Weight-Loss Week 3 Bonus

Top 5 Thankful List

1) My loving hubby who stands by me no matter what. Love is a beautiful thing.

2) My son that warms my heart and makes my spirit sore.

3) My Nannie that has always stood by me and loved me no matter what.

4) My family on both sides... So many ppl in this world have no family.
I'm thankful for all of our family members.

5) My pet daughter ZuZu... She is the lil love of my life.
I have never known a doggie to act so human. She is my lil girl and her love for me is expressed every minute of the day.
HOnestly, 3 cups of veggies isn't a ton--it's like a heaping cereal bowl full. In the course of a day, it's not excessive.
Word. :D If anyone's having trouble with planning such... just add a 1/2 a cup here and there throughout your meals and snacks or if you're like me and you love mixing everything up at one sitting(ie: I usually mix a medley of veggies with my whole wheat pasta. Yes, I said medley. HA! Not only does it make the meal a lot more filling, but you'll definitely be on the crapper right after. Good stuff! HA! Veggies such as zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, etc Another thing that's good are omelettes!), then it's really not difficult.

I bought a ton of fruit yesterday, too--a 5lb bag of apples, 6lbs of oranges, about 12 bananas, 3 pears, a bag of cranberries and a lb of strawberries.
Holy crap! What do you have over there??? A zoo??? HA! Love yas, Kimberly. Look at you being all healthy and shite. ;)


Five Things I am Thankful For:

1. Having the most incredible man married to me!
2. Getting to go home, with Donald, for Thanksgiving AND Christmas for the first time in our marriage
3. Getting a 4.5 day break from school next week!
4. Belonging to a gym that I ENJOY going to
5. By then end of the weekend ALL the laundry will be done!!! Woohoo!
RE: Veggies..

LOL.. Not tryin' ta be a pain in the ass.. :D

I'm just not gonna do good w/this one.. {which is my problem and no one elses; just to be clear.} ;)

I also have ta watch things due to money.. Stuff has ta last..

Especially after this weeks huge ass bill.. Hubby got pretty crunk.. lol

Some of the veggies bought are also just for TG prep/meals so those can't be touched..

Oh well, as I said...My problem.. :waving:
Just wanted to say it is dang hard to get celery sticks cut in a way that they fit in a measuring cup, as I just found out! I ended up with 2 inch long matchsticks...about 20 of them!! Equaling 3/4 cup.

Word. :D If anyone's having trouble with planning such... just add a 1/2 a cup here and there throughout your meals and snacks or if you're like me and you love mixing everything up at one sitting(ie: I usually mix a medley of veggies with my whole wheat pasta. Yes, I said medley. HA! Not only does it make the meal a lot more filling, but you'll definitely be on the crapper right after. Good stuff! HA! Veggies such as zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, etc Another thing that's good are omelettes!), then it's really not difficult.

I couldn't agree more. :D

Holy crap! What do you have over there??? A zoo??? HA! Love yas, Kimberly. Look at you being all healthy and shite. ;)


Well, you could call it a zoo--we're all a bunch of animals over here. :D I'm not going to be eating all that fruit by myself. That's for 4 people. Man, would I ever be on the crapper all day if it was, though!!! :D
Just wanted to say it is dang hard to get celery sticks cut in a way that they fit in a measuring cup, as I just found out! I ended up with 2 inch long matchsticks...about 20 of them!! Equaling 3/4 cup.

That must be some thin celery then. I don't know how you can fit more than five or six stalks in one cup.
RE: Veggies..

LOL.. Not tryin' ta be a pain in the ass.. :D

I'm just not gonna do good w/this one.. {which is my problem and no one elses; just to be clear.} ;)

I also have ta watch things due to money.. Stuff has ta last..

Especially after this weeks huge ass bill.. Hubby got pretty crunk.. lol

Some of the veggies bought are also just for TG prep/meals so those can't be touched..

Oh well, as I said...My problem.. :waving:

I posted this bonus on Thursday, so you knew about it before shopping..lol. Also, veggies are relatively cheap if you get them on sale. I can get a bag of frozen veggies for under $1 on sale. I got them for 69cents a bag this week.
I took my stalks, cut them into thirds lenghtwise and then into thirds widthwise to make matchsticks. I always cut the celery into thin matchsticks, but usually leave them long...but they had to fit into the cup! I like celery thinned up, beacuse I don't get as many of the strings in my mouth at once, and I don't like the strings!
I took my stalks, cut them into thirds lenghtwise and then into thirds widthwise to make matchsticks. I always cut the celery into thin matchsticks, but usually leave them long...but they had to fit into the cup! I like celery thinned up, beacuse I don't get as many of the strings in my mouth at once, and I don't like the strings!

Ah...I see. I will only eat celery if it's chopped and cooked in soup or a casserole or something. I despise raw celery--no matter what you put on it. I'm with you re the strings! :ack2:
Lovin' the weekly bonus Kimberly! :]
Imma have to go buy some more veggies because dang... Imma try and get all those points! :]

Five things I am thankful for:
-My boyfriend.
-My family. (pet children included!)
-My friends.
-To have a roof over my head, and food in my tummy.
-That I found wlf, and some amazing people who I absolutely love!
Day 1 Veggies

Here is my vegetables for today: :willy_nilly:

- cucumber
- carrot
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- courgette
- parsnip
- onion
- potatoe /but it doesn't count of course/
I didn't see the list! :p

All the threads run 2-gether -


I will make note of this for next week and check early.. ;)


Yer doin' a Super Fab job Kimberly!!! :hug2:


I still wish it was 2 c. veggies - 1 c. fruit!
LMFAO! *Snorts*
Yeah, Now this is a bonus I can master, I LOVE MY VEGGIES, and I eat them raw most the time. LOL I will be munching down on my "large" carrots at work during snack time. MMMM, plus I steam veggies just about every night for dinner. My favorites, Brocolli, Cauliflower, Sugar Snap peas and corn. MMMMM

1) Living in a "free" country
2) Health (family)
3) Love (family)
4) Waking up today to see another day
5) Able to have use of all my senses (touch, smell, taste, hear, see)

My veggies for the day:
3/4 cup mushrooms
1/4 cup onions
3/4 cup zucchini
3/4 cup yellow squash
1/3 cup tomato
1/2 cup green pepper
Total: 3 2/3 cups

Fruit(doesnt count for anything, but thought I'd list it for the hell of it..lol):
2 med oranges
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Boring veggies for me today. MIL normally makes a giant bowl of veggies for my part of dinner, but tonight there was just chicken (and icky canned straw mushrooms, but I don't eat those). So I had to scrounge around, and what I came up with was:

- a big tomato (1.25 cups chopped) and 3/4 C of fresh (uncooked) salsa over refried beans.
- a can of beets (I like beets, everyone else hates beets, I get to eat all the beets!) = 3.5 half-cup servings (per the label) = 1.75C

For a total of 3.75 cups. No fruit for me today, which is unusual. I'm way under my normal calories for the day, and feeling way overstuffed, but I think that was a side effect of last week, when I was eating more than I wanted to hit my targets.

Yer such a brat Kimberly..

:p lol