Weight-Loss Water - Let Thirst be Your Guide!



Does water make you sick??

I know this sounds bizzare, but sometimes when I drink water, particularly if i'm drinking alot of it, I get this awful feeling like i'm gonna be sick. Does that happen to anyone else or am I nuts??
i've never had that but maybe you are drinking bad water? Is it from the tap? Are you continually re-using an old water bottle?
Maybe your just drinking too much all at once with out giving your body time to absorb it. Water shouldn't be guzzled it should be sipped at all day, try carrying a sipper bottle with you.
It doesnt seem to matter what kind of water i drink...itsbeen happening for years. I think jennylee might be onto something when i do get the feeling i'm going to be sick, its often after I 've guzzled the water, I wonder if thats it. DOesn't seem to happen when I sip.
How much water are we talking about? and how quickly?

Hyponatremia typically occurs only after two or three liters within an hour (though, of course, based on the person that could vary widely).
usually, i'll force myself to stop and drink 'alot' of water at one time, b/c if i don't i ususally forget to drink it at all...last night when i happend, I drank a good 10 ounces at once.
I find if I drink a lot of water at one time it makes me sick as well .I have a bottle with me most of the time and sip on it all day. Have you thought about sucking on ice? Your intake isn’t as quick and it’s refreshing.
I too get a sick feeling if I drink too much water, or drink water when I don't want it. It helps to drink the water slowly or have tea instead.
wow thats really 'neat' i suppose that other people get sick from water too. I wonder why that is. Now I do feel like such a weird-O. Thanks for your tips everyone!
I often get that feeling when I "force myself to drink it". The only time I dont feel like that is after I work out. The best thing for me is to mix those new Crystal Light packets that are made for 20 ounce water bottles. I usually add half of the contents just for taste because I am trying to watch my sugar intake until I reach my goal and I will gradualy add a little more to my diet. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Water vs other beverages

Does it have to be pure WATER that is consumed in these quantities to get the same benefit or will other zero caloie beverages produce the same results?? :confused:
Hello :) ,
No,only water,cold water and as much as you can.I drink 2 liters(10 glasses) of water per day + herbal tea nad + green tea,coffee is a real treat for me :p ,I drink it once a week maybe.Do you have a problem with water? :)
Never been a water lover. I know it is not the best for me but I drink mainly diet sodas(caffiene free / sodium free). I remember hearing about a study a while back that determined that it did not matter what liquid you drank as long as it was calorie/sodium free. The main ingredient in diet sodas is water (carbonated).
I wish :( ...I even asked my doctor.He said that only pure cold water.Not tea,soda,diet soda and any other drinks can substitute water.I am dieting for almost 10 days now and first couple of days had to force myself to drink,especially in the morning.Several days later - It comes naturally,I guess,you can teach your body to love water.Why don't you give it a try and see for at least a week how it will go? :) Good luck to you :p .
After reading the first "Water" post I have started drinking a bottle on my way to the office in the morning & I drink 1 bottle while on the elliptical and then 1 after as well but have not been able to get any more in. Will see how it goes at that rate. Thanks for the info.
i used to HATE water and drank several diet cokes and coffees per day. now i know why i had headaches so often and now i dont. the sodas are not good despite being zero calories as they dehydrate you even more.

i started freezing my water, not totally frozen of course but just long enough to get a little slushy. cold water taste much better to me! i used to wonder why people wasted money on bottled water when tap water is free. but i did notice a better taste and now you dont see me anywhere without my bottle of water.
Some folks, even doctors, say that only water "counts," but when asked for scientific evidence that proves the distinction, those folks are not able to come up with any. Most especially, water from water-laden foods is especially unassailable: Such water unquestionably supports hydration, on an ounce-by-ounce basis with drinking water.

What we do know is that there are some things in some zero-calorie beverages that have effects that you may or may not want. By the same token, if the choice is between incurring those risks versus not drinking enough, the best approach would very likely to be to incur those risks. In other words, if you need Crystal Light or Diet Caffeine-Free Coke to support your hydration, and the alternative for you would be to be less hydrated, then surely use those tools.

Note that I specified that these alternative water sources must be decaffeinated. Again, going back to the scientific evidence, caffeine is a diuretic, and therefore does not support hydration on an ounce-by-ounce basis with drinking water. Rather, caffeinated beverages "count" significantly less than ounce-by-ounce (but more than half -- the precise amount depends on which research you wish to rely on).

In a perfect world, no one who is overweight would ever eat sugar, no one (at all) would ever eat a stitch of hydrogenated fats, etc., but we live in the real world and we have to do what's best given our own circumstances.
An add on question (sorry for intruding).

Does the water you drink while you are working out count? I mean you are generally sweating a bunch of it out, right? So does it count?

. . . and what about the fact that you are supposed to drink Gatorade and NOT water if you are exercising for more than 20 minutes. Does that not count?

Finally, how do we get any work done if we are in the bathroom all day?
[scratches head, considering IV and urine bag] :)
Such Ignorance

redjess said:
Never been a water lover. I know it is not the best for me but I drink mainly diet sodas(caffiene free / sodium free). I remember hearing about a study a while back that determined that it did not matter what liquid you drank as long as it was calorie/sodium free. The main ingredient in diet sodas is water (carbonated).

Think about it... Water is natural and available anywhere anytime and has been since the beginning of time. DIET SODA HAS NOT BEEN. It has only been in existence in the latter part of the 20th century. Go ahead then and keep drinking your 6 pack a day SACHARINE sodas and keep wondering why your health is deterioriating. Your body requires natural foods in function optimally.
Gatorade or water?

Which is better for losing weight?