Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

11/19 205
11/20 203.8
11/21 203.4
11/22 202.8
11/23 203.1
11/24 203
11/25 205
11/26 203
11/27 202.8
11/28 201.4
11/29 200.4

Almost Goodbye To 200!!!!!
Still weigh everyday!

I think it becomes a habit. When I was trying to reach my goal weight I weighed myself every day, usually more than once. Now that I've reached my goal, guess what? I'm still weighing myself every morning...Some habits are better than others!
1: 118.0
6: 117.0
12: 117.8
13: 116.6
14: 115.6
16: 115.6
24: 115.0
26: 114.6
27: 114.2
28: 114.0
29: 113.4
15th- 138.4
16th- 138.4
17th- 137.8
18th- ??
19th- 139.2
20th- 138.4
21st- ?
22nd- 139
23rd-24th- ?
25th- 139
26th- 136.8
27th- 136.4
28th- ?
29th- 138 wtf?
30th- 138 :( I was so excited to see that 136
I look forward to weighing myself every morning, but I just joined the 2 lbs a week in December challenge, and I'm only doing a weigh in twice a week. Can I do both?

Today: 136.5
here goes again

Was on this last year, and gave up weighing myself, put loads back on, what a suprise! Here we go again.

31st October - 222 1bs

1st December - 211.5 1bs

Goal - 153

Height - 6ft, female.
How did that happen?

It is very normal for normal people to fluctuate up to 3 lbs per day according to water and food/waste products in the body.

I am not a fan of daily weighing because of that and the numbers can mess with your motivation and it is not an indication of how much fat you lost.

I am a fan of weekly weighing and a healthy 1 lb per week steady downward move.

Don't be discouraged!
15th- 138.4
16th- 138.4
17th- 137.8
18th- ??
19th- 139.2
20th- 138.4
21st- ?
22nd- 139
23rd-24th- ?
25th- 139
26th- 136.8
27th- 136.4
28th- ?
29th- 138 wtf?
30th- 138 I was so excited to see that 136
1st- 137.6
Recent weights:

20/11/2007 13st1.4 i.e. 183.4 pounds
21/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
22/11/2007 13st0.4 i.e. 182.4 pounds
23/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
24/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds first day under the teen stones
25/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
26/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds

yesterday: 136.5
today (12/1): 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
Nov 27th 2007: 186 lbs
Nov 28th 2007: 185.6 lbs
Nov 29th 2007: 180.6 - WOW morning weight (no food yet)
Nov 30th 2007: 178.6
Dec 1st 2007: ? Hubby's birthday-ate cake and a huge roast beef dinner Mmmm
Dec 2nd 2007: 178.8
You are doing well Angel.

Recent weights:

21/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
22/11/2007 13st0.4 i.e. 182.4 pounds
23/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
24/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds first day under the teen stones
25/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
26/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
02/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds

Dont worry Angel. Everyone's weight goes up a little at times when you are being good. Just look at the trend.

It always goes up around the time of a period. Also sometimes if you have salty or spicy food.

Toilet habits play their part too!

It doesnt just mean that you are getting fatter.

There is a bit of an art to interpreting it.

Recent weights:

22/11/2007 13st0.4 i.e. 182.4 pounds
23/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
24/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds first day under the teen stones
25/11/2007 13st0.6 i.e. 182.6 pounds
26/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
27/11/2007 12st13.6 i.e. 181.6 pounds
28/11/2007 12st12.4 i.e. 180.4 pounds
29/11/2007 12st10.8 i.e. 178.8 pounds first day in the 170s
30/11/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
01/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
02/12/2007 12st10.2 i.e. 178.2 pounds
03/12/2007 12st9.4 i.e. 177.4 pounds

11/30: 136.5
12/1: 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
12/3: 137.5- Yay! Almost back to where I was a few days ago
Dont worry Angel. Everyone's weight goes up a little at times when you are being good. Just look at the trend.

It always goes up around the time of a period. Also sometimes if you have salty or spicy food.

Toilet habits play their part too!

It doesnt just mean that you are getting fatter.

There is a bit of an art to interpreting it.

thanx margeret

usually i would have quit and binged all day. not today thou
i'm gonna do this until the end of the year and see if anything happens. prove myself wrong hopefully and lose alot of weight.

will see

15th- 138.4
16th- 138.4
17th- 137.8
18th- ??
19th- 139.2
20th- 138.4
21st- ?
22nd- 139
23rd-24th- ?
25th- 139
26th- 136.8
27th- 136.4
28th- ?
29th- 138 wtf?
30th- 138 I was so excited to see that 136
1st- 137.6
2nd- 138
3rd- 138.8 You know, this is funny. I don't usually notice if I'm bloated, gaining water weight, except for when I weigh myself. But yesterday my stomach hurt most of the day and I had trouble sucking it in. I did my end of the month measurements today and found I am up an inch. Coincides with the gain. :ack2::coolgleamA:
11/30: 136.5
12/1: 139.5- woah! 3 lbs.? How did that happen?
12/2: 139.5- ok, same as yesterday. Didn't go down, but at least it didn't go up
12/3: 137.5- Yay! Almost back to where I was a few days ago
12/4: 136.5- Awesome! Now its time to start losing again. Goal for tomorrow: 135! Except the gym is closed today. I'll have to think of something else to do.