Weight-Loss Week 3 Bonus



New member
As this week is Thanksgiving week (for Americans, at least), I'm not going to torture everyone with a restrictive bonus. This week, if you eat at least 3 cups of veggies per day you'll get 3pts for each day. All types lettuce and all kinds of potatoes don’t count--everything else is fair game. Spinach does count, yams and sweet potatoes don't.

There's a second bonus this week:
Make a written list of 5 things that you’re thankful for. You'll get 10pts for this. It would be cool if you'd post your list here in this thread, but if it's too personal, it's not necessary. :)

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What Bikinibound is thankful for:

1. Family and friends
2. My health
3. My brains
4. My cat
5. WLF :)
What a Ho is Thankful for....

1. Family and friends
2. Forum monkeys b/c they amuse me
3. Champion, Everlast, and Under Armor sports bras for the big boobied female
4. Finding support, love, and perversion here at the forum
5. Papi Chulos with awesome man boobies (Steve, Paul and James)

I am thankful for....
1-my children/family/doggie
4-great people I have met on here
5-being alive
How many grams is classed as in a cup for this exercise? We don't weigh in cups.

Like Ladyumbra - some of us don't have a Thanksgiving in this or any month.
My thanksgiving was last month do I still get a bonus for doing a thankfull list?

Of course you do. This bonus is for everyone-not just Americans..lol. I just think it's good to take a minute and think about the good things in our lives. I know I tend to dwell on the negative too much. :)
How many grams is classed as in a cup for this exercise? We don't weigh in cups.

Like Ladyumbra - some of us don't have a Thanksgiving in this or any month.

When I say cup, i don't mean weight. I mean a measuring cup full. That's 8 ounces--if that helps. 3 cups = 709ml if that helps.
Hi Kimberly

I think I know what you mean. So it is basically filling up my measuring jug to the 8 fluid ounce mark. I should be able to manage that.

We dont have these measuring cups but I will go through my small mugs etc and see if I have one that size to make life easier.

5 things

I am thankful for:

1. My mum still doing well and taking care of herself although far from me;
2. My partner who is extremely supportive including with the weight loss issue;
3. My health, despite all the faults I have the health to enjoy life;
4. My friends, who always would call just to ask me how am I;
5. The Holiday Challenge which makes this mission fun and to Bikini who handles it in a perfect way. :hurray:
My list

1. The love and support of my husband
2. The love, support and longevity of my parents
3. My extended family and friends - near and far
4. The fact that our only health problems are those I accept and am able to cope with.
5. The security of knowing that I live in a warm, comfortable (although modest) home and that the bills get paid.
Steamed veggies?

This week bonus is very easy for me! I love it :) I just have a question - do the steamed vegetables count as well or only the fresh ones?

Ah and one more question, how we will count the tomatoes - as vegetables or fruits?

Here is an article on this matter:
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Question: What's wrong with lettuce? It's a veggie.

Potatos I can kinda see how they are a bad/starchy veggie but they are a veggie too . What's with the Veggie'ism *L*
I'm thankful for:
1. My Kids
2. My Dad being healthy and losing weight too
3. My business
4. My health and current weightloss
5. This forum and the people on it
at least 3 cups of veggies per day

:eek: 6 servings of vegetables a day! This is a good one for me, because I get most of my colors / fiber / vitamins from fruits.

All types lettuce and all kinds of potatoes don’t count

I can see kicking out iceberg lettuce and white potatoes, because they're pretty nutritionally empty compared to most veggies. But you could class corn / turnips / water chestnuts as not-veggies on the same theory. And romaine / leaf lettuces / mizuna are a lot closer to spinach than to iceberg. Sweet potatoes are nutritionally dense, too.

V-8 juice counts as a veggie? The V-8 Splash that's made half with carrot juice counts as half a veggie (per the packaging)? Mushrooms are veggies? Tomatoes are veggies? Pickles are veggies? If not pickles, are cucumbers? Dried beans (soybeans, dried lima beans) are veggies? If not, are fresh beans (edamame, fresh limas) veggies? For things that wilt significantly in cooking (like spinach and mushrooms), do you measure raw or cooked? (1 C cooked spinach = 7 C raw spinach, and cooked is better for you; 1C cooked mushrooms = 3C raw mushrooms.)

I'm not trying to be troublesome - I just want to be following the spirit of the challenge.

Make a written list of 5 things that you’re thankful for.

1. My family (even including in-laws, troublesome as they can sometimes be!)
2. My health (much improved from even 6 months ago)
3. Having a roof over my head, food on my table, clothes on my back
4. My support network (mostly online, including groups like this)
5. All the people who came before me, who through their efforts made my life possible. As the minister at my church says, "We drink from wells we did not dig."
I am thankful for:

1. God.
2. My mom, such a strong and caring woman. She's by best friend.
3. Our soldiers...past, present and future.
4. Being able to make a living from home.
5. The Internet & this forum(such great motivation here).
Ok not sure on the first bonus as 3 cups of veggies is going to be hard for me.. haha but will do my best.

The five things i am thankful for this year..

1. my loving and supportive husband coming home to us after being deployed to the war zone.
2. my son who's the light of my life and gives me the drive to get healthier.
3. my family who while they can be a pain in the a$$ are here to help me through as much as they can.
4. having a roof over mine family's head and food and clothing to wear
5. the support and friendships i have recieved from people here on this forum and online in general.
Question: What's wrong with lettuce? It's a veggie.

Potatos I can kinda see how they are a bad/starchy veggie but they are a veggie too . What's with the Veggie'ism *L*

Because too many people don't eat enough veggies. Iceberg lettuce has pretty much no nutritional value, and potatoes are just too starchy. I want people who don't normally eat a wide variety of veggies to spend a week eating them. You never know--you might find a few that you didn't know you like. Our tastebuds change every 8 years or so. I used to HATE peas when I was a kid. Now I love them.
Hi Kimberly

I think I know what you mean. So it is basically filling up my measuring jug to the 8 fluid ounce mark. I should be able to manage that.

We dont have these measuring cups but I will go through my small mugs etc and see if I have one that size to make life easier.


Yes, that's it. You don't have to measure exactly unless you have no idea how much a cup is. It's basically a regular-sized coffe cup--not a big one.
I just have a question - do the steamed vegetables count as well or only the fresh ones?

Ah and one more question, how we will count the tomatoes - as vegetables or fruits?

Steamed veggies most certainly count. They do not have to be fresh or raw. They can be frozen or canned or fresh.

Tomatoes count as a veggie.

I can see kicking out iceberg lettuce and white potatoes, because they're pretty nutritionally empty compared to most veggies. But you could class corn / turnips / water chestnuts as not-veggies on the same theory. And romaine / leaf lettuces / mizuna are a lot closer to spinach than to iceberg. Sweet potatoes are nutritionally dense, too.

I will let people count romaine lettuce, and other kinds of greens as long as it isn't iceberg. If you have a pre-packaged salad mix that includes iceberg along with other kinds of greens, you can count that mix--but just not pure iceberg.

Potatoes and sweet potatos (yams) are still out. They do have vitamins and minerals, but they are loaded with calories and have tons of carbs/starch. You can still eat them, they just don't count towards your 3 cups. I want people to who don't eat a variety of veggies (especially non-starchy ones) to eat more. We are all adults here. We can eat our veggies even if we don't like them much.

V-8 juice counts as a veggie? The V-8 Splash that's made half with carrot juice counts as half a veggie (per the packaging)? Mushrooms are veggies? Tomatoes are veggies? Pickles are veggies? If not pickles, are cucumbers? Dried beans (soybeans, dried lima beans) are veggies? If not, are fresh beans (edamame, fresh limas) veggies? For things that wilt significantly in cooking (like spinach and mushrooms), do you measure raw or cooked? (1 C cooked spinach = 7 C raw spinach, and cooked is better for you; 1C cooked mushrooms = 3C raw mushrooms.)

Vegetable juices don't count b/c they are loaded with sodium.

Measure your veggies before cooking them--otherwise you'll have have to eat about double to get your 3 cups. Things like mushrooms shrink considerably during cooking.

I struggled over legumes, but as they are great sources of fiber and nutrient dense, I say go ahead. Ideally, we'd eat a wide variety of veggies from different groups of veggies.

I'm not trying to be troublesome - I just want to be following the spirit of the challenge.

You're not troublesome at all. I did the same thing in the last challenge. These things need to be clarified. Ask away. :)