This is a touchy subject for some!


New member
Seems like alot of you go to church's of some kind. How do you know what religion is right? How do you know your god is the one? How do you believe in god? How do you believe in the bible? I just dont understand, funny thing is......... I'm baptized catholic, made my communion, and my Grandmother would die if she read this! LOL
I was raised Catholic and went to the a Catholic church and went to church until I moved out 2 years ago. I can't say that I am a strong catholic becaue I don't go anymore ... I just need somehting to believe in and something to hold onto & that is what God does for me. I say that I am a christian now, because to be catholic you have to practice it and I dont really belieeve in confessions to my priest, and having to go to church every week. I believe in prayer basically ... it's hard to know how to choose a religion, bt I think you just go with what you feel you believe and what you feel comfortable in.
I was baptized Catholic when I turned 8...I've always felt a strong connexion to the Church and God. I made my confirmation 3 years ago, but my faith has been on a wild roller coaster. I used to be a little pius nut when I was little...I don't know what happened. I guess I just got older and the devil started to mess with my mind (I have fear issues, as well as other things.)

Right now, I'm really helping my faith by being a Sponsor for someone (don't know who yet) in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) as well as being a religious ed teachers aid for 5th grade. It's really helping, because now I'm not only helping others, I'm helping myself grow stronger in my faith.

Going to confession is very hard for me, but whenever I do go, I feel so much's like my burden is literally taken from me. It's like being all grungy and then taking a shower. But it's still hard, because theres that part of you that doesn't WANT to be clean, that doesn't want to say that you messed up.

I, personally, don't know how to 'choose' a religion, since I was so young when I was baptised. I guess you just go to various churches and see what feels right...research different religions, maybe contact different pastors or leaders and talk to them.
I think what feels right to you is always different for everyone. I am a Christian..and that can be Catholic/ Baptist what have you...I guess if I had a label other than a Christian (which means i believe that Jesus was born through the virgin Mary and was the Son of God and died on the cross for our sins and that all we have to do is ask for his forgiveness and he will forgive us and we are saved) I go to a baptist church and have been going since i was little. I truly believe in my heart that there is only one Bible that came out of the desert and its the Christian Bible... I believe in what it says and in what God tells me in it...because I have seen His works in my life and in other peoples lives. I guess more than anything Christians need to SHOW Christ's love through their actions towards others...
I hope this helps!
Looks like there are lots of good responses here.

I was fortunate enough to have been raised in a christian family from birth. I THINK for the most part, nazarines, baptist, penticostal, non-demonantional, are pretty much the same in that they believe in God and that he (being Jesus, the 3 in 1 ) walked this earth and died for our sins. The difference I BELIEVE is the way they go about worship service, if its loud and dancing, or quiet and reserved, ect. Catholics, Jews ect, I dont' know much about.

what you need to do is read up about each religion and decide which few sound more like something you would enjoy, and then go to a few different services to see what you like. Even within the same religion, churches vary, so it might take some time, but the end result will definatly be worth it!!
Well, I know I am supposed to be catholic, but I've also looked into Jehovahs Witnesses, and let me tell you, that was a little too much for me. Now I don't trust either. They are both christian religions. And their bibles are almost exactly the same. But the Witnesses really go by the bible and the catholics realy DO NOT. So, I am still confused. The witnesses really dig into it, and really try to make an understanding of each and every scripture. So I was leaning more toward them, BUT on the other hand, they get tooo deep and it kills me, to see everything I would have to "give up" to become a Witness. I truely and honestly do not believe God is Jesus. I mean, how could you be your own son? And anyway, both the catholic bible and the witness bible prove this not to be so.
And thats just one reason why I am so confused.
I have never witnessed a miricle, therefore do not believe in them, so to me the bible is a frued. SO what am I to do?
I feel the love for God, the need for God, the want for God.... but I am stuck in a dark forest... Phil has no religion, and does not plan on having one. I never got Allyson baptized as anything, but would more than love to get her into some religion.
THANK YOU all for your responses. I know this could be a touchy subject, but it almost always comes up somehow......
Please be careful about the Jehovahs Witness groups... I am not saying this to hurt anyone out there...but according to what Ive been raised..they are considered more Cultish than anything. They have similar kind of beliefs but there are differences that keep them from being an actual Christian religion. They also have their own bible...not the actual King James Bible..they have their own version. Versions of anything are something you need to be careful. Honestly the best way for you to handle this is to pray. I mean sit down somewhere quiet and just tell the Lord that you are struggling and that you need him to guide you and keep you safe from making a mistake...ask Him to help you see the truth. Beware of false religions and false prophets... they are very convincing!
I will pray for you myself!
Good luck & God Bless
Thank you so much, I need prayer, and lots of it! ;)

I discovered that they are very cultish. I studied with them when I was like 14 I think, and I quit. Then I was studying for a year (2 years ago) and realized there is no way it was for me, maybe for others, just not me.

You'd actually be suprised at how close their bible is to ours, the only real difference is that everywhere the King James says Lord, theirs says Jehovah. Everything else is almost identical! Interesting fact isn't it? Thats what dragged me into them. And in the King James it says that the Lord's name is Jehovah, now that also dragged me in.

BUT they are way too deep for me.... I think that they decifer the scriptures into their own meanings and messages..... ya know? Like you cant celebrate birthdays and halloween and stuff like that. My favorite holiday in the hole wide world is Halloween, I'll prob get married on Halloween! LOL

ANYWAY, my dads side of the family have been Jehovahs Witnesses for 25 years now!
My moms side is all Catholic, but one family might be Lutheran....

Ohhhh.... I will just have to pray, and hope that God will see me to the end of things, and we will make a good decision. I wish Phil was more intrested in Religion, but he hates the thought of it. He does not believe that out of all the space thats out there, all the planets, and solar syste,s and other galaxy's, this is the only one with life.....

thats another thing, I find it hard to believe that god made us from dust and all that jazz....... The big bang theory is mor my cup of tea...... So what to believe?
Actually, Catholics ARE into the bible, but we're also into Traditions and stuff....both are very important in our religion. There are many, many Bible study groups and Catechism groups and stuff, as well as apologetics courses and many...MANY things.

I, personally, am open to the idea that there is life beyond earth...who is to say there isn't? In fact, it's rather intriguing...

I hope you find what's right for you, Christina :)(as well as anyone else searching)
Thanks Cort, I hope I did not affend anyone with this thread..... just my little brain thinking away, thats all....
I have been to Baptist churches and Assembly of God. In 1993 I was saved by the grace of God, made my public announcement was was baptized in the church....(which there is a funny story that goes with that...but next time)
What turned me off about Baptist church:....How they always talked bad about other people and religions.
What turned me off about AOG.....They speak in tounges. I never did. I had a higher up member tell me I did not believe in the Lord because I did not speak in tounges....Grant it..this could have been just individual church and person cases.....

Andreas is Catholic.....let me rephrase that...a non practicing Catholic. He was going to become a Jesuit at one time!!!!.....He wants our children to be raised Catholic and go to Catholic School. I really dont have a problem with that as long as they learn about God . I just dont feel like you need to tell a priest all your dirty deeds so he can tell God to forgive you....And it seems they are more into praying to the Virgin Mary than Jesus Christ Himself. ...And the King James Version Bible.....Ummmm.. Whose " version" is it?
I am a Christian. I believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God And that he walked this earth and died for us. I feel like the New Testament is about love and forgivness and how we treat each other. You will find that same priniple in Buddism, and all other sorts of religion.
I have questions of why and how?.....But it doesnt mean I dont believe. That is where faith comes in. I dont always agree with what the Bible says. They talked different back in the days..and things can get lost in translation....When it says God made the Earth in "days"...days could have meant "years"......or "centurys"....
you are 100 % right, they talked different and it could have ment different things than as we know it today.
Phil was reading up on Taoism, and Buddism... I guess he said it was some good stuff..
I still have a love for God weather or not he's real. I feel something inside me telling me there is a god.
As far as praying to Mary.... why? She can not forgive you of your sins, she can not do anything for you, she's dead. And same goes for all the saints. Why pray to them? They can't do squat for you either.
I believe in praying to God through Jesus. Jesus was the one sent down by god his Heavenly Father to teach us right from wrong. This is why Jesus is know as the "GREAT TEACHER".
This is why I do not side with Catholics, I think they prey to saints and mary and stuff, and have "idols" such as statues, and roseries... when in the bible it tells you that idolizing is wrong.....
And I TOTALLY will never in a million years ever confess to some dude behind a wall, (priests)... who are they? what makes them so spaecial? What gives them the power to communicate with god? And if they do have this ability, then why don't the priests know when something bad is going to happen? And why are alot of preists such pervs?
and as far as Catholic schools goes, I would not send my children there. Where I come from, all the "Bad Girls" are from Catholic school.. But this is only my personal opinion.

I will have to continue my search for a religion that suits me....
wish me luck in my long, never ending journey!
Christina...let me explain a little about how God and Jesus are the same. If you see an egg, you recognize it as an egg, one item. But there are 3 parts to the egg, the shell, the yolk and the white. You don't see an egg as 3 things though, you see them as being one, an egg. Same thing with God, Jesus and the Holy spirit being one.

To be honest, I don't completly understand everything in the bible myself. Theres more I dont' know that I do. I just trust that I will understand in time, and even if I children, we didn't understand alot of what our parents said, but we trust them.
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Hey Christina-
I've heard that all the "bad" girls went to catholic school...( look at Madonna)......but how many of them girls had KCCRUZ as their momma?
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i personally have had a hard time being totally involved w/ a specific church for a while. I dont care for some of the old fashioned Fire & Brimstone way of thinking..but im not into the way out there Speaking in tongues waving arms around... I guess Im still trying to find a church "family" and personally i know im saved ( thank you Lord!) and I just try to bring my children up right. I know what you mean hubby isnt much into religion in general...thinks everyones a hypocrit yadayada...but ya meet hypocrites everywhere... so why not in personally i think thats a copout for not wanting to get his butt off the recliner on a sunday morning :-D
Hey New B..I like your example of the Holy Spirit..that is great... I need to use that w/ my son. He goes to a private Christian School and thats always a tough one to explain..
yea, my hubby says the same things about hypocrits! I tell him, when you go to heaven, you can't use that as an excuse! Its his choice I suppose, but I jump all over him if I think he is saying something inappropriate to my daughter. Once she sang a bible song to him and he said "yea, i was taught that in brain washing school too" Yea, I was more than a little upset !
But how can you be your own Father and send yourelf down to eath to teach? How can you send yourself into a virgin woman and still be in the heavens looking down, watching yourelf? I just don't get it. I think that God is a defferent guy than Jesus, and the holy spirit is after Jesus dies... 3 different things.... Not one. no trinity...

OKAY...... I want to end this thread.... I dont want to get too into this. I like ALL OF YOU and I dont want religion to confuse me any more than I already am....

LOL Why did I start this thing? I love ALL of your responses. You guys are great.
The Egg example IS a good one, just not what I was looking for.
Still luv you all!
<hugs> :p
ok girl, i respect your decision! love u2!

ps...if you do decide to further your quest, there is a nice forum, called '' it has every kind of religion there is in that site including a section for non believers
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oooh! thanks hun!

funny, look what grandma sent me today!!

Okay, I picked seven people whom I thought would DO this. You are all people who do little things every day to help others.

Please send this back to me (You'll see why).

In case anyone is interested, Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways. Meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is also the patron Saint of flower growers and florists. She is represented by roses. May everyone be blessed who receives this message. St. Theresa's Prayer cannot be deleted. REMEMBER to make a wish before you read the poem. That's all you have to do. There is nothing attached. Just send this to seven people and let me know what happens on the fourth day.
Sorry you have to forward the message, but try not to break this, please. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost, but a lot of reward.
Suggestion: copy and paste rather than forward to protect email addresses and access to e-virus. (Did you make a wish?) If you don't make a wish, it won't come true. Last chance to make a wish.

St. Theresa's Prayer: May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let His presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of you.
Now, send this to 7 people within the next 5 minutes and your wish will come true. And remember to send this back...I count as'll see why
i dont go to church. im not even baptized and neither are my kids :eek:
i had a weird upbringing and dont have a faith although i do believe in God.
i guess i better figure this stuff out soon!

ok well the family i was raised in as a child was jewish and i had to go hebrew school etc. so i was raised to believe in God but not jesus. im sure that wont make any sense to any of you but the whole 3 in 1 thing makes no sense to me either. but i forgot a lot of what i learned about judaism so i dont consider myself jewish or anything.

so maybe christina you could be jewish since they dont believe in jesus?
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