Vic’s Weight Loss

Cate, it’s tropical. So temps are great all year. If they had a better hospital or healthcare I would consider moving back here.
Thanks, Llama. I love mangoes!!! Used to have a tree with these huge grafted mangoes. Long gone now.
Breakfast was bread and roast beef. A beef pate. Lunch was lasagna and a small piece of blood pudding. Had an icecream sandwich. Dinner was bbq chicken thigh and half a Johnny cake. I also had a rum and Diet Coke at the beach.
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Thanks, Llama.

Had one pancake and a coffee for breakfast. Some cashews.

Going to agricultural fair this morning. Prob have chicken and Johnny cake there. Instead had a saltfish pate, bite of saltfish fritter, and a gooseberry icecream and a vanilla soft serve icecream. So hot here!

Had a guava and pineapple juice. And 3 grandma cookies. Dinner was a chicken thigh and half a Johnny cake. Also had some conch salad and 2 tostones.
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Up early to go to Point Udall. Got a little raisin bun and coffee with milk. Also had a little piece of bread and half a cheese slice.

At Dorsch beach now.

Lunch will be soon. A beef pate. And half a stew goat plate I will share with my mom. That had Mac and cheese and white rice and beans. Ate a salad. Dinner was the goat and Mac and cheese leftover. Had a guava tart. And a small piece of Vienna cake.
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Thanks, Cate and Llama.

Yes, Cate I love the heat at times. Can stay in the sun all day! But at night I love the ac to sleep!

Time here is almost over. Have to go back to the cold. Ugh!!! Will def enjoy tomorrow!
Thanks, Cate and Llama.

Breakfast was a strawberry and cream pastry. And a coffee with evaporated milk and Splenda. Also had end piece of butter bread and a slice of salami.

Have a raisin bun for later. Ate the entire bun at noon. So I was unable to eat anything else for lunch. Dinner was kfc. Had a drumstick and a wing and some fries. It was spicy crispy. Unlike the kfcs in the states. The fries are also better, I think.

We leave tomorrow afternoon. Will def enjoy today. We stayed most of the day at the beach.
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Today I had a beef pate and a piece of bread with salami. Then a veggie double from roti masters. Then a beef pate. I also had a cranberry cocktail from AA.

On my last leg of my flight into Boston. So cold already. Have on two sweatshirts. Didn’t bring my winter jacket with me.

It’s going to be late night/ early morning by the time I reach home. Hopefully I can get some sleep. Should be really tired.

Had a cheeseburger and a little fries from McDonald’s after we landed.
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Thanks, Care and Llama.

I did get a restful sleep. Woke up early because of the time change from STX.

154.4 lbs!!!

Not too bad with all the carbs and calorie dense food I ate this past week.

Was craving veggies. Hardly got anything on vaca. Went to the grocery store when I got up. Breakfast was egg whites with mushrooms, onions, and grilled asparagus. Early lunch of airfryed butternut squash, steamed chicken breast tenders. Had a low cal strung cheese for snack midafternoon. Early dinner of chicken and asparagus. Had cottage cheese before bed.

My plan is to eat veggies and protein for every meal this week. And go for walks on my treadmill. And drink more water. Didn’t have any on vaca. Have my tumbler will fill it with ice and water.

Walked on treadmill for 30 min this morning. Did 30 min on treadmill on walking AF mid afternoon.

April 17 next beach vaca in PR.

Going to start strength training videos tomorrow.
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Veggies, protein & water all sound good, Vic. You'll drop those few pounds quickly again. You're good at this!
152.2 lbs

Up early but at a time I like. Walked for 30 min on treadmill watching AF.

Breakfast was egg whites with asparagus, mushrooms, onions and sautéed cabbage mix. Had a snack of string cheese. And butternut squash. Early lunch was steamed chicken tenders, asparagus, and cabbage. Snack of cottage cheese mid afternoon.

Afternoon I did a 30 min hip hop AF video. In the evening I did 36 min watching DOOL.

Late dinner of curry chicken breast soup. Late eating of cottage cheese.
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