Yeah, but wouldn't you have a lot more if you did NOT have to pool? And keep what you earned, and not have to give half of your hard earned tips to the lazy bugger at the next table who can't be arsed to put a decent day's work in because they know they will get the money of the others anyway?
Whaaaat? No. That's crazy talk, lady. Crazy talk :rolls eyes:
The only way they would be paying out of their own pocked would be in the rare case that every table they served that day/night did not tip them. Otherwise they would just be sharing their tips just much like the 'pooling' method, although obviously distributed differently.
The point I was trying to make when I first posted:
Is that when you don't tip your server, not only do they not gain any tips from serving your table but their total amount of tips actually decreases as a result of serving your table.
Tips aren't part of a server's salary. A tip is a bonus - something that isn't guaranteed - something that is earned, not handed to you. So, if you don't tip a server, they aren't
losing anything. They just aren't
gaining a bonus.
I feel this discussion has gone very far off topic to the original question actually asked. I feel I've made my point clear that tipping is essential to the success of every restaurant and my views on appropriate tipping amounts, IE tipping on a server's performance is important as well as what I view to be a fair tipping %.
Tipping isn't essential to a restaurant's success. It's a small part of management that needs to be worked out. Every restaurant is different, as are its employees.
I've worked at restaurants where tipping isn't even allowed and those restaurants have been very successful. And, on top of that, the employees were kept very happy with fair wage and excellent treatment from management.
FYI - I agree that, unfortunately, tipping servers has become part of our society. Sadly, it is
expected that people tip their server. And, because of that, people - both servers and customers alike - have lost touch with the reality of what a tip is supposed to be. A tip is a bonus -
not a guarantee. But, tipping has become such the norm in this country that servers now
expect to be tipped, no matter what, as if they deserve it for no other reason than "I'm a server, I
deserve a tip" - even if they suck at their job and take no pride in what they do. What's even sadder is that customers buy into that mentality and throw handfuls of their own hard-earned cash onto a table and leave it for a jerk-off employee who didn't do anything to
earn it.
Meanwhile (and this is personal venting of mine), you have chefs in the back who are busting their asses for 18 hours a day, earning less than the servers do, but customers would scoff at the idea of tipping the men and women who dedicate their lives to mastering the art of the culinary science and take pride in serving complete strangers the best meals they've ever eaten.
I had one lady tell one of my servers once that she would never tip a chef because, and I quote, "I can cook for myself."
Really, bitch?!?! You can fill a glass with Pepsi yourself too, but that didn't stop you from handing your server a $20 bill now did it? Stupid customers, thinkin' they know everything about everything, mumble, mumble, mumble...