Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,

More severe weather. Ugh.
12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,
06/04/2024 - 252.6, 5413 steps, ?? oz, 84F

Still raining.
12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,
06/04/2024 - 252.6, 5413 steps, ?? oz, 84F
06/05/2024 - 253.6, 3148 steps, ?? oz, 91F,

Very humid. It was 91F but with heat index of 100F.
12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,
06/04/2024 - 252.6, 5413 steps, ?? oz, 84F
06/05/2024 - 253.6, 3148 steps, ?? oz, 91F,
06/06/2024 - 253.6, 2016 steps, ?? oz,
Thanks, and it does help with sanity. Are you still working out? I am, it also helps with sanity, for me anyway.
I am still working out although haven't been as consistent. About 2 months ago or so, my sister brought home a "cold" (according to the doctor anyway) from work and it was horrible. I've had colds before but nothing like this. And the cough was the worst of it. 5 or 6 weeks of coughing and I can't say that I'm 100% yet. Anyway, I missed out on 2 weeks of working out. Up til that point I was something like 68/70 workouts. I rarely missed anything. So that kinda blew me out of the water and it's been tough to get back into that groove.

And of course there's been all of the rain (we have already about the same amount of rainfall as ALL of last year), and that limits walking outdoors (I'm afraid I'm going to slip and fall. I have bad shoes). And of course allergies, bad air quality, heat index, etc.

But we learned something. As uncomfortable as it is working out and walking, we feel better than when we don't. So there's that. I missed yesterday's workout. I'm going to try and get it in today.

No matter what I do, I'm staying around 245, but then summer gets here and I balloon up about 8 lbs. It happened last summer also, and I retain water a lot and of course I'm drinking a ton more also because I don't have an air conditioner. So were trying to get that evened out, but not much headway yet. I'm STILL trying to figure out how I can lose weight. My sister is doing great. She went from 270 something down to 228. It's easy for her, just not for me doing the same thing I told her to do.
6/4 - 191 lbs
6/5 - 191
6/6 - 192
6/7 - 190

5 days without binge

But we learned something. As uncomfortable as it is working out and walking, we feel better than when we don't.
I am the same, a day or two off doesn't hurt but longer I begin to feel it.
No matter what I do, I'm staying around 245, ... I'm STILL trying to figure out how I can lose weight.
Do you count calories? If so how many are you eating in a day? Working out helps, but it does not burn as many calories as most people think. To lose weight you may need to cut calories.
12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,
06/04/2024 - 252.6, 5413 steps, ?? oz, 84F
06/05/2024 - 253.6, 3148 steps, ?? oz, 91F,
06/06/2024 - 253.6, 2016 steps, ?? oz,
06/07/2024 - 251.6, 5850 steps, ?? oz, 97F, worked out, mowed
6/4 - 191 lbs
6/5 - 191
6/6 - 192
6/7 - 190

5 days without binge

I am the same, a day or two off doesn't hurt but longer I begin to feel it.

Do you count calories? If so how many are you eating in a day? Working out helps, but it does not burn as many calories as most people think. To lose weight you may need to cut calories.
I do count calories most of the time. For the longest time, I was averaging 1700 a day. I was shooting for that figure going by the "calculator" that showed I needed about 2300 to maintain my weight, so 1700 was a 500 calorie deficit so that should be around a 1 pound a week weightloss. Some calorie counters showed 1700 as extreme weightloss of 2 lbs a week. I don't care about losing fast as much as just losing. I'm 59 years old, 5'8", and this morning weighed 251.6. I use light to no exercise option. But yesterday, I did 30 minutes of walking, 60 minutes of mowing, and had a 25 minute workout. We aim for 60-90 minutes exercise a day, most of it being walking and yardwork. Light is usually 1-3 days a week. I'm doing stuff 6-7 days a week. but, I use the "light" option anyway. My sister has been doing great. I'm just not for whatever reason, but she is 6 years younger than me also. I'm drinking a ton of water. Yesterday was 97F. The humidity has been high. The other day it was 91F with a heat index of 112F. We sweat a lot and by the time I was done mowing yesterday I wasn't feeling well and it takes quite a while to recover and I tossed and turned all night. Usually, due to allergies, I feel like I have the flu for 2 days after mowing. I use a N95 mask that is supposed to block out allergens, but it doesn't seem to help much. I still feel like I inhaled a lot of grass this morning. I have no air conditioner and it's miserable. LOL. That's my sad story and I'm sticking to it, all the while trying to win the lottery to change it.
6/4 - 191 lbs
6/5 - 191
6/6 - 192
6/7 - 190
6/8 - 189

6 days without binge
I do count calories most of the time. For the longest time, I was averaging 1700 a day. I was shooting for that figure going by the "calculator" that showed I needed about 2300 to maintain my weight, so 1700 was a 500 calorie deficit so that should be around a 1 pound a week weightloss.
Do you think you could drop that to 1500? It would still be in the safe range and you might lose some weight. I agree that you would have expected to lose weight at 1700 calories a day, but if you aren't cutting it back a bit might help.
12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,
06/04/2024 - 252.6, 5413 steps, ?? oz, 84F
06/05/2024 - 253.6, 3148 steps, ?? oz, 91F,
06/06/2024 - 253.6, 2016 steps, ?? oz,
06/07/2024 - 251.6, 5850 steps, ?? oz, 97F, worked out, mowed
06/08/2024 - 251.2, 3427 steps, ?? oz, 93F, weed eated
6/4 - 191 lbs
6/5 - 191
6/6 - 192
6/7 - 190
6/8 - 189

6 days without binge

Do you think you could drop that to 1500? It would still be in the safe range and you might lose some weight. I agree that you would have expected to lose weight at 1700 calories a day, but if you aren't cutting it back a bit might help.
I'm going to try and get to 1500. It's just so hot right now, I feel sick sometimes the lower I go. I just got to adjust to it like the heat and everything else.
12/31/2023 - 251.0, 5899 steps
01/31/2024 - 249.7, 7362 steps, worked out
02/29/2024 - 246.9, 1360 steps, sick
03/31/2024 - 248.0, 141 steps, sick
04/30/2024 - 248.7, 5153 steps, still cough, mowed
05/31/2024 - 252.2,
06/01/2024 - 253.3, 4108 steps, ?? oz, 79F
06/02/2024 - 252.6, 4234 steps, ?? oz, 86F
06/03/2024 - 251.2, 3873 steps, ?? oz,
06/04/2024 - 252.6, 5413 steps, ?? oz, 84F
06/05/2024 - 253.6, 3148 steps, ?? oz, 91F,
06/06/2024 - 253.6, 2016 steps, ?? oz,
06/07/2024 - 251.6, 5850 steps, ?? oz, 97F, worked out, mowed
06/08/2024 - 251.2, 3427 steps, ?? oz, 93F, weed eated
06/09/2024 - 251.6, 4662 steps, 105 oz, 97F

Hot, hot, hot
6/4 - 191 lbs
6/5 - 191
6/6 - 192
6/7 - 190
6/8 - 189
6/9 - 188

7 days without binge

Hot here too, but not so hot as you. Been in the 90s for several days, warmer than normal for June. Probably a lot drier than you and we can still see snow in the mountains.
I would love to see snow. It's been dry for a change the last couple of days, but we have a chance in the next couple of days.
6/4 - 191 lbs
6/5 - 191
6/6 - 192
6/7 - 190
6/8 - 189
6/9 - 188
6/10 - 186

8 days without binge
I would love to see snow.
I don't like snow here at the house, but this time of year it is kind of nice to be able to look up the mountain and see it.