
Todays workout:

Deadlift 10x245, realized we were doing romanians 2x10@245
Anterior Cable Lunge 2x20@15 each leg

Lat Pulldown 3x10@140
1 Arm Bent Over Cable Row 2x20@25

Glute Ham Raise 2x10@25
Mid Hang Pullup 2x30 sec

Cable Curls with Rope 2x10@50

I literally felt like I was gonna puke after the first round of leg work. I actually went to the bathroom and waited a few minutes hoping I would. I still completed the workout although I felt that way most of whole time.
Article of the Day ~

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. I really want to get a laptop and am considering the early morning shopping at Best Buy this Black Friday. Am I crazy?
Actually, that's not nessicarily such a bad move :p It's kinda cool if you do them right, you can get an awsome workout from it.
lol, thats a good article, I was once approached by the fitness instructor in my gym to avoid doing heavy squats eg; 90kg above and just stick to 30kgs so that it wouldnt hurt your spine . lmao. and how hillarious is that?:biggrinsanta:
So here is how it went down

Power Clean to Front Squat to Push Press
3@95 6x3@115 3x3@105

Im such a wuss when it comes to lifting overhead.

I then decided to something different so I did this superset
Supine Row
1x15, 1x11, 1x8
Pushup with hands elevated
1x15, 1x12, 1x10

Then I moved on to
Back Extension
Hanging Knee Raise
4x10@12lb med ball

Then to finish
Neutral Grip Pullup
I think so. I feel as though I am almost doing a split jerk without the split.