Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

11/30: 136.5
12/1: 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
12/3: 137.5- Yay! Almost back to where I was a few days ago
12/4: 136.5- Awesome! Now its time to start losing again. Goal for tomorrow: 135! Except the gym is closed today. I'll have to think of something else to do.
12/5: 137.5- Hmmm, not so good. Must have been from not going to the gym yesterday.

p.s. Maverick, how are you losing weight so quickly? I want to be like you.
Recent weights:

24/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds first day under the teen stones
25/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
26/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
02/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
03/12/2007 12st9.4 i.e. 177.4 pounds
04/12/2007 12st8.8 i.e. 176.8 pounds
05/12/2007 12st8.6 i.e. 176.6 pounds

11-29: 187 lbs
11-30: 186 lbs
12-1: 183 lbs
12-3: 180 lbs
12-4: 176.5 lbs
12-5: 179.5 (Damn water fluctuations!! Knew it was too good to be true :D)
Nov 27th 2007: 186 lbs
Nov 28th 2007: 185.6 lbs
Nov 29th 2007: 180.6 - WOW morning weight (no food yet)
Nov 30th 2007: 178.6
Dec 1st 2007: ? Hubby's birthday-ate cake and a huge roast beef dinner Mmmm
Dec 2nd 2007: 178.8
Dec 3rd 2007: 181.6
Dec 4th 2007: 181.6
Dec 5th 2007: 180.6
Recent weights:

25/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
26/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
02/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
03/12/2007 12st9.4 i.e. 177.4 pounds
04/12/2007 12st8.8 i.e. 176.8 pounds
05/12/2007 12st8.6 i.e. 176.6 pounds
06/12/2007 12st9.6 i.e. 177.6 pounds

11-29: 187 lbs
11-30: 186 lbs
12-1: 183 lbs
12-3: 180 lbs
12-4: 176.5 lbs
12-5: 179.5 lbs
12-6: 180.5 lbs (Hm...must be from weight training....Not discouraged, though. I'm still looking skinnier...I can tell I'm losing major weight in my face and stomach, plus I'm seeing new muscles in my upper arms and butt! Yay!)
11/30: 136.5
12/1: 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
12/3: 137.5- Yay! Almost back to where I was a few days ago
12/4: 136.5- Awesome! Now its time to start losing again. Goal for tomorrow: 135! Except the gym is closed today. I'll have to think of something else to do.
12/5: 137.5- Hmmm, not so good. Must have been from not going to the gym yesterday.
12/6: 136- Spent all night throwing up last night, so I didn't have anything in my stomach this morning when I weighed myself. I'm not going to get too excited cuz it'll probably just go back up from eating normally again.
Sandy: Sorry I can't answer you in PM yet (haven't been a member long enough yet or something) but I'm not doing anything particularly weird to lose weight. (For general info: Sandy asked me how come I was getting such good results on my day-to-day weigh-ins.)

Here's a couple of my rules, though...

- I drink almost entirely water. I'll throw in a glass of wine or sweet iced tea maybe once a day, but the rest of the time I'm drinking ice water constantly. I drink a full glass before every meal and before every trip to the gym. And even when I'm drinking something else, I still have a glass of ice water beside me. I probably average about 56 fluid oz. a day. Not quite 8 glasses, but it's close.

- I go to the gym at *least* six times a week now, and I try to go seven. I weight-train every other day (which is starting to effect my weigh-ins, as you can see) and I do at least a half hour of intensive cardio, usually on a treadmill or Nautilus.

- I eat at least five times a day, and make sure (most of the time) what I eat is fairly healthy. Lots of protein bars, salads, and Special K. But I make sure to get lots of lean protein, too.

That's about it. *shrug* I'm pretty convinced that exercise is the biggest contributor.
Nov 27th 2007: 186 lbs
Nov 28th 2007: 185.6 lbs
Nov 29th 2007: 180.6 - WOW morning weight (no food yet)
Nov 30th 2007: 178.6
Dec 1st 2007: ? Hubby's birthday-ate cake and a huge roast beef dinner Mmmm
Dec 2nd 2007: 178.8
Dec 3rd 2007: 181.6
Dec 4th 2007: 181.6
Dec 5th 2007: 180.6
Dec 6th 2007: 181.4
Recent weights:

26/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
02/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
03/12/2007 12st9.4 i.e. 177.4 pounds
04/12/2007 12st8.8 i.e. 176.8 pounds
05/12/2007 12st8.6 i.e. 176.6 pounds
06/12/2007 12st9.6 i.e. 177.6 pounds
07/12/2007 12st8.4 i.e. 176.4 pounds

weighing yourself everyday maybe a mistake and can be very deceptive regarding your results.Not to mention that if you don't see what you want to see,it could kill your motivation.Don't forget that if you are exercising,you may be losing some fat but gaining some muscle at the same time.This won't reflect any true changes on the scales.
On top of that if you are a little dehydrated it is going to effect what the scales will show.You may have dropped a pound or two but soon as you are hydrated the weight will be back.
There are better ways of measuring results than using scales.Taking measurements with a tape measure every 3 or 4 weeks will give a better picture.Another great method is your clothes.Just see if they are getting looser or tighter.By all means use the scales but using them once a month will give you a truer picture than using them everyday.Also go by the way that you are feeling.If you are feelng more alert and more energtic,then you are bviously doing something right.
Paul: Yeah, most people here know about weight fluctuation, but they still weigh themselves every day as a way to have accountability. Also, even though the weight on the scale fluctuates, you still get to see a downward trend. Lots of people here (like me) do measurements, too. :)

As long as you recognize that water weight/weight training/bowel movements/premenstrual syndromes/etc... are going to affect your readout, daily weigh-ins aren't gonna kill you.

11-29: 187 lbs
11-30: 186 lbs
12-1: 183 lbs
12-3: 180 lbs
12-4: 176.5 lbs (must be water retention kicking out)
12-5: 178.5 lbs
12-6: 180.5 lbs (Hm...must be from weight training....Not discouraged, though. I'm still looking skinnier...I can tell I'm losing major weight in my face and stomach, plus I'm seeing new muscles in my upper arms and butt! Yay!)
12-7: 177.5 (YES!!)
Last edited:
11/30: 136.5
12/1: 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
12/3: 137.5- Yay! Almost back to where I was a few days ago
12/4: 136.5- Awesome! Now its time to start losing again. Goal for tomorrow: 135! Except the gym is closed today. I'll have to think of something else to do.
12/5: 137.5- Hmmm, not so good. Must have been from not going to the gym yesterday.
12/6: 136- Spent all night throwing up last night, so I didn't have anything in my stomach this morning when I weighed myself. I'm not going to get too excited cuz it'll probably just go back up from eating normally again.
12/7: 136! I'm happy it stayed the same, but I can't wait to hit that 135 mark and have only 10 pounds to go.
22nd- 139
23rd-24th- ?
25th- 139
26th- 136.8
27th- 136.4
28th- ?
29th- 138 wtf?
30th- 138 I was so excited to see that 136
1st- 137.6
2nd- 138
3rd- 138.8
7th- 138
Hi people
I just want to say that I have been overweight 110 kgr and I lost 28 kgr in less than 3 months time.
I want to say to all of those who are trying to loose weight never give up, be presistant and keep up a possitive attitute (this is the most important).
22nd- 139
23rd-24th- ?
25th- 139
26th- 136.8
27th- 136.4
28th- ?
29th- 138 wtf?
30th- 138 I was so excited to see that 136
1st- 137.6
2nd- 138
3rd- 138.8
7th- 138
8th- 137.8
11/30: 136.5
12/1: 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
12/3: 137.5- Yay! Almost back to where I was a few days ago
12/4: 136.5- Awesome! Now its time to start losing again. Goal for tomorrow: 135! Except the gym is closed today. I'll have to think of something else to do.
12/5: 137.5- Hmmm, not so good. Must have been from not going to the gym yesterday.
12/6: 136- Spent all night throwing up last night, so I didn't have anything in my stomach this morning when I weighed myself. I'm not going to get too excited cuz it'll probably just go back up from eating normally again.
12/7: 136! I'm happy it stayed the same, but I can't wait to hit that 135 mark and have only 10 pounds to go.
12/8: 136.5 :( It's higher?! All I want is 135. *Sigh* Maybe tomorrow.

No-one is asking you to weigh yourself every day. Please feel free not to.

Most people measure themselves too.

Some of us have medical issues and have been known to put on an enormous amount of weight in a week. If you had ever experienced that - you might want to keep an eye on things too.

I hope that you are always fully consistent with the tightness of the tape measure. Some people experience problems with that. But - maybe you already knew that - just like we already knew the issues that you kindly raised.

Recent weights:

27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
02/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
03/12/2007 12st9.4 i.e. 177.4 pounds
04/12/2007 12st8.8 i.e. 176.8 pounds
05/12/2007 12st8.6 i.e. 176.6 pounds
06/12/2007 12st9.6 i.e. 177.6 pounds
07/12/2007 12st8.4 i.e. 176.4 pounds
08/12/2007 12st8.4 i.e. 176.4 pounds

11-29: 187 lbs
11-30: 186 lbs
12-1: 183 lbs
12-3: 180 lbs
12-4: 176.5 lbs (must be water retention kicking out)
12-5: 178.5 lbs
12-6: 180.5 lbs (Hm...must be from weight training....Not discouraged, though. I'm still looking skinnier...I can tell I'm losing major weight in my face and stomach, plus I'm seeing new muscles in my upper arms and butt! Yay!)
12-7: 177.5 (YES!!)
12-8: 179.0