Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I just have a regular scale that came from Target. It’s almost accurate. I don’t know about the 1/10 lbs though....
ok... same here, but mine rounds off to the closest ½lb. it also has an interesting quirk... for the longest time i would weight myself at any one time, three times in a row just to make sure i got a good reading. after a while i noticed that they always agreed. ok, but you'd think at least some time it's going to be so close that it might change by that ½lb... but it never did. then i tried something different. i often have a toolbox right next to my scale. i weighed myself once, then weighted myself holding the toolbox, then just me again. son of a b.... it now changed sometimes by that ½lb. they must have written some logic to the display that if it sees something very close, within a certain time, it will freeze that number. i can see this as a feature built in to give they scale readings more credibility. it's a digital scale... it uses a dedicated microprocessor... it would be easy to do.
Once started I don't seem to be able to avoid the frequent weigh ins. So far I have seen a range from about 292 to 298, so I think by Wednesday I'll be down again.

just curious what scale you use that is accurate to 1/10 lb?
Most all bathroom scales can read to 1/10th of a pound, probably none are accurate even to a full pound. Try weighing yourself on different scales, when I have they never seem to agree very well. I round to the nearest pound.
This is a club for those that want to face the facts & weigh them selfs everyday. For myself I know when I weighed 160 Lbs. many many years ago if I weighed myself everyday I would not of wound up weighing 309 Lbs. I think that is the way with a lot of us. So just post your weight everyday. I think if we do this we will eventually get sick & tired & start losing weight.

Todays weight - 249.50
I’m sorry - I have to disagree with weighing every day - the simple facts that body weight fluctuates all the time and even more important - getting a fixation on a number everyday creates mental health issues around weight .
I would recommend weekly -
But more important is having small targets to an end DATED goal weight - Small weightloss over a longer time is much better for health than a sudden loss.
The problem with weighing everyday is a proven path to anorexia and body dis morphia, and no one wants to go that path if they can help it.
the simple facts that body weight fluctuates all the time and even more important...
I would recommend weekly
When I first tried this I would have agreed with you, but now that I have been at it for a couple of weeks I think I am gaining a better understanding of what effects my weight short term. I have no trouble getting an understanding of what I am averaging and that's what I post as what I call my "official" weight on a weekly basis. I think it makes that official weekly weight more accurate.

The problem with weighing everyday is a proven path to anorexia and body dis morphia, and no one wants to go that path if they can help it.
I can see that, it could lead to obsessing with the scale and short term weight. Not a problem for me, but others need to think about this.
i seriously can't see how the "once a week" crowd can pass a scale without being curious enough to look. i walk by my scale about a dozen times a day... it would drive me crazy.
I don't, you are right it is too hard to resist. In the past couple of days I have seen 292 to 297, so when I weighed 295 this morning I took it as my official weight for the week.
... The problem with weighing everyday is a proven path to anorexia and body dis morphia, ....
remember this one? ... "smoking pot is a gateway to harder drugs" ... everyone is different ... you only hear about the ones who have a problem, and with billions of people to choose from, there is no shortage of examples for anything you can think of.
I am finding frequent weighing to be very helpful, I now see how much my weight fluctuates and can kind of figure out why.

On a positive note, this morning I got my first glimpse of the 280s, I don't expect to stay there long, but it feels good to see it coming into range.
it's a smile to see a new low... it may not be there tomorrow, but i guarantee, it will not only appear again, in a while you'll more than likely see it for the last time, too. this is a morning weight, but even after lunch i was hitting 169. a few months ago i was seeing weights in the 160s occasionally... now i don't believe i'll be seeing many, if any in the 170s.

I have been weighing several times a day, bounced from 295 to high 280s in the last couple of days, so when I saw 293 this morning I took it as my "official" weight of the week.
Just came across a couple of references that support the idea of frequent weighing. It seems this does lead to more weight loss, thorough better self awareness.

The efficacy of a daily self-weighing weight loss intervention using smart scales and email. - The efficacy of a daily self-weighing weight loss intervention using smart scales and email

Self-weighing in weight management interventions: A systematic review of literature. - Self-weighing in weight management interventions: A systematic review of literature. - PubMed - NCBI

I find it helpful, I weigh most every time I am in the bathroom, more than once a day.
140.6 lbs