Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
12/29 = 199.9
12/30 = 199.8
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
12/30 = 199.8
New Year's Eve = 199.7 = -30.7 in 2014
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
New Year's Eve = 199.7 = -30.7 in 2014
New Year's Day = 199.7
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
New Year's Day = 199.7
JAN 2 = 199.7
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
JAN 2 = 199.7
JAN 3 = 199.7
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
JAN 3 = 199.7
JAN 4 = 199.7
I try to do this as well and if my weight fluctuates more than 3 pounds then I know I went overboard somewhere. I actually lost 8 pounds last month and want to help people who are looking for support. I joined a diet bet last month and didn't think I would be able to lose any weight. Join my new challenge Jan 14-Jan 15th for the weigh in and the official game starts Jan 16th. Message me for the direct link and the game number is 57444.
My weight today is 199.6. I am going to dance to African/reggae music for about 2 hours. For breakfast I am eating a chicken salad. I have a new challenge that starts Jan 16th. My goal is to lose 80 pounds by Dec 2015. Message me if you want more information. We can lose weight together.

I will continue to post my weight in this challenge to see my progress.
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
JAN 4 = 199.7
JAN 5 = 199.7
Today I am 199.6. I am making progress. I danced for an hour. I am looking forward to my April trip. It's not to late to join my diet bet challenge. Message me for the direct link. The weigh in starts Jan 14th-Jan 15th. The challenge officially begins Jan 16th.
I am 199.2 so down .3 pounds. I worked out for 1 hour and a half to music. I really need to get some strength training in so I don't lose muscle. I still have my challenge that starts jan 16th. The weigh in starts jan 14-15th. message me for more information. I lost 8 pounds in 30 days. I know it may not seem much for some, but it really helps to have a support system. I have my own challenge through diet bet and I can give anyone interested my game link
11/17 = 203
December 1 = 202
12/15 = 201
12/28 = 200 = -.6 this week
JAN 5 = 199.7
JAN 8 = 199.7