Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
I think its very counter productive to weight yourself everyday.

you put more pressure on yourself and besides since when does anyone see any results immediately with anything. Weighing yourself everyday will lead you into a very bad state of mind. keep your weigh ins to once a week at the same time.

I personally don't think that anyone should be worried about how much they weigh, but rather how much fat the have on their bodies and how they look, feel and work. Muscle weighs more than fat!
I think its very counter productive to weight yourself everyday.

you put more pressure on yourself and besides since when does anyone see any results immediately with anything. Weighing yourself everyday will lead you into a very bad state of mind. keep your weigh ins to once a week at the same time.

I personally don't think that anyone should be worried about how much they weigh, but rather how much fat the have on their bodies and how they look, feel and work. Muscle weighs more than fat!

Thank you for your input, but I do not have any pressure on myself, and I am not in a bad state of mind. I am also seeing weight loss, so it is absolutely not counter-productive. Quite the opposite, actually. It teaches people not to be worried about daily fluctuations, because they're normal.

Suppose I was only checking weekly, and had a high sodium meal the day before my weigh in, and then my weigh in showed I gained a lb for the week. That would be pretty frustrating, like I wasted a whole week. But suppose I'm weighing daily, and I see the day before, I've already met my weekly loss for the week, if the scale jumps 3lbs the next day, it HAS to be water weight, and nothing I did wrong during the week to gain any fat.

I am also one of the biggest proponents of being more concerned with fat loss rather than weight loss, but they are not mutually exclusive - to lose fat, you have to lose weight, and watching the number go down is the quickest indicator that I'm making progress losing fat. Checking daily shows me when my body is retaining water, so I know I need make an effort to drink more that day to flush the excess out. I lift weights to retain my muscle, which by the way weighs exactly the same as fat, only more dense. You can only gain muscle if you're in a calorie surplus, which means you have to gain weight. And you don't gain weight and muscle while losing fat, it just doesn't work that way.

So to lose fat, the weight must go down, and how often to check is really up to what works best for the individual. Checking daily seems to work just fine for everyone who regularly posts in this thread over the last 100+ pages. If it doesn't work for you, you're welcome to start a "weigh yourself once a week" club.
06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
A bit sensitive about your little club hey?

Look I'm just one opinion, I'm not god of weight loss, I look good, my body works great and looks great. I understand that people have different ways to deal with their stuff.

I just wouldn't like everyone to feel that they have to be this super anal character who needs to watch and calculate every single thing everyday. For some people it's damaging.

I mean obviously not for you you're a mean lean weight losing machine and someone who knows it all, for eveyone else, i reckon its nice for them for have an option as to how to approach their health.

I dunno just another thought, maybe I should start my own Club?
Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
Jul-13: 358.4 (-1.6)

A bit sensitive about your little club hey?

Not at all. It seems you have the wrong idea of me and the rest of us who post regularly in this club. As far as I can tell, we all do this because it works for us, not because we're super anal and meticulous. None of us expect to see steady, consistent weight loss on a daily basis - again, as far as I can gather from the posting in this thread. I mean, you basically walked in here and said "this club is stupid you shouldn't be doing this". You don't bother trying to figure out why we do what we do or what we think it accomplishes - you assume we're super anal and self-damaging or whatever, based on your point of view. I may be wrong, but your first post comes across as, "I think this is stupid, therefore its stupid. My way is the only right way". That might not have been your intention, but that is how I read it.

I also do not disagree with you. Some people can become so concerned with the scale that it becomes obsessive and damaging - my argument is that the ones who post in this thread regularly are not those people. Thats why I suggested, you could start an alternative club to give others options (or try a search, I believe a "weigh yourself once a week" club exists already), or you're welcome to start a discussion thread in one of the other subforums where we can debate the merits and consequences of stepping on the scale daily.

Best Regards,
A bit sensitive about your little club hey?

Look I'm just one opinion, I'm not god of weight loss, I look good, my body works great and looks great. I understand that people have different ways to deal with their stuff.

I just wouldn't like everyone to feel that they have to be this super anal character who needs to watch and calculate every single thing everyday. For some people it's damaging.

I mean obviously not for you you're a mean lean weight losing machine and someone who knows it all, for eveyone else, i reckon its nice for them for have an option as to how to approach their health.

I dunno just another thought, maybe I should start my own Club?

it's nice to see progress over the last month or so and know that even though one day may be up, I'm still losing weight. As long as you dont worry about the little fluctuations, weighing everyday is definately a good thing in my opinion

06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
07/13 - 211.4 (-1.4)
Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
Jul-13: 358.4 (-1.6)
Jul-14: 356.0 (-2.4)
06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
07/13 - 211.4 (-1.4)
07/14 - 210.2 (-1.2)
1/25--168.12 --> When I got serious...
2/2--165.8 4/5 = 154.12
3/2 = 164 lbs
3/9 = 160.8
3/16 = 159.8
3/17= 159.2
3/19 = 158.2
3/22 = 156.6
3/23 = 156.1
3/30 = 156.0
4/6 = 154.0
4/9 = 153.8
4/13 = 152.10
4/16 = 151.8
4/19 = 150.0 -- -1.8
4/26 = 152.12 -- +2.12
4/27 = 152.2 -- -.08
5/4 = 152.0 -- -.2
5/10 = 151.0 -- -1.0
5/11 = 151.4 -- +.4
5/19 = 150.6 -- -.8
5/26 = 149.8 -- -.8
6/1 = 150.4 -- +.6
6/9 = 149.8 -- -.6
6/15 = 149.6 -- -.2
6/17 = 146.6 -- 3.0!
6/21 = 146.4 -- -.2
6/22 = 145.8 -- -.6
6/25 = 145.2 -- -.6
6/29 = 144.0 -- -1.2!
7/13 = 146.8 -- +2.8
7/14 = 145.9 -- -.9
7/15 = 144.4 -- -1.5
Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
Jul-13: 358.4 (-1.6)
Jul-14: 356.0 (-2.4)
Jul-15: 356.4 (+0.4)

Just want to say, seeing some great consistent progress from everyone. Good work!
Broke the 210 mark today!

06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
07/13 - 211.4 (-1.4)
07/14 - 210.2 (-1.2)
07/15 - 209.0 (-1.2)
Congrats Jeff, great work!

Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
Jul-13: 358.4 (-1.6)
Jul-14: 356.0 (-2.4)
Jul-15: 356.4 (+0.4)
Jul-16: 355.4 (-1.0)
06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
07/13 - 211.4 (-1.4)
07/14 - 210.2 (-1.2)
07/15 - 209.0 (-1.2)
07/16 - 210.2 (+1.2)
Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
Jul-13: 358.4 (-1.6)
Jul-14: 356.0 (-2.4)
Jul-15: 356.4 (+0.4)
Jul-16: 355.4 (-1.0)
Jul-17: 354.8 (-0.6) :hurray::hurray::hurray:
Last edited:
06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
07/13 - 211.4 (-1.4)
07/14 - 210.2 (-1.2)
07/15 - 209.0 (-1.2)
07/16 - 210.2 (+1.2)
07/17 - 209.2 (-1.0)
Jun-26: 364.0 (+0.2)
Jun-27: 363.2 (-0.8)
Jun-28: 361.8 (-1.4)
Jun-29: 364.4 (+2.6)
Jun-30: 363.8 (-0.6)
Jul-1: 362.0 (-1.8)
Jul-2: 361.0 (-1.0)
Jul-9: 360.6 (-0.4)
Jul-11: 358.8 (-1.8)
Jul-12: 360.0 (+1.2)
Jul-13: 358.4 (-1.6)
Jul-14: 356.0 (-2.4)
Jul-15: 356.4 (+0.4)
Jul-16: 355.4 (-1.0)
Jul-17: 354.8 (-0.6)
Jul-18: 354.4 (-0.4)
06/14 - 222.3
06/15 - 222.2 (-0.1)
06/16 - 221.2 (-1.0)
06/17 - 220.4 (-0.8)
06/18 -
06/19 -
06/20 -
06/21 - 219.8 (-0.6)
06/22 - 220.2 (+0.4)
06/23 - 223.2 (+3.0)
06/24 - 219.6 (-3.6)
06/25 - 218.6 (-1.0)
06/26 - 219.2 (+0.6)
06/28 - 217.6 (-1.6)
06/29 - 216.4 (-1.2)
06/30 - 216.0 (-0.4)
07/01 -
07/02 - 215.2 (-0.8)
07/03 - 214.2 (-1.0)
07/04 - 214.8 (+0.6)
07/05 - 213.4 (-1.4)
07/06 - 212.0 (-1.2)
07/07 - 212.8 (+0.8)
07/08 - 214.4 (+1.6)
07/09 - 214.0 (-0.4)
07/10 - 213.0 (-1.0)
07/11 -
07/12 - 212.8 (-0.2)
07/13 - 211.4 (-1.4)
07/14 - 210.2 (-1.2)
07/15 - 209.0 (-1.2)
07/16 - 210.2 (+1.2)
07/17 - 209.2 (-1.0)
07/18 - 208.6 (-0.6)
July 17th 2010 ~ 213
July 18th 2010 ~ 214 +1.0