a teenager. I've talked to people and the thing about depression is it never leaves, it is a constant companion. Because of the PCOS in great part. Anyways, I will consider a therapist (because, isn't that what everyone recommends, so tired of hearing it).
On a more positive note, I feel like 34 years later I need to take control of my circumstances and rather than "It will not work", I have to work towards "It will work" and "how". Because I refuse to give up on myself. I am all I have.
Weight: 116.6lbs