Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

21/01/08: 90.2kg/198.85lb
22/01/08: 90.1kg/198.64lb - So close to < 90kg for good, but yet so far!
23/01/08: 89.4kg/197.09lb - Birthday present!
24/01/08: 89.2kg/196.65lb - I'm confused. I had my proper birthday dinner and had a steak and beer.
25/01/08: 90.0kg/198.1lb - Must be the steak and beer catching up?
26/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
27/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
28/01/08: 89.2kg/196.7lb
29/01/08: 89.4kg/197lb
30/01/08: 88.5kg/195.1lb - I was in the 90's all of that day as I think I had water weight, then at the end of that night I suddenly had a steady 88.5kg. So I'll record that. :p
31/01/08: 87.5kg/192.9lb - WTF? I shouldn't be losing this much. Then again I did sleep 12 hours. I'm expecting back to 89s tomorrow.
01/02/08: Did not weigh, was out of town
02/02/08: 87.2kg/192.2lb - Diet been a bit screwed up when out of town, wasn't expecting this at all.
03/02/08: 86.9kg/191.6lb - WTF? I guess I weighed myself on an empty stomach. But still.
04/02/08: 86.6kg/190.9lb
05/02/08: 86.5kg/190.7lb - I weighed in after I had breakfast, lunch and a snack in contrast to the early morning. Happy about this.

Starting weight: 94kg/207.2lb
Short term Goal: 85kg/187.3lb
Goal: 68kg/150lb
2/2/08 - 150
2/3/08 - 150
2/4/08 - 150
2/5/08 - 150
Mon 28th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M
Sat 2nd Feb-154.5 lbs- Went out of town for several days and didn't weigh myself until today and was surprised since I didn't eat as good as I usually do and I drank a good bit while on vacation.
Sun 3rd Feb- 158 lbs- Looks like my vacation treats caught up with me.
Mon 4th Feb- 152.5 lb
Tue 5th Feb- 152.5 lbs
26/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
27/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
28/01/08: 89.2kg/196.7lb
29/01/08: 89.4kg/197lb
30/01/08: 88.5kg/195.1lb - I was in the 90's all of that day as I think I had water weight, then at the end of that night I suddenly had a steady 88.5kg. So I'll record that. :p
31/01/08: 87.5kg/192.9lb - WTF? I shouldn't be losing this much. Then again I did sleep 12 hours. I'm expecting back to 89s tomorrow.
01/02/08: Did not weigh, was out of town
02/02/08: 87.2kg/192.2lb - Diet been a bit screwed up when out of town, wasn't expecting this at all.
03/02/08: 86.9kg/191.6lb - WTF? I guess I weighed myself on an empty stomach. But still.
04/02/08: 86.6kg/190.9lb
05/02/08: 86.5kg/190.7lb - I weighed in after I had breakfast, lunch and a snack in contrast to the early morning. Happy about this.
06/02/08: 86.8kg/191.4lb
05/02/08: 86.5kg/190.7lb - I weighed in after I had breakfast, lunch and a snack in contrast to the early morning. Happy about this.
06/02/08: 86.8kg/191.4lb

You should maybe weigh yourself everyday at the same time. Like the best of first thing in at a.m after you pee and while your tummy is empty, thats your real eight. Just a thought.

You should maybe weigh yourself everyday at the same time. Like the best of first thing in at a.m after you pee and while your tummy is empty, thats your real eight. Just a thought.


I usually do that every day Joey but on that date I couldn't as I had a driving lesson early in the morning and missed the weigh in.
i Failed Today!!! I Need Encouragement :(

I Ate Kfc And Pizza

Kill Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't beat yourself up over it, just consider it your cheat meal. It's simply one small set back and you are easily able to get back on track! All success stories have their points of failure.

You'll do it! :)
Joanne - everyone has little splurges from time to time. The secret is to accept that you are only human, forgive yourself immediately and then get straight back on track. You achieve nothing by beating yourself up over it - all you do is risk giving up on the new regime altogether and thinking "I am no longer dieting so I can eat what I like again tomorrow too". You would be amazed at how many people put on quite a few pounds over Christmas and lost it again by about a week into January.

Recent weights:

24/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
25/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
26/01/2008 11st9.4 i.e. 163.4 pounds BMI less than 29
27/01/2008 11st8.6 i.e. 162.6 pounds
28/01/2008 11st9.4 i.e. 163.4 pounds
29/01/2008 11st9.6 i.e. 163.6 pounds
30/01/2008 11st10.6 i.e. 164.6 pounds - retaining water
31/01/2008 11st10.6 i.e. 164.6 pounds - retaining water
01/02/2008 11st10.8 i.e. 164.8 pounds - retaining water
02/02/2008 11st10.8 i.e. 164.8 pounds - retaining water
03/02/2008 11st10.6 i.e. 164.6 pounds - retaining water
04/02/2008 11st11.8 i.e. 165.8 pounds - retaining water
05/01/2008 11st10.2 i.e. 164.2 pounds
06/02/2008 11st9.6 i.e. 163.6 pounds

Mon 28th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M
Sat 2nd Feb-154.5 lbs- Went out of town for several days and didn't weigh myself until today and was surprised since I didn't eat as good as I usually do and I drank a good bit while on vacation.
Sun 3rd Feb- 158 lbs- Looks like my vacation treats caught up with me.
Mon 4th Feb- 152.5 lb
Tue 5th Feb- 152.5 lbs
Wed 6th Feb- 152.5 lbs
Thanks so much for the words of advice :) I will not beat myself up and think that I am just human and may fail.

Feb 4 - 187 lbs
Feb 6 - 180 lbs
Feb 7 - 181 lbs
Feb 8 -
Feb 9 -
Feb 10 -
Feb 11 -
Feb 12 -
Feb 13 -
Feb 14 -
Feb 15 -
27/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
28/01/08: 89.2kg/196.7lb
29/01/08: 89.4kg/197lb
30/01/08: 88.5kg/195.1lb - I was in the 90's all of that day as I think I had water weight, then at the end of that night I suddenly had a steady 88.5kg. So I'll record that. :p
31/01/08: 87.5kg/192.9lb - WTF? I shouldn't be losing this much. Then again I did sleep 12 hours. I'm expecting back to 89s tomorrow.
01/02/08: Did not weigh, was out of town
02/02/08: 87.2kg/192.2lb - Diet been a bit screwed up when out of town, wasn't expecting this at all.
03/02/08: 86.9kg/191.6lb - WTF? I guess I weighed myself on an empty stomach. But still.
04/02/08: 86.6kg/190.9lb
05/02/08: 86.5kg/190.7lb - I weighed in after I had breakfast, lunch and a snack in contrast to the early morning. Happy about this.
06/02/08: 86.8kg/191.4lb
07/02/08: 86.8kg/191.4lb
Ha, ha...I feel your pain! Look at my weights......

'They' say it gets harder the closer to your goal you get. Grrr!!!

I noticed we are about the same and going down the same road. How tall are you btw? I'm 5'1". Nevertheless, we can do this girl!