Phoebe I like your idea of a team bonus. It's too late to do it for this challenge, but if I do a New Year's Challenge, I will definitely use it.
I cannot please everyone--that is for sure.
Margaret, I think it's possible to do the protein without counting calories or logging your food into fitday. I'm not sure about in England, but here in the U.S. all the food labels have to list the amount of protein. So for most foods, you can find out the protein just by checking the label. I'm sure if it's listed, it'll be in grams. Like when I figured out the tuna protein, 1 can is considered 2.5 servings, and there are 13g of protein per serving--so if one ate the whole can, it would be 33g of protein. No calorie counting involved. I eat a lot of chicken breast, and I know that 4oz of it has 20g of protein. I never measure it anymore, b/c I know what 4oz looks like. You can keep track of your protein by writing it down, and just use fitday for looking up protein amounts in foods that don't have labels. Just ignore the calories. FYI--1 cup of raisins has 4.67g of protein.
And some people's routines might not be broke and in need of fixing, but some people will find this bonus useful--I know I often don't get enough protein in my diet. You liked the veggie bonus b/c it didn't mess with your food. However, lots of other people hated it. I can't please everyone. There were bonuses on the last challenge that I didn't like--not weighing myself for a week was one of them--but I did it and I survived to tell the tale.
I am interested in ideas for future bonuses, so if you have some, please PM them to me.